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Everything posted by Sarven

  1. "Truely, Aauninspiring." A Herrenmeister commented.
  2. A certain Minitzer and Inquisitor who has friends of many in the fair realm of Numendil furrowed his brow as he read the missive "A thorough purge of the unclean ought remedy the heresy that befalls them." Yvian concludes then...
  3. "Hah, maybe Ich can get mien ritter's und squires to aid this lady und her pleas" the Minitizan knight commander chuckled, glancing to his fellow brothers in arms with an amused expression. @Gandhi@PeterPumpkinEater
  4. CRP Default I feel would be better if there was a more ramped up system for roll-based combat instead of just pure pray for rng. This, as an option aside from just honour CRP which tends to bog down in "uhrm aktually, my five morbillion layyerz of armour stop ur sword!!111" Having spells and magical items have actual in-game spells, like a fire gauntlet actually firing fireballs'n stuff would be amazing and really pushes for spells and magic to be just that much more immersive outside of just purely text flavour.
  5. ERNENNUNG DES DRITTEN RITTER-KASTELLANS Appointment of the Third Ritter-Castellan Issued by the Order of Saint Tylos in the year of our Lord 1928 I.T. SÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON MINITZ, With the new realms laid before us, once more it is time for the Ritters of the Order of Saint Tylos to keep hold of its vigil over the fair people of Minitz. Many new ritters have come to distinguish themselves amongst the halls of the ever changing order. One such ritter is Sir Peter Stroheim ( @PeterPumpkinEater ), who has time and time again proven himself a reliable and dutiful servant of GOTT and the fatherland. Therefore, it is with great pleasure and honour that I with permission and word from his Grace, Herzog Brandt, proclaim thee a Ritter-Kastellan of the order. Thus, it is by the Decree of the Herzog that: PETER RITTER STROHEIM BE ELEVATED AS A RITTER-KASTELLAN OF MINITZ, TO TAKE HOLD OF TOWER LANGHOF AND ITS SURROUNDING LAND, TO AIDE IN THE COMMANDING AND EXPANSION OF THE CHIVALRIC ORDER OF SAINT TYLOS THE STALLION OF REINMAR. WER RASTET, DER ROSTET, His Excellency, Yvian Ritter Galken HMSTSR Herrenmeister of the Order of Saint Tylos, The Stallion of Reinmar, Kastellan of the Draussen, Hochgeehrte of Minitz His Grace, Brandt Wilheim Barclay Herzog von Minitz GMSTSR, Knight of the Black Sepulchre, Duke of Minitz, Margrave of Vanderfell, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald and Brandthof, Lord of Durres, Harvest Lord, Protector of the Aaunic Heartlands, Chief of the Minitzian Reinmaren, LORD VANDALORE
  6. "Long live Reinmar!" the young Gottfried Barclay cheered.
  7. god bless figura
  8. A tear was shed and many a prayer spoken yet even then the sorrow had not left him as Yvian bowed his head at the altar. "A good man he was, one of the last vestiges of the times long past, GOTT Mit Uns Valens... Ich will see du in the seven skies."
  9. Yvian gave a most staunch approval "Oo! Jawol! Ist gut to see more ritters to uphold the righteous word of GOTT! Our orders ought go on crusade und train with one another some time!"
  10. "Our Ritters shall lead onwards a glorious advance! Heja!" bellowed the Herrenmeister as he saddled his steed and readied his battle brothers.
  11. Remove both ez Wanna approve or disapprove? Comment, add smth to the convo
  12. Lack of communication with moderation team has been a reoccurring issue. Inconsistencies with responses from moderation or from Itdontmatta being either almost instantaneous or ghosted for weeks on end and then having to swap between moderators to actually get a response, and even then never actually getting one. Hopefully this is better addressed in the future.
  13. "Most amusing." Yvian chortled, "We stand united against the heretic und heathen once more, GOTT bless."
  14. "Kameraden! Ready your swords! We march with our fellow man to slay the enemies of GOTT!" Yvian cried to his knight brethren, for it was time for a most righteous crusade.
  15. Hyped for the darkest dungeon update...
  16. IGN: Sarven323 DISCORD: Sarven#9722 CATEGORY OF CHOICE: Visual Art + Skinning TITLE OF YOUR PIECE: Last Vestiges of Imperium (cant upload the Figura files here, so, just shoot over disc)
  17. "Another head to adorn our pikes?" The ritter turned to his brother in arms with a smirk. @Gandhi
  18. boomer knights reminiscing in a corner while everyone else goes insane from listening for hours.
  19. "Brothers, kameraden! Ready yourselves, we stand as the last bulwark with the rest of the world!" The Minitzer bellowed, rallying his fellow brothers in arms as they brandished their hallowed Cross' of Tylos.
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