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Status Updates posted by Borin

  1. the goth and druid populations will be rightfully culled

    1. creamynoteblock


      they posted a similar status update 2000 years ago in rome

    2. UnBaed


      the visigoths got it coming to them, we've just done some more military reformations - our empire remains strong

  2. Y everyone cant just shut up and not make provocative comments on religious easter posting or other stuff then go pikachu face when people do it to you idk 


    It goes both ways

  3. waa waa waa waa waa

  4. free 60th

  5. oopsie doopsie

  6. please make a new daleka shop somewhere cheers.

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      I'll give it some thought with Daleka <exclusive> Onlyfans magazines

  7. happy birthday everyone!!

  8. Woo! More drama posts to read, thank you! Ty Hyspia, ty spook victims

  9. Be sure to keep an eye on your newborns at all times. Do not leave them unattended.

  10. I will fly again

    1. Myochii


      pouring one out for you tonight

  11. Ur mum is fat af

    1. rukio


      Yo momma is so fat when she got on the scale it said, "I need your weight not your phone number."

  12. when will applications be made more difficult/like, actually REQUIRING people to understand shit and know what theyre getting into. Its one thing to advertise lotc more widely but you still need to make sure those people who apply will actually you know, do good

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Onnensr


      ban minors?

    3. UnusualBrit


      @Mark2282unfortunately I never had the chance to participate in empire wars rp server. My mc rp ‘experience’ was shitty high school rps on creative servers lmao.

    4. Borin


      It was mildly an RP server. very barely, but it (blackflames) was fun. Was just too young to play it like, past midnight etc like I can do now, wish I was older so I could've played it more.


  14. Raise application age to 16 no exceptions ban the liars til theyre 16

    1. _Sheylo_
    2. Lhindir_


      Ban the liars till they are 17

    3. Borin
  15. See this is good. Very good. Well done staff!


    every1 can build and vibe, do their own thing. Good mix of rp and actual minecraft, this is how temp maps, dare I say, even to a point how lotc itself should be!

  16. Like even if the map was paid for and whatever, that doesnt mean its not a shitty map. If ppl r gonna be forced to piss abt for a week let them do fun shit, not sit abt in some cave. Vanilla map. Vanilla FUN.

    1. Gemini


      I wouldn’t say the map itself is shitty— it’s a pretty cool map for temp one. The only thing is that it lacks interactivity, there’s nothing to do. 

      I understand ST wasn’t expecting us to be there for almost 2 weeks I get that but then make small little things, we can’t even read books there 

    2. Borin


      Yuh thats wot I mean man, like, it might look nice but its really really shitty if you cant actually do what you're meant to be able to do in minecraft, let alone on an rp server

    3. ClassyDryad


      There is apparently going to be a weird smp island thing part way through or something

  17. You don't want to know what Quentin Brae did to the natives when he discovered Braevos

  18. Very uninspiring map name 

    In no way does it tickle my pickle

    1. subatomic


      dude bro dawg what

    2. ᚽᛁ ᚢᚽᚭ ᛌᛁᛁᛌ

      ᚽᛁ ᚢᚽᚭ ᛌᛁᛁᛌ

      Just spread mass propaganda that it is named something else


      Who says that an OOC announcement has to define what people believe IRP? Don’t like the name? Then name the place smtn different 

      Edited by ᚽᛁ ᚢᚽᚭ ᛌᛁᛁᛌ
    3. Shorsand
  19. when is papa jentos coming home

    he went to get milk and cigs and never came back :(

    1. satinkira





      it's already over, mr borin. we won



    2. Borin


      ooh wonderful

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