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Everything posted by Orlanth

  1. I am now nickrocky213’s first youtube subscriber.
  2. Another more recent thought I’ve developed on the matter of banditry is that the real reason it is so frowned upon is because people don’t like to lose. There are good legitimate reasons for banditry in RP, whether it’s someone’s chosen way to amass wealth, or banditing a specific nation because of an old unsettled grudge. The problem I have with a lot of LOTC in general is that most / many people only care about the progression of their character and view anything that causes the character loss in any way negatively OOC. What people fail to realize is that LOTC is a game and in true traditional fashion, games have winners and losers. People that are getting butthurt just because their characters lost some items to a bandit or even died are being unreasonable. TLDR: People complaining about getting bandited are just butthurt and need to acknowledge that losing is a part of games.
  3. Donovan Freysson thinks back to the krag where his name sake engaged in battles against the very people Norland was now allying. After a moment, he smiles at how far both parties have come.
  4. This is true. Players exist that are genuinely good at bandit RP. I’ve been on the receiving end of these players and lost but at the end of the day it’s just a game and conflict is a fun part of it that progresses the stories of players and nations.
  5. Honestly, not all the new rules are even that terrible. The main one that I find to be problematic is that banditing a road on a tile puts that entire tile on raid cool down rather than just the city.
  7. PLAYER NAME : Orlanth CURRENT POSITION : B SUGGESTED POSITION : A REASON FOR CHANGE : Please my parents are asian I need the good grade or else I’m going to be forced to butterfly click until I can hold a constant 13+ cps for a full 5 minutes at a time oh please dear god. Also, looking forward to being top of 1.9 tier list jajajajajajaj.
  8. This exactly^. The precedent is set that different cultures are enough to differentiate so why are snow elves being removed when they fall under that precedent. Let it be clear I am not asking for consistency and the removal of the human races because we all know that would start a riot even bigger than this one. I am asking why snow elves, after recently picking up into activity and gaining a consistent player base again becoming to the exception to this rule. Why are the ST shelving races people play instead of shelving wonks?
  9. This literally proved his point. You can select Highlander Heartlander or Far folk as separate races when selecting a character. Why wouldn’t you be able to do the same with snow elves if they’re on the same level.
  10. Donovan II Freysson smiles at the document. ”And so the path of greatness continues...”
  11. lulwut You say we need to communicate better but your first response to criticism is this:
  12. If I remember correctly the person with the hammer didn’t willingly walk into the event. He was randomly ambushed by STs and had the hammer forcefully taken from him.
  13. Go give rule 5.12 a read. Or rather, I’ll just bring it to you. §5.12 Soulbound items may not be taken from your character
  14. You seem cool. We should hang out some time 😉
  15. Orlanth


    Double or nothing.
  16. A non specific member of the hangmen tips his green fedora before promptly rolling his copy of the document into a joint and smoking it.
  17. Literally every character belonging to this sky god signs the petition
  18. No my opinion is that we don’t need guns.
  19. No my opinion is that we don’t need guns.
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