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Everything posted by subatomic

  1. ferryclient is no joke, this shit injected multiple malware into my pc, sending it into a bluescreen. it's unbelievable how people have fallen for this manipulative trap to thinking that the ferrymen client is a way to win every crp and pvp fight, but in the end, it's just a trojan.

  2. full removal to make rp more immersive man imagine the rarest material on the AH where people can just easily buy it ):
  3. "Interesting." commented the Brawm
  4. Markus Mudd is very scared to lose his Quietus Crystal to these vultures.
  5. Abderzak Solemn wiped the blood off his blade after the long fight, bruises on his beautiful black face and his blue hoodie. "I'm very much Laughing out Loud"
  6. The Mudd rested his longsword on his lap, next to him, a bucket of water with a cloth inside, he slowly started to clean the blade. He stated to himself, "It was a good experience pushing people off the rooftops and watching them fall to their sad death." He said while laughing a little.
  7. He heard the news from Captain Winchester while Syndryl was out doing what only god knows. "I understand." he said with a glum look on his face sighing as he walked off.
  8. tbh you're on a rp server, everyone is soft and claims that most stuff is toxic. I agree with you referring that only doxxing, ddosing and swatting or any way of using personal information to harm / make fun of someone is toxicity.
  9. 20 dollars is 20 dollars

  10. This is the craziest contest result ever
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