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Everything posted by Sarven

  1. Sir Yvian looked on from the seven skies, the former Herrenmeisters face that of mourning as his fallen battle brother joined him, repeating the oath he had swore all those years ago, he drew his Cross for his brother. "Until the light is gone, Until the water is gone, Until my life is gone..." As venerable Leon had done for him, so did Yvian do for Leutwin, he'd speak then with a soft sense of pride as he'd raise the a second Cross for his comrade and hand it to him. "...Wielding my sword in valour until my breath is gone." As Gottfried heard the news, a few simple words would be uttered "Total, Veletzer, Death"
  2. Gottfried smiled the suns smile "This time I will bring wings.."
  3. Sir Yvian looked on from the seven skies, the Minitzer though at odds, extending a simple handshake to the fallen adversary, nothing more, nothing less.
  4. I guess I flew pretty good

  5. Battered, crippled and armless, Gottfried, the Duke of Kanunsberg lay on the battlements, his vision failing him. Awaking in the bed of a hospital, family at his side he'd comment; "I guess I flew pretty good..." @Gandhi@BuilderBagel@MadOne https://imgur.com/a/AzZUPlb
  6. "And so did I fly...." Gottfried spoke roughly and raspily, a bloodied stump of a right arm greeting him as he lay in the hospital bed and his legs battered.
  7. Gottfried hummed the tune once more, the Brothers of Tylos, ride once again.
  8. "A battle well fought.." Gottfried looked upon his steed with an almost nostalgic expression, though the beast having long departed he would give it a proper send off.
  9. "Wer Rastet, Der Rostet!" "Kameraden! Victory has been brought to us this day! We did not Rust after our loss! We did not rest on our Laurels!" "Ave Victoria! GOTT is with Us!" Gottfried cheered with his Reinmaren brothers, the battle standard of green and blue flowing in the wind
  10. "Heja Heja, heja heja, and their cross' were flashing!" Gottfried sang the marches of Tylos as he ran his war lance through another Veletzian.
  11. "Time sure does fly" Gottfried scratched his head, before spontaneously bursting into cheer. "Well, congratulations cousin!"
  12. Gottfried squinted at the missive, an amused expression sprawling upon his face. "How many times can a bull tread 'pon his own hoof and cry out in woe against the world, for actions of his own volition."
  13. Sarven


    Farewell, old friend I wish you the best.
  14. A rather large, phat and plump merchant strolls into the guild, carrying a rather ridiculous stack of papers. Upon plopping them down he'd give but a few words to the clerk "Some adventurers please..." "Good Ones..."
  15. "Your son will be a great leader brother, he will do us all proud..." Gottfried smile softly to himself, then taking another swig from his bottle of wine.
  16. "I will make sure Leon does not find himself stranded in his new duties...You ought..." Gottfried spoke almost as if it was a matter of fact, though his steely veneer faltering as sorrow took hold of him. "Brother... may you rest well in the seven skies..." He spoke softly as he looked on at his now lifeless younger brother, teary-eyed.
  17. Godbless Aesopian The possibilities of convenience are endless with this.
  18. "Congratulations cousin! May you find happiness till the end of your days and may fortune favour thee!" Gottfried toasted, then taking a swig and taking a mighty bite out of a drumstick.
  19. "A new era is upon us, Wer Rastet, Der Rostet." Gottfried signed the cross with a smile upon his lips, proud of his cousin and of his kin.
  20. "What? The Ritters' families could always live in the towers." A distraught Yvian squinted from the seven skies.
  21. "Mein GOTT! I must ride with haste!" Gottfried spoke as he quickly packed his handy longsword sword into his suit case and sped off.
  22. "Battle after battle we fight on! The sons und daughters of Minitz shall not be found wanting!" Gottfried bellowed out of excitement, before glancing back to the various instruments and weapons interspersed about his room, perhaps another song..
  23. As Gottfried surged forth he hacked away at the enemies, forever grateful for the noble 'Gateman's' sacrifice. "May he be sanctified for his great deeds."
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