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Everything posted by ReveredOwl

  1. 3.5k mina if you could possible make my friar some new robes based off this picture and perhaps age him a little more so that he appears decrepit/wrinkled if able. Thanks https://namemc.com/skin/caf0414d9434c017
  2. Same with magic tbh. The powergaming argument is incredibly stupid. If people powergame you report them like you do normally.
  3. I mean you already know our opinion of it, this will just be another ‘your view’ thread that ultimately won’t do anything
  4. Wont you just make another admin chat to discuss things you dont want us to see?
  5. Why even bother with these ‘your view’ topics they never change anything. Want an example? You guys posted one about rescue raids and yet you are still to ever implement them...
  6. "Must have been the Carringtons!" Exclaimed a paranoid Boniface as he heard the news.
  7. if you know something pray tell!
  8. Telanir once again driving away his only desire, when is he going to reaogn
  9. When are dead charters and nations finally going to be removed???
  10. Not at all, these people deserve no respect whatsoever.
  11. Don’t know why being nice to this type of person would even cross your mind.
  12. Don’t you mean, booted out by a reluctant administration forced to do so by the community?
  13. awaiting a rep farm

  14. Once again progress halted by our supreme tythus and overlord telanir
  15. Are you removing the creator and iblees from lore? @GodEmperorFlam I would ask on your thread, only its locked!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ReveredOwl
    3. AlphaMoist


      @ReveredOwl Iblees is not being retconned or removed from lore in any way. He is dying and a new deity is replacing him, just as is happening with a few other aengudaemons. 

    4. ReveredOwl


      What of the creator?

  16. posting stuff from beyond the grave such as ‘letters found’ is incredibly dumb

    1. drfate786


      How would it be passed around? 

  17. Except these items were paramount to the event line...
  18. How come only the druids got the 3 items?
  19. Almost every event I have seen this map has only catered to mages. When will the ET finally do events for the common man? One that doesn't involve magic.
  20. From the community meeting, there wasn’t any devs around to do it and ‘head admin’ wasn’t there to make the call. Essentially they left it too late meaning if we revert now people will lose a lot of progress. Though still, why haven’t the admins done anything to make it clear to new players whats going on, I can almost guarantee you that every new player who has joined whilst we’ve been on 1.14 has left and won’t be coming back due to this.
  21. holding community meetings at 4am gmt is dumb, better to have the majority of the community able to attend rather than a portion of it.
  22. can u meta in private discords and no longer get punished, thats what it looks like @iMattyz

    1. Harri


      i think it’s more that he has ptsd back to the day he got banned for complaining about the admins in the welf discord

  23. “Sad, in a bid for relevance you copy the Lorraine soldiers, even copying the exact same format and words. Can’t you people come up with anything original?” asked Boniface.
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