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About Sillians

  • Birthday June 3

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    Pointy Eared Shampoo Enjoyer

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  1. People who know me, already know the answer is Trash Panda.
  2. A black and brown barn owl delivers the missive to a certain silver-eyed 'ker. The 'ker in question read the missive with some amusement until a mension of Khel cropped up, his light cynical smirk fading as he raised a brow before uttering in a slow, somber tone. "This Oughta be interesting..." The letter then being folded and put into his pocket as he as he picked up a quill and paper and wrote another.
  3. And red pilled my friend! Edit reason: ugga boogaa autocorrect
  4. Enaer'dyr Oussana gave a single chuckle, having evidently caught his comrades comment. "Disappointed are we Llir? Don't worry it would have been too acidic anyway." The reply came with amusement with a sly smirk to his lips as his cold silver eyes pierced his veil to look at the path infront of them, marching along side his fellow soldiers, quite contently.
  5. Honestly love the idea... Even though my character would never... Sussy heathenistic voidal magic... +1
  6. A certain Oussana smiles upon reading the missive, giving a single approving nod.
  7. A certain 'Ker of a renowened heritage smiles upon reading the missive behind the frigid walls that shield him from the snow outside, his cold gaze set on each word, each meaning as he smirks pridefully. "Words i can actually endorse... I wonder what my great grandfather would think of this..." The 'Ker mused for a long moment, respectfully setting the missive asside looking to the Nor'Asathian symbol with a certain caring and deeply respectfull look. "Lye yallr ohn Mali, u'eth ohn valah" The 'Ker concluded closing the topic of his mind, deeming it more than handled by capable leadership.
  8. Not only are these two cities a confluence of amazing architecture and over all satisfying design, the verticallity, the damned details on each road is so damn nice. The video is a masterful respresentation of that same confluence, the comparisson of above and below ground cities emphasizes so well the cultural difference culminating the conjoined tunnels that ease into each settlement without abruptly changing theme. Plus... I'm in the video +1!
  9. The cold-eyed Fennic 'Ker gives an imperious smirk at the reading of the notice, regarding the merge of his cultures in a mighty confluence of states. A Feeling of pride, overwhelmingly present in his expression without uttering a single of word.
  10. Name: Enaer'dyr Race: Moriquessir/Mali'ker Age: Old enought! (16) Gender: M [[OOC]] Username: Sillians Discord: Sillians#8793 Timezone: Lisbon/London - GMT/UTC
  11. Faint lavender eyes scan the notice with a small smirk to the owner's countenance. "Smol Bear is kinda based..." A soft, lighthearted comment of pure amusement as he made note to travel there soon-ish.
  12. A set of confused faded-purple eyes look towards the notice in the tavern with peaked intrigue, the viewer muttering an amused: "Say Snow is superior than Mud and offend a whole nation... Is this what the adults call being based?" The Grape reminisces in amusement, before wondering off to do his own thing in peace.
  13. A Pre-Teen, 12 Winters in age, emerges from the safety of the clinic, placing a hand atop his eyes to shade them from the dim, yet annoying daylight, looking around in a perplexed fashion at the carnage of the bloody aftermath, his faded purple eyes scanning each wall, each battle-scarred building and body before muttering a single oddly arrogant. "Uh-oh..." Being to baffled to think properly, his usual over the top arrogance would be momentarily stiffled by the brutal visage of the city, dust and bodies and snow, darted all across the proud Fennic streets.
  14. A certain Silver Eyed Elf, emerged from his tent at night, amidst the woods, looking down in confusion to the black frog that croaked before him, muttering lightly a single simple name. "Clem?" He proceded to pick up the old age friend with a caring smile and placing her atop his head, letting her ruffle lightly on his hair, like it did so many other times, before reading the missive sent to him... "..." A few long quiet moments passed as his heart sank to his stomach upon reading the back part of the letter... "Mel... The things i want to say... Aren't nice... But... Nor are they hateful..." A short quiet moment as a sigh escaped his mouth, his eyes tearless unlike years of yore... "Ayla luck, Blue Salvia... If only circumstances were different... I'd be departing with nae..." The Elf started to fold the letter, frowning lightly but relenting to let go of the crushing feeling, placing a gentle hand atop Clem's head to pat it with a tender touch, before inevitably seeing her leave... "Van'ayla llir, nae always were ayla at tracking me down..." The Elf let out in a melancholic tone in regard to the frog, reminiscing of old memories and times, making him give a soft smirk as she hopped away, leaving him on the dark night, to his own choices and life. "Van'ayla... Dearest Blue Salvia... I did love nae..." A closing comment as he returned back to his tent.
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