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Everything posted by MaltaMoss

  1. Guys im so cool Im going to make everyone's nose bleed at this massive human event guys its so quirky look the nose bleeds this was top tier bait btw
  2. @squakhawkOk so like hypothetically I send you another Pub Gift and you give me greentag so I can shitpost in your chats It's a good offer trust me
  3. Valentin was spinning in his room, what felt like vomit bubbling up in his throat caused him to heave forward. "Good GOD! Cousin, what is wrong with you? I've got to see my cousin."
  4. "By Wyvurn they continue to betray the vision. Where did we go wrong?" Connak asked himself, confused beyond belief.
  5. Connak gazes upon the missive with an odd quirk of his brow. Yawning he finishes it off, the sleepy 'fenn simply befuddled by it's contents. "Oh, hmm. I suppose, yeah, maybe. Is this-Yes, yes it is. They're finally gone, thank Wyvurn."
  6. The Mali'fenn raged at the parchment, screaming to himself in the snowy wastes of the north. "No, no! Not his legacy, you can't take his legacy and shred it up at a whim! You bastards, unforgivable shells of Mali! I never should have trusted you 'thill, never!"
  7. An aged Mali'fenn looks over his sword, the dried blood that stained it's once shimmering steel bringing him a deep sorrow. "Is it true? All I've fought for, is it all over? Vytrek, if you could see us now."

    1. Javert


      Lies, Slander, all of it!

  9. With a clatter and a series of crashes Valentin went tumbling to the floor, drunkenly looking over the missive he still shakily held in his hands. "I should have known, I should have known those bastards would bury their nose in it! Again! Every time, their thinly veiled garbage, canonist prince bullshit!" He spat out in-between sobs, taking another fresh hit from the bottle. "They just take, and take, and take! Until nothing is left! No little bandage could fix the gaping wound in the heartlands!" "Oh Gustaf, if only you could see this. You'd know what to do."
  10. "Meh cousin! Goob! Tha bastard 'as gone an' k'elled Goob!" Shrapnel Mineplenty shook his fist, shouting toward the sky as his mind drifted back to his beloved cousin.
  11. Insane how some members of staff feel as if they are being pressured into silence, going far enough to conceal their identities just to propose basic reform and retooling of a team in desperate need of help. I wont do this. I agree with many facets of this post and think that the community team, and Administration as a whole, should took a long look at it. The claims that this is somehow literally everything community team has been talking about implementing over the past whatever amount of time seems like a fallacy. Take notes.
  12. "For the homeland, SEREMVS DELENDA EST." Valentin belted out, rat still crouched upon his shoulders.
  13. Olaf smiled with the brightest smile of his lifetime, face still stuffed with the cheese from their previous exploits. "I ******* love cheese."
  14. Connak began to break down into an unending fit of laughter, tears forming in his eyes as he looked over the missive in utter disbelief. A certain joy rung out in his chest, the veteran coughing to dispel it before returning to business. "Oh, oh that's rich! That's grand!"
  15. Olaf raised his sword, chuckling as new comrades made themselves known. "We set sail together my friends!"
  16. Valentin scanned over the missive as he lounged in Temesch Hall, his chest still wrapped in bandages from the previous day's escapades. "And on the bank of the Petra, a cause is born." He muttered to himself, a smile on his face.
  17. I'll miss you on here man, you reached out to me during the Sedan rebellion and we've been bumping into each other ever since. You're a great friend, a good man. PS: John Levy is still out there, holding a candle for his Baron. We'll play siege soon, much love.
  18. Valentin begins to foam rabidly at the mouth, twitching with a bubbling anger as he seethed in a long brewing hatred. "Again! Again! They stick their hands where they don't belong! Again!" He threw his hands up toward the ceiling, the table in front of him flipping over onto its side as he stood.
  19. Finally, smaller map. Thank god. Ring road small map is going to truly save minecraft.
  20. @Viraj DobrialProud of you buddy Nice cultural development
  21. From an old watchmen's tower an elderly soldier scans the publication with tired eyes, his face wrinkled and creased by the endless march of time. With a deep sigh, and a forlorn look toward the south, memories began to swim up to the forefront of his mind. That great bridge, the kindly man who'd spared him scrutiny though he'd been reluctant to follow him. The boy he'd trained with, the boy who'd smiled upon him when he fell. Peter, the third of his namesake, a great and honest man. And as the day dragged on into night, Julian wept softly, for what could have been.
  22. did you have a good time at olive garden?
  23. "Oh! So soon? Okay then Kamrades, we have work to do!", A man in teal masking shouted, pointing toward the missive with some surprised enthusiasm.
  24. Somewhere, he was screaming in a dirtied hotel room, eyes shakily scanning the wooden ceiling of his rented place with horror. "Why do you take them? The good, the loyal. You leave snakes in the grass and butcher the Gardener, oh jainkoa. How awful can you be?" He tilted the bottle back toward his lips, drowning the consuming sorrows of another lost.
  25. MaltaMoss


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