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Everything posted by Pancho

  1. Sell, sell, sell! Stonks down!
  2. Evyind Kvitravn II, Hero of Norland, seethes as he slams his desk into the wall in rage. He walked out of his tent in the jungle camp, looking to Hilda Freysson as he pulled his sword and pointed it skyward. "We fight now, for vengance, and for the Allfather!"
  3. free zonty I need my pocket mage and professional goon back ;-;

  4. Evyind Kvitravn II, Hero of the Cartref Revolt, Ashkeeper of the Brotherhood of the Flame, glanced upon the gathering forces. "Traitors shall burn."
  5. A weary group of descendants lay cold in the red desert, the flickering flame of a fire illuminating their dreary den. Elves, dwarves, humans, and orcs alike surrounded the hearth as plunder lay scattered amongst them. Slowly, the missive flew into the flame, going up in a cloud of Ash as they prepare the second wave.
  6. That means the classic bandit experience can be had! I for one am in favor of this.
  7. No, but the combat system is the same and that's why it's enjoyed by most LOTCers than places like PVPLegacy. It's not all black and white.
  8. /beta is also used for tech team, don't forget them! They use it to find out what lags out the server and such, and due to that it is down half the time, or now more so due to the transition! Not authentic LOTC pvp, don't want it. Organic or nothing.
  9. FYI, the Deep Dark is still vyable for rp! The SMP is /anarchy/ for a reason.
  10. Kosher Daesmon, now nothing more than a mere bandit lord once more, looked over the missive with sad eyes. The missive fluttered to the ground, out of his grasp as he sat back against a rock. "The end of an era comes upon us, perhaps she can finally get some peace."
  11. "I am very proud of the work of my student, she has come far." A certain named individual states.
  12. Brotherhood of the Flame: Order of Thoromir The few Higherlanders that escaped the Mori’quessar’s wrath in Alisgrad watched as the flames consumed their city. Thoughts on why the All-Father would allow this to happen passed between friends through muffled breaths till one’s voice broke loudest over the murmurs. Eyvind Kvitran II saw how Norland had long since deviated from the old ways, how debauchery and complacency ruled the lives of Highlanders. They had fallen away from the All-Father’s will, that was why they lost. As the refugees limped their way to Savoy, Eyvind gathered up those who would listen and told them of the stories of his youth, of how those truly loyal to the All-Father had once saved Norland from dissolution once, how the All-Father rewarded them with a 100 years of success for their service. Now they would need to prove themselves worthy of his flame again. From those murmured conversations came a resurgent order. The Brotherhood of The Flame dedicated now to Thoromir, for when all was lost, all the few had left was their loyalty to one another. Introduction The Brotherhood of The Flame: Order of Thoromir, a successor to the Brotherhood of the Flame: Order of Beowulf, draws heavily on the principles of its predecessor. Much akin to the Order of Beowulf, its main focus lies in venerating the ancient paragons and upholding the tenets of the Red Faith. The Order of Thoromir serves the All-Father directly, owing its allegiance solely to his will. Tenets: 1. “Suffer not the Unworthy.” 2. “I beseech thee, go forth and spread my flame unto the hearts and souls of the blind.” 3. “I say unto thee, of the Holy Fire. You must stand against the Long Dark.” Ranking Ashbringer: Entrusted with overseeing the entirety of the Brotherhood, the Ashbringer is regarded as the highest commander within the Order. In the event of a former Ashbringer’s passing or abdication, a new Ashbringer is selected through a moot among Veteran members. The goals of the current Brotherhood are shaped by the patron ancestor of the reigning Ashbringer, resulting in the emergence of a new iteration of the Brotherhood with each new Ashbringer. Veteran: In second command to the Ashbringer, Veterans have demonstrated their prowess in battle and unwavering loyalty to both the Order of the Flame and the All-Father. The privilege of nominating oneself and voting for the rank of Ashbringer is exclusively reserved for Veterans of the Brotherhood. Hearth-Brother: Hearth-Brothers and Sisters have proved themselves capable and proficient in both prowess and faith. Upon promotion to the rank of Hearth-Brother, the individual will undergo a complete induction into the Order. This involves an official oathing ceremony and receiving a flame branding on the forearm, symbolizing their commitment to the cause. Neophyte: Neophytes, as the newest recruits to the Brotherhood, are yet to prove themselves within its ranks. Their journey towards induction will test aspiring members of the Order in both mental fortitude and physical endurance, to determine whether they possess the necessary qualities of an inducted member. Recruitment IGN: RP Name: Discord: Current Affiliation:
  13. Can you tell me why dwarves are the best race
  14. Kosher Daesmon, a wanted war criminal, looked upon the missive, setting it down on his desk as he glanced towards the sword mounted above his sets of armour. Within moments, all of the contents of his desk slammed into the cold floor beneath. Footsteps turned to leather against stone as he geared up, donning the uniform of the Glaiveguard once more as he rode to join his kin.
  15. Soprano Romano would mourn the loss of a friend in such a cowardly act. “Not even a true warriors death..” Elsewhere, a Norlandic Hero would raise a glass upon being informed. “The Cartref Revolt dies with him, though he was the only one to truly fight.”
  16. Soprano Romano hit the pavement with a thud. His name sullied by his actions to defend a soldier who fought alongside him against certain doom. His feet dragged as he donned the armour of the Imperial 4th Brigade, though a bandana around his neck soon would bear fruit.
  17. As Prince Kosher Daesmon sat as his desk, a messenger arrived bearing a note. Kosher held the note for a while, studying it's contents before tears began to well in his eyes. In a heartbeat, the messenger was gone and he was taken back to Elysium, before a Kingdom and it's betrayal, before the wars. "Hi! I'm Kosher!" His younger voice called out, waving towards a short thing with red hair. As she had turned, orange eyes met his golden ones and thus they were friends. Years and years, betrayals and heartaches, yet their friendship stood the tests of time. "Not her... Not like this.." He fell from the desk, clutching at his chest as he flew into another attack. Medics rushed into the room, helping the fatigued and weak bandit lord. "He needs another shot!" Alas, the disgraced Prince's heart sunk and failed, for out of three musketeers, he was the sole one left.
  18. Soprano Romano, the third of the de Murat bastard lineage, took up a green bandana, clutching it in his fist as a red one was tied around his forehead. "It's time." The words slid off his tongue as he looked to his compatriots before mounting up and riding into the winds.
  19. Soprano Romano walked down the streets of Velec, heart heavy after witnessing death at the hands of his angered countrymen. He looked up to the sky, praying to God whilst whispering a short phrase. “Blood must have blood.”
  20. The Third Prince read his grandson’s missive, deep in thought. “So be it..” He mounted his steed, beginning to ride to the sands of the South. Though a look of sadness crossed his face as he read the signature, tossing the missive aside as hooves thundered.
  21. What’s your favorite aspect of roleplay unique to this server
  22. Leon Munnel would hug his wife closely, head down as his son stained the legacy he helped create.
  23. Very nice magic, unique in almost every sense. Would love to see it on the server.
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