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Everything posted by marikandaperc

  1. looking for worthy demi djinn student add levy_spearman on discord for more info! also selling rare ST items! and teaching other magics!


  3. Helena of Formindon, the Grand Princess mother of Minitz who had otherwise opted to remain neutral, for once took up her spear. "For Callahan, for Lemon hill." she declared, moments before the incoming fleeper swap.
  4. if u get publicly executed but refuse to pk u should instantly lose all rights to victory posting

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. UnusualBrit


      @Charles The Balddwarves too strong! 

    3. ___


      who did this i must know so i can point and laugh

    4. Child Neglecter
  5. patrick robertsson smiled the fleepers smile for his duke
  6. "WHAT'!?!?!?" said Karl von Wittenbach, the groom's uncle.
  7. another ooc conflict arises, i love war rp

    1. Hunnic


      Not being affected by RP on an OOC matter is how you become the Lord (or Lady) of the Craft nowadays

  8. "It's for a war on terror." says Patrick 'Pat' Robertsson, son of Robert
  9. "Father, Son, and House van Aert!" chanted Patrick Robertsson son of Robert
  10. "Father, son, and House van Aert." Patrick Robertsson said sagely while signing the Lorraine cross over his chest.
  11. "WHAT THE FLIP?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!" said Maeralya Sythaerin, confusedly
  12. "WHAT IS THIS MELODY?!" cried Angelica di Savoia, Seermancer, as another one received the gift. . .
  13. Amid her chambers, a grieving Princess wept endlessly. Not once had she loved anyone besides her husband, and not once had she felt the need to. Yet something lingered at heart, and it stung, repeatedly. Perhaps, one day, she had wished for such a death. All who knew her knew how much she lamented the lack of a present Prince, yet she never left. She endured for the love they once cherished and the fruit of such a love: her dear Leon, the little Albert, the awkward Gertrude. Any servant who had attempted to enter the room and aid the Princess had all met terrible fates, for she had become crazed and no soothing word may ever pacify such a fury. Chairs were commonly thrown, and along with them came bed sheets, jars, and God knows what else. Only after a week’s sleepless rest had she found some sense. She stood from her bed, and all of her jewels were placed on her desk. She made sure to preserve what little thing remained of their union; the reforged amulet, wedding band, and whatnot. She had not once thought he could die, not even during the battles he had fought in while in service to the Lord God. She had never thought her husband to be the type to fall in war, no. After grief, came the guilt. “Maybe, if I went too…” she thought to herself quite often, pulling at her white hair. “Perhaps, if I told him to stay…” the Adunian’s head fell between her hands, desperation filling the air. She did not know what would happen next, or if she could ever forgive herself, yet her heart had felt all too much pain in the recent year. All she could feel was the urge to escape, run away, be free. But while the heart longed for liberty, the mind spoke of their children. She could not possibly leave Leon alone with the aged Brandt, who had long gone senile. Although it would be quite the struggle, Helena of Formindon decided to push through and carry on with the life she deserved. “Reserve me a space up there, my dear.” she spoke to a newly lit candle, a smile pressed on her lips. “Ruhe in Frieden, Ferdi.”
  14. this is lowkey fire.. happy holidays.....! Helena of Formindon https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1141572207168987157/1163812072702877706/avalon-knight-final12.png?ex=6593fdf4&is=658188f4&hm=fc8fbc7b5a3062cf303b162e89c9a12e1ee8848a0c7bf04347f529baf0693033& (i hope the link works, it didnt let me attach the photo bc it was too big)
  15. WOW another hit by jeff does this guy ever miss wow +1
  16. Silence... it filled the empty field the Holy Dame Helena had been wandering thorugh. She could not hum a tune, nor speak a word, only silence. It had all started the moment the news reached her ear. "Your Serene Highness.." a courier spake unto the Princess. "Sir Baldwin is dead." the man went to announce after stepping into the room. Anger was quick to fill & overwhelm both mind and sight of the Princess, whose book was sent flying towards the innocent courier. At that, he left at once, and no other person had been allowed inside. There were many a tear shed, yet not enough. With her night robe and a heavy weight on her shoulders, Helena decided to stand up from the messy bed and head for the countryside. Minitz was always more beautiful seen from the outside, yet not even the shiny walls could fill that void that had formed in her stomach. "I need to get ahold of him, speak of what happened in our youth. Of that gap... What happened?" that series of thought had always stumbled upo her mind, yet not once had she acted on it. War was on the rampage through the midlands, and there was very short time she could find with the man, unless the whole company was present, too. The thought of the few last moments spent with the entire companionship formed by Sir Jurkha had somewhat eased her mind. They had chatted, even if briefly, while on horseback. She knew more, now, but many questions lingered up in the air. "Perhaps, had I acted earlier without fearing for the loss of my life, my honor, and my image... It wouldn't have happened. I am sorry, Baldwin. Rest easy friend.."
  17. "I'm so proud of all of them! This is fantastic!" mused Avalon of Formindon, who unfortunately had to stay home and tend to the many children
  18. "This goblin joined a huge coalition and now brags about beating Lanre..?" Ludmilla Silvia of Velec stated while reading one of these papers, hand rubbing at her head. This was in Hohkmat, and anyone could likely see and hear if they wished...
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