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Everything posted by Orlanth

  1. At least physically. Still empty, was a rough time for my 3 spruce boats especially. Drained. I stood up multiple times through out the wait to empty it. Probably study for finals. No. We've seen Llir botch all of the things we predicted before and as we know staff don't learn from their mistakes on LOTC. We didn't predict 1.8 because we've never seen a 1.9 WC to predict 1.9 wouldn't work. We'll catch it next time. This isn't a question.
  2. Just spent a solid 3 hours of my sunday rallying people and getting them to stay for a war claim that never happened. Incredibly likely I'll have to do the same thing next weekend. Ask Me Anything.
  3. Yandere Dev Vibes

  4. Smol'Ruk grabs his sword and shrieks at the top of his lungs as he runs through out Krugmar spreading the word. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH WAAAAAAAAAAAAGH WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!"
  5. Loud goblin screaming could be heard from within Krugmar as Smol'Ruk jams out to the new Ferrymen album.
  6. ok guys but for real. Nexus port? @Lliryeah? Nexus port?
  7. "Aye I've heard the same. Given the ration of mina that we've taken to Almaris, probably similar amounts in value."
  8. Donovan Freysson II reads over the document, preparing to lead the people of Norland into battle. "Let us make our Paragons and Ancestors proud. Iron from Ice!"
  9. Donovan Freysson relaxes as things finally start to fall in place. "Seems similar to something that happened not too long ago... Norland doesn't bend the knee as easily as others though."
  10. Based and red pilled

    1. MunaZaldrizoti


      'red faith' pilled, you mean

  11. Smol'Ruk practices his grappling technique against ologs until his body turns black from bruises.
  12. Donovan begins to scribes a private letter to the Chieftain of Clan Kvitravn.
  13. Donovan grumbles some choice words about Halvar before sighing and shaking his head. "Cowardly though Halvar was to not heed my request for a moot he has acknowledged his weakness and abdicated and that I will respect."
  14. Donovan Freysson would shake his head at Halvar's missive. "Coward! If you were a real King of Norland you would have left it to a moot of Rurics as I called for!"
  15. A Call for a Kingsmoot Issued 19 SA, 5th of Ambercold Today, I, Donovan II Freysson, am issuing a public request for the Kingdom of Norland to call for a Kingsmoot for the potential replacement of Halvar Edvardsson. In the time honored tradition of our people, a moot of Rurics ought to be called for the replacement of a King for the betterment of the Kingdom. Whilst I believe that Halvar was an incredibly good King in his younger years, guiding our people through the Sutica war and Inferi war, in his older age he has grown soft and complacent. Our people have been slighted continuously since our settlement on the continent of Nyrheim. The only slight which has been justly answered was the wergild of Krugmar. Since that incident, there have been slights from The Druid Grove, The Realm of Elvenesse, The Kingdom of Oren, and most recently the oath breaking high elves of Haelunor, whom whilst under the Iron accord chose to enact crimes in the Kingdom of Norland. Thus, in light of the recent actions, or rather inactions, of Halvar Edvardsson I no longer believe that he in his old age is fit to hold the throne to the Kingdom of Norland. Should this moot be accepted and Halvar re-elected I shall not issue any further challenging to his leadership. Additionally, I believe it to be unfair to issue this challenge without myself being willing to take up the burden of Kingship. I hereby nominate myself as the first candidate for this moot, although I encourage other Rurics who believe they may lead our nation well to do the same. Donovan Freysson, Former Marshal of the Kingdom of Norland
  16. if this is true, would you possibly say that you do a medium, or even slightly above average amount of trolling?
  17. Smol'Ruk wanders around the new city of krugmar, admiring the architecture. "Mi grukks mi have peeped zimilar goi to diz in pazt. Ztill! Twiggiez nub gettin in here!"
  18. Day 29, and Day 11...

  19. Smol'ruk grins a large yellow toothed smile. "Hozh, mi grukk diz iz ok zirkumztanzez tu have pinkkie bruddas."
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