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Everything posted by Pancho

  1. Kosher Daesmon debates giving him asylum on The Island.
  2. On my way to meta game this information immediately
  3. The son of a Sedanite Patriot would read curiously from his office in Petra, nodding slightly.
  4. GL in life man, hope this place man be your escape once more
  5. Thud. The War Prince fell to his knees as the paper fluttered from his grasp. He would clutch his chest, keeling over onto the ground as the door opened. The guard would go wide eyed, quickly shouting out to his fellow soldiers, "Someone get a medic!" Guards flooded the room as Kosher writhed on the ground, flopping about as the quake of people crowded the Third Prince. Many would try to hold people back, but there were too many to hold them from the study of the Prince. "B.. st... od..." "My lord?" The Daesmon's eyes would spring open, his brows furrowing as his voice came in a low growl. His eyes would seem to be shining, such as from the last time they did back in a gatehouse in Elysium. "Kill them all."
  6. Lord Victoriano Alacrán, son of Alto, would frown. “There’s only one true Prince of Sedan.”
  7. Hot Single Elves in your area!
  8. Pancho

    shine on

    Another FERRYMAN ploy, trying to protect himself from JUSTICE! This is all fake news!! He did it all!!!! These BLATANT and FALSE claims from the right honorable Mick are simply keeping us from the TRUTH!
  9. Pancho


    Rp on MY pvp server? what is happening
  10. A Call to the Brave 10th of Sun’s Smile, 114 S.A. As it comes to the attention of the Daesmonite Patriarch, Kosher Fier, that conflict within Malin’s Arm comes upon us once more, an urgent need for soldiers has been recognized by the many notable figures. Thus, a vote has been held among the most prominent Daesmons to use funds from our coffers in order to raise a revitalized military for the house. The votes were as follows; Acanthus Daesmon, Fourth Prince of Amaethea. In Favor. Aster Daesmon, Lord of the Golden Cove In Favor. Elliphas Daesmon, Lord of Swordsman’s Peak In Favor. Kosher Daesmon, Third Prince of Amaethea In Favor. With this vote concluded, a grand budget of an indeterminable amount of mina has been set aside in order to levy arms for the raising of a battalion of loyal soldiers, to be primarily garrisoned in the Fortress of Acaln'vallei on the borders of Amaethea and for the battles to come within the Arm. Each man is to get free housing and mina weekly for their services, along with being supplied for the battles to come. Thus, we declare; I.) House Daesmon shall uphold the pact titled ‘The Defense of the West.’ II.) House Daesmon shall supply soldiers in aid for no amount of mina, as we must uphold the agreement for the sake of all of Malin’s children. III.) All Daesmons are to fight the Uruk menace as they threaten the balance of peace within the region. All soldiers of the Daesmonite levies and their bannermen will be expected to fight, should they expect pay. Aher y Sul, Kosher Fier Daesmon, The III Prince of Amaethea, Patriarch of House Daesmon, Praetor of the AFL Uell ito Maruthiran, Acanthus Onar Taliame’onn Daesmon Silma Vuln’muriel, The IV Prince of Amaethea
  11. Pancho


    This is so sad, Alexa play despacito
  12. Kosher Fier Daesmon, Third Prince of Amaethea, Hand of Justice, would cheer at the missive, taking up his blades. "I may have a grudge against Celianor, but nothing is more important than the safety of my people."
  13. Affirming Loyalty | 1909 Penned and published by Victoriano Alacrán Translation by Brayden Bojo In times of civil strife and disorder within the nation, the Alacrán family and their bannermen stayed loyal to the Archduchess, Renilde I. Now as the Commonwealth recovers, it becomes clearer we must make our intent known. We, the Alacrán family, do hereby swear total allegiance to Renilde I and her chosen successors until the days of dawn upon which Petra is naught but a field of ash. Though we may be a small house and an even smaller family, we are filled with hard workers and soldiers. Henceforth, the following terms will go into effect immediately; The House of Alacrán swears to defend the leader of the Commonwealth and stand by them, no matter who they are, as long as they are sworn by GOD and of the successors of the Archduchess. Any Alacrán who raises arms against the Commonwealth are to be put to the sword and buried as a heretic, as oaths are promises under GOD’s will. En Dios Confiamos, Victoriano Alacrán, Caudillo of House Alacrán
  14. “Blessed be!” Victoriano of Petra laughs!
  15. "Sigrun is kinda a baddie..." An Amaethean Prince would smirk slyly
  16. "Bless up" Said an Alacran, signing the Rizzlaine.
  17. Victoriano, a proud Canonist Knight, would don a sword and shield. "Death to Tyrants, Death to Traitors!"
  18. Leon Munnel prepares for his first appearance in ages!
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