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Status Replies posted by Hunnic

  1. We have armor on server that only existed after guns. We have cannons that effectively are 16th or 17th century cannon, not early cannon. We have robots. We have trains. We have bombs.


    But guns? No that would ruin the aesthetic that no longer exists!


    No one is asking for revolvers. No one is asking for modern rifles. Arquebus will do, small firearms would do. Also for reference that would solve your issue with plate armor without negating the use of longbows. (Guns existed alongside bows and crossbows for centuries.) You are goofy if you think a gun would ruin your nonexistent server aesthetic.

  2. I am thinking about returning to LOTC after almost 3 years of inactivity. IDK if anyone will see this, I am not posting it to forums but to my own page. I had been in roleplay scenarios for years before joining, however it was the first time I was in a genuinely welcome and engaging community. Because of that, I got to experience a part of myself I had hidden up until that point in time. I portrayed a female character. To me, it was huge. It was taboo. It was unacceptable. I kept it a secret from everybody I knew. And because of that, I got to experience things in character that I was ashamed of in my real life, and I took my first few steps out of the closet through her.

    It was a way of expression that I did not understand for years to come. I came out as Gay not long after leaving LOTC behind, and have lived my life as proudly as I can. I was explosive, angry, and mistrustful right from the get-go because of all of the conflicting emotions in my head. That doesn't excuse the things I said or did (including arguing with some staff). Still, I remember how much influence this had on me, and how it helped me see the toxic and hateful side of myself that had been pushed onto me by the people I should have been able to trust in my life.


    When I think about my queer journey and experiences, a huge part of it happened right here, on a silly little Minecraft site. It finally let me live out my ideal life, even if it was through a fictional character. For that reason, I say thanks. If you're reading this, and are a part of this community, thank you.

  3. What nation or group would be good enough for diplomacy roleplay? I know most of this stuff is pre-planned OOC, but I wanted to do some politician type stuff IN CHARACTER, even if it's not as important. I'm not a fan of military things, though!!


    For context, I have a character who prefers speeches than outright being violent and I'm struggling to find anything worthwhile with him!

    1. Hunnic


      Probably small nations tbh. Big nations have established OOC links & just sit in vcs

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. i think a lot of people in this damn server are negative nancies and need to start to be more positive. for real.

  5. Thinking about adding these cool features to Malins-Welco.me



    1. Hunnic


      malins welcome would improve if these were implemented

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. what are your lotc hot takes

    1. Hunnic


      Allowing characters to be obviously sneaky is okay. People act like nosy hawks, like let a brother *tiptoed behind the lad towards the alleyway.
      People CAN and SHOULD play foolishly or allow their characters to be tricked despite them OOCLY knowing otherwise.

      We gotta take small losses like that

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  7. Why have I been wasting 5 minutes of my day voting on each site individually when there has been a megalink on the forums this whole time?

    1. Hunnic


      Bros... fsr it only worked the first time 😭

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. i still giggle whenever i think about the fact someone told me incel is a slur

  9. why do jammed doors take 1+ hour to un-jam...

    1. Hunnic


      That is a good question... someone please test if npc's keep the chunk loaded.
      And I think 1 hour isn't too long considering some freaks break in late at night IRL and could easily camp the 1 hour so jammed doors seem fine.

      I do wonder, does it work the same with broken doors?
      If 1 hour passes will the
      "The door was left ajar" go away?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. Is there room for 11* fully autonomous human nations/ settlements? This is the most egregious example but similar anecdotes can be found relating to other racial/ multiracial hubs; do we have too many spaces relative to our player base now, which has remained effectively the same size since the Pandemic?

    (This is a question. I don't claim to have the answer. I'd like to see yours, though!)

    1. Hunnic


      I think it's great that its relatively easy to make settlements/nations. However, of those nations- I am deeply displeased that some are realms that got conquered & just packed their bags and moved on.

      A bit of a different conversation though...

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  11. if we had rped w spanish as a language in 2016 I would be fluent by now but instead i know blah 

    1. Hunnic


      I learned english through movies and video games too

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. when will aether/ender VIPs get bold in-game nametags again?? imagine spending $500 for ugly yellow

    1. Hunnic


      Actually valid, if I were to "donate" ,considering their perks are hardly worth so much, the least I would want is a loud and bold username to flex

  13. Who is the most notorious player-created villain in LOTC history and why? 

    1. Hunnic


      In terms of RP Philip III and/or Gaspard van Aert. Heinrik Sarkozic debatable... any player that caused big coalition war. Although all these examples are recent since I would not know of ancient relics.
      But aside from RP that Pugsy guy created a term in all us lotc'ers lingo

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  14. Christ is King

    1. Hunnic


      of course my horse

  15. dm me if ud like to start forums drama i feel left out bcus im cool and pretty and funny and unproblematic and everyone likes me :c

    1. Hunnic


      I don't think you are cool.... or pretty for that matter. In fact, I will go so far as to say you aren't funny and you are problematic towards this server's community and values.
      Frankly, I don't like you.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. watching people who ERP on main yap abt how we shouldn't antagonize wheel people is hysterical

    1. Hunnic


      I would like to say its a great server, it definitely has been at times. But yeah, me neither

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. watching people who ERP on main yap abt how we shouldn't antagonize wheel people is hysterical

    1. Hunnic


      Honestly, as cringe as ERP is- it's not like an unforgivable sin and people need to chill out. It's weird- obviously. It shoudln't be on the server- obviously. But its the internet with young adults, people bound to do something dumb.
      People got to relax, the 'orny lads and the lads seething about them as if it affects them personally.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. What are people's obsession with wanting to keep kids on this server? If you are over 18 wanting to play with kids all day seek help immediately. If you are underage, you are better off not on here!

    1. Hunnic


      Tbh they should just close the server at this point 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  19. What are people's obsession with wanting to keep kids on this server? If you are over 18 wanting to play with kids all day seek help immediately. If you are underage, you are better off not on here!

    1. Hunnic


      Hard to enforce, it's been this way for so long why kick the younger audience out? There just needs to be more mods babysitting

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  20. please don't bring back oren for the sake of my own personal mental health

  21. Me tweaking every St Patricks day (glorified irish/celtic pagan killer that wasn't even born in in ireland)

    1. Hunnic


      I think it's kinda cringe to assume bc someone is from a country they are an expert in their country's culture, religion, etc. 

      Plus Xarkly being Irish means he is probably a drunk

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  22. ruki-uh oh

    1. Hunnic


      Normalize context being added to LOTC Twitter posting (status update)

  23. >be me

    >wake up on feburary 4 2024

    >look at forums

    >see monkeypoacher requesting account deletion


    >express thoughts of love


    >be me

    >wake up on feburary 12 2024

    >look at forums after long day of writing

    >see monkeypoacher continue to post


    1. Hunnic


      Its the law of the lotcer, everytime a gamer makes a goodbye post, their activity grows tenfold.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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