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Status Updates posted by Valannor

  1. Months in the making boys!

    1. Nug


      omg im bringing back my ex-itharel man if accepted :o

  2. $XAN about to shoot to the moon... 

    1. satinkira


      What have you done this time

  3. Cleric lore has undergone a large amount of reformatting and restructuring, to reflect the critiques levelled by folks. Should be much more balanced and easier to read now! 

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      I remember when I got cleric healing back in 2017


      Haven't really seen a cleric ever since but I’m hopefully that they come back so I can see one again.

  4. I love the Orenian Empire, a true and august testament to the fortitude of human RP. 

    1. rukio


      there's smth brown on ur nose

  5. I think that this individual is kinda pog ngl

  6. Sa'Vi!!!!!!

    1. Laeonathan


      what did I miss? how come everyone says this? why not Ug

  7. Omg gais, Llir committed voter fraud!

  8. Lup'Votar!

    1. Drumoldth


      wait.. votar? u have an orc?

  9. Man, the Aenguls be wild these days.

    1. TheCapybara


      All of them are just high schoolers smh-

  10. I've been asking around, and Vortex has the HRA boared out of its mind.


    (Seriously though, it's a problem. I woke up and Pepsi was messaging me, rambling about boars and how much he loves them and how many he's gonna kill. Send help, the HRA has gone crazy over these god damn boars.)

    1. johnnywar


      why a pig (EDITED)

  11. Why do Gamma's builds and personas have to be so terrifying? 

    1. Gustando


      she's quirky like that....

  12. Hey, Ruki. You uh, you doing okay? I've not been able to get a hold of you on discord or anything.

    1. rukio



      Look up here, I'm in heaven
      I've got scars that can't be seen
      I've got drama, can't be stolen
      I've got nothing left to lose
      I'm so high it makes my brain whirl
      Ain't that just like me?
      This way or no way
      You know, I'll be free
      Just like that bluebird
      Now, ain't that just like me?
      Oh, I'll be free
      Just like that bluebird
      Oh, I'll be free
      Ain't that just like me?

  13. @oliviaaaahr has officially been cancelled. 

  14. @Eryane o7 good soldier, you were a good friend. 

  15. @Nooblius has henceforth been cancelled for stealing my employee of the month badge. 

    1. Polysemic


      hate that guy...

  16. Momma said knock you out...

    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      jeepers creepers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨

  17. God made muggles and God made wizards, but Samuel Colt made them equal.


    Stay strapped in these streets, Bruddah...

    1. wowj


      if lat nub ztay ztrapped

  18. What the hell, Snoreland?

    1. Orlanth


      You story team striggas so focused on the cheese that you forget about the trap.

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