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Everything posted by Javert

  1. "NOOOOO!" roared out the Viceroy of Hyspia upon reading the missive, probably waking up his entire family in the keep and anyone staying inside it @PixlHoopa @JoshBright @AnimeWolf0080
  2. Ludwig von Audrick gives his Son a thumbs up from the Seven Skies!
  3. give me a central american style desert so I can live out my Hyspian days in peace
  4. Dominic Kvitravn laughs at the missive, knowing full well that the Crown probably had no intention of pursuing the Adunians any further than the Norlandic border. "We do not want them, I assume King Odin will have no problem with leaving them alone so long as they don't attack us first"
  5. Dominic Kvitravn smiled as he read the missive, his arms still relatively sore from the battle. "The Oathbreaker has failed, and he shall continue to do so."
  6. Dominic Kvitravn grins as he sharpens his blade "Let us slay some oathbreakers."
  7. Insert dogshit controversial opinion

  8. >Mandatory dogshit CT opinion nobody agrees with
  9. Hey guys what's your favorite type of pizza

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter

      spicy pepperoni with jalapenos

    3. Xalid



    4. saint swag

      saint swag

      peponi bell pepper sausage from dominos

  10. Viceroy Cesar of Hyspia makes sure to send his sister a letter of congratulations, and makes plans to send over gifts from his home in Niseep
  11. Bring back players making IRP songs as war propaganda. Oren Aut Mortem was a good one


    1. _Sheylo_
    2. Asutto


      don't get your hopes up

    3. Lomiei


      whos gettin fucked this time?

  13. A Sweet Relief A self-portrait of Ludwig von Audrick circa 83 S.A. The Evening was cool, the winds of the surrounding mountains sweeping into the valley and leaving a soft chill upon the residents of Louisville. Ludwig sat on a bench a short walk from his cottage, puffing on his favorite Cigar and watch the Sun reach the lower half of the horizon near the mountaintop. His body was present, but his thoughts were elsewhere. They were in Haverlock, as the Imperial artillery tore into the town he had helped govern as Vice Chancellor of Sedan. They were in Yong Ping, where Ludwig had met the love of his life that he would raise his beloved family. They were in Karosgrad, where he and his eldest argued hotly over matters that looking back upon were not worth the verbal fighting. Ludwig's mind snapped back to the present as he heard the dragged footsteps of a person coming from his left. She spoke to him in drunken slurred and angry tone, and Ludwig replied in a calm but firm voice. Ludwig rose to his feet, she drew a dagger, and Ludwig's conscious blacked out. When he came to, he unexpectedly found himself surrounded by three of his children. Adrian, Amorie, and Annette. They held the bleeding body of Ludwig, weeping and begging for their father to remain and fight on. They begged him to stay awake, but the damage was done. Ludwig had embraced it, as there was no other reality he could admit to. After years of war, pained memories, fighting, all of it, Ludwig was finally ready to go on. He closed his eyes, muttered his last words... And then there was relief.
  14. Y'all don't like the free slot in your inventory? I just throw mine away
  15. @HogoBojo Boss I'm scared come pick me up
  16. The Viceroy of Hyspia seethes as he kept his own Canonist domain out of the war entirely, but nonetheless agrees with the decision "It had to be done."
  17. this man makes dope builds, love him
  18. Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric welcomed his daughter into the Father's Hall with a warm smile "Rest now, my daughter. There is no need to be troubled any longer"
  19. Ludwig von Audrick smiles the Sun's smile at his son as he rests in retirement
  20. Green and Blue I dress

    1. MadOne


      Eagle on my chest.

    2. rukio


      Ave Barclay

  21. Louis Owyn, a young Prince of Sedan, turns to his older brother with confusion @Dogged
  22. Ludwig von Audrick circa 84 S.A. It had been years since Ludwig had settled into Haense. It was near the end of the War of the Wigs, and the Siege of Haverlock had forced his family to flee north to Ludwig's old birthplace. While Ludwig had never been fond of the Haeseni north, he could never deny that it was indeed the place he grew up in. It was the place where he and his twin brother Franz always pulled pranks on their older siblings, yet it was also the place he once left out of some deep down desire to honor his Sedanian roots. His Father had been a Sedanian warrior as had his Uncles and Cousins, but Ludwig was born after the dust of the Sedan Rebellion had settled. So Ludwig travelled. First to Louisville, then Yong Ping where he met his beloved wife, then back to Louisville. He had settled down, had a family, made a career as a Sedanian Politician, and when the time came he fought as a Sedanian Soldier. From the First Battle of Stone Tower to the Battle of Philip III's Folly, Ludwig had seen it all. He saw the stone walls of Southbridge break and crumble under Tripartite trebuchets. He saw the homes of Haverlock burst into flames as he evacuated his family. When Ludwig finally made it to Haense with his beloved children and wife, he had hoped there would be peace at last. Then came the Brother's War. Ludwig was no Orenian, had no obligation to defend either side, but some part of him called him to action again. So, Ludwig made his way to Fort Imperium and fought alongside Peter IV. At Reutov and New Providence, Ludwig saw the defeat of the Imperial armies at the hands of the Royalist rebels. Ludwig saw the rise of a Kingdom and fall of an Empire, and yet he returned home all the same. Now, years later, that same man who had travelled most of Almaris fighting wars now sat at home resting. His eldest children slowly fell in love and became married or engaged. His youngest children pursued careers Ludwig had never envisioned for himself. It felt like now, at long last, Ludwig could join his beloved Adelaide in retirement. Finally, Ludwig could live out the rest of his days in peace.
  23. The old and tired Ludwig von Audrick smiles at his son's signature as he rested in bed "Zhat's mein boy, Adrian."
  24. Don't know you too much, but you did a lot for the community. I appreciate you and hope you do well in whatever you pursue

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