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Everything posted by Hunnic

  1. Atthil Frostbeard who remained uninformed on political matters, scratched his bearded chin "Oi wondah wot this is about..." he turned then towards the tavern to ask about the political message & its meaning.
  2. Atthil Frostbeard drank the moonshine he had made in his bathtub earlier that day - "These wee folk sure are strict with their regulations"
  3. Antonious, an old heartlander anti-orenian veteran starts to convulse.
  4. Why have I been wasting 5 minutes of my day voting on each site individually when there has been a megalink on the forums this whole time?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TreeSmoothie
    3. Netphreak


      You mean the megalink actually works now??

    4. Hunnic


      Bros... fsr it only worked the first time 😭

  5. A lil passive aggressive imo. Many people have their ups & downs with lotc, Coming and leaving as they please- some just don't know if it will be their last time leaving or not. I agree it can be a bit much since I have noticed some people posting about leaving and then coming back only to be thrice more active- but unnecessary to dismiss their goodbye Just disregard their post
  6. Reasons for leaving and server issues are misplaced if vented here. And while I hope you come to enjoy lotc again, this is a dnd post. I do think an LOTC adaptation should be set during the time of some of the most well known conflicts. I often hear of the War of two Emperors for example, and I think placing your story during this time HOWEVER focusing on other RICH aspects of LOTC would be cool. Its like this memorable and world changing conflict going on, but your story is focused on other characters (preferably not humans to enhance the fantasy feel) and their own issues and challenges - the major conflict being a relatively far away issue.
  7. How come are people able to be "passive aggressive" by spam commenting that it's "trans visibility day" while if someone were to comment "Happy Easter" on the trans post it would be seen as "passive aggressive"? I'm just confused And frankly, cringing at the people commenting about the trans day. It's not a holiday battle or something. Happy Easter folks
  8. Don't rly know what the usual forum dumpster fire is but- I hear this alleged toxic player is friends with lead admin. Hope Mr. 60 does what's best for the server- whatever that may be





    1. Amayonnaise


      60th isn't the lead Admin, they each handle a different team / section of the Server. And they are dating IRL (publicly known info)

  9. Atthil Frostbeard chuckled upon hearing of the treaty "These vikelan's don't want to pay up! A few knife-ears won't stop us dwed from regaining our honor..."
  10. Yes you can do that, which I think is a great addition. I meant more so in the way that, if you live in x nation and try to rally people to your cause and the PRO doesn't like that, he can make you homeless. And who ever supports you. Obv this would be super toxic and im not certain if it has been done before. Just highlighting how much a NL has absolute power over his kingdom, and doesn't have to change if he doesn't want to. If you have gotten to the point of vassalship then and only then you have a real chance at changing a nation through force.
  11. There is a very cool exchange happening here; I hope more players come across this post. Now to give my two cents on the post in general, I don't believe it to be fair for a nation to occupy one niche and for it not to be available for "an alternative" to be created. Yes, if multiples of the same niche are created, then the niche is overused and boring and leads to a dispersed player base. However, "Inheriting nations" or rising through its ranks can and oftentimes are unrealistic. If I had a Cossack Raev group that wanted to delve into "low-fantasy Slavic medieval RP" as you described Haense, we couldn't do so unless the group molded to the RP Haense has. You say nations should be inherited, and that players should change nations from within if they enjoy said nation's niche instead of going off re-creating a similar niche and diluting the player base. I believe this is unrealistic. Cliques and Redtape are in the way. Cliques are a part of human relationships, afaik. But to change your/a nation, you really have to be the NL or be friends with the NL, considering a PRO is the God-Emperor within his tiles. And to get to these leadership cliques for a nation to get new ideas can take an IRL year if it ever happens at all; why wait so long when you can spawn your Slavic nation next to Haense. Red tape, rules, and whatnot, again PROship. You can't easily coup a nation or force the king's hand through threats of force. To have a revolution (which I think was a great warclaim addition, thank you mods), you must have a tile within a nation, so if you have any PvP-centered players within your Cossack group, why would the king risk giving you any land? At the end of the day, people don't like their nations changed, even if it's completely good faith RP. You have a legitimate protests/riots against the current king? He doesn't fear for his life; he can log out. You storm the castle and kill royals your characters deem corrupt? They don't want to PK. You get elected into the Duma and wish to pass land reforms with the people's consent? Doesn't matter if every persona beside the king agrees with you. The king won't give in. He'll evict you if you keep stirring trouble. There are no consequences that players HAVE to admit to outside of the warclaim rules. Not even good faith change to your nation. And who would even define if a niche is taken? An exact copy of Balian could pull 100 things out of their ass and claim it makes them different. Or a nation with a different niche than Balian could be denied their nationhood on the grounds its "close enough" I know I'm not offering a solution to these issues, and this whole thing was a disorganized rant. I simply believe the status quo works better than having a restraint on niches. [!] Wants to LARP Raev RP: [Low-Fantasy Slavic Medieval RP taken. 1/1 try elves!])
  12. Atthil Frostbeard, upon hearing of the Grand King's passing, immediately began to spread false anti-ireheart rumors-- "Oi hear tha' Irehear' regent will stay in poweh... for life" he commented to the lad nearest to him in the tavern.
  13. Antonius 'the party-pooper' tapped his chin "Technically... they are home." he stated, before pushing his spectacles up his nose.
  14. 1. It seems you have been able to play a few races your first year..... Which do you find more interesting thus far? 2. How easily were you able to make friends, or was it difficult when you first joined? 3. What do you think of the current warclaim if you have partaken in it or even heard of it. (Vague question ik) In general, does the conflict look fun from an outsider or IS it fun if you are involved.
  15. Atthil Frostbeard groaned-- "Bloody 'ell... more irehearts!" before cheering for his fellow dwarf.
  16. "Oh ah wish yeh a merry tuvmas, ah wish yeh a merry tuvmas" a peasant named, Antonius began to sing upon hearing of the planned celebrations!
  17. @Harold 1. How did you first discover LOTC, and what motivated you to join? 2. What are your favorite wars/events during all this time? 3. What is your favorite character and why? (Did he have a cool arc/development or was he just fun to roam around with or have a cool personality?) 4.How have you seen the community change over the years, for the better or worse? 5.Have you formed lasting relationships and do you keep in touch with them outside the server? 6. What are your top five favorite builds on the server? 7. Top three favorite nations?
  18. Antonius sneered upon reading the agreement "A plot by the Ferrymen to slither their way out of Canondoms wrath oncemore- and supported by a Canonist nation, Godan no..." he shook a wrinkled fist at the sky "I pray; the Ferrymen convert and face justice! Or this attempt to escape is thwarted by your righteous fury o' Godan"
  19. "The Alstionite dynasty gets insulted and crossed time and time again, and its only response is a feeble slap on the wrist. The lands of Stassion should be burned and salted for their crimes against Canondom!" Antonius, Balianite peasant shouted upon being told of the missive.
  20. Antonious scratched his stache "Bloody 'ell... these northmen condemn their canonist brothers- all the while tippling with pagans!"
  21. Why is ferrymen post closed to replies? Is that an option when posting? Actual question

    1. Mirtok


      Yes. Original posters may ask to have their threads locked

    2. Crevel


      Yeah, it's been the case for a very long time. A lot of people just don't really ask to have it done.

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