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Status Updates posted by TheWhiteWolf

  1. Come join in on the Star Wars Forum RP! It is amazing!

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      Agreed, I wish I could RP now, but

      nope, I have to go to school.


    2. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      Same with me...

  2. Hmmm...thinking of bring the Wolf Pack back. Thoughts?

    1. Garret Baretta (preston19)

      Garret Baretta (preston19)

      Hey I will make a character to be in it if you do. I found out what you are.

    2. TheWhiteWolf
  3. Anyone know exactly how Seafaring, privateers, pirates etc will be handled in 3.0?

    1. Austin


      FInd out in RP :D. But if you play a notorous bandit prepare to be insulted/slandered/banned

    2. TheWhiteWolf


      Playing a Privateer, not a bandit.

  4. Anyone willing to make me a Kharajyr skin? I would greatly appreciate it.

    1. Fid


      The Skin-makers are in hiding.

    2. GloryorSolitude


      I could make one. Just send me a PM telling me what you want with any ref pics or anything of that nature.

  5. Anyone willing to make two skins for me? I would greatly appreciate it. Send me a Pm and i will give you the details. Cheers.

    1. Kaun


      Send me a PM with pics and details. I can make one for you. Be advised I am not the best maker but a pretty good one.

    2. Kaun


      Send me a PM with pics and details. I can make one for you. Be advised I am not the best maker but a pretty good one.

  6. SO many ideas for FRPs...so little time..

  7. I am going to join the zombie forum RP. Can someone give me a run down of whats happening and where everyone is please? It would be greatly appreciated

    1. Praetor


      I stopped following a little while back sadly.

    2. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      All right, here's the rundown:

      The main group of survivors are heading to I believe Chicago, but I may be incorrect.

      Two people have teamed up and are sleeping in a cabin.

      Two more people are in a torn up neighborhood. Currently, the military is about to perhaps find these two people.

  8. In what Siege did Colonel Commissar Gaunt recieve the Powersword of Hieronymo Sonda

    1. JCQuiinn


      Vervunhive. Which is on the world of Verghast, in the book Necropolis.

    2. JCQuiinn


      He also saved the city from the tainted Ferrozoicans.

  9. *Hopes are not good for the Brotherhood of the Black...D:*

    1. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      *dramatic music plays in the background*

    2. Dr. Eggnog
  10. Thinking of writing a Fan Fiction based in the Warhammer 40k Universe and releasing it in Chapters on the Forums. Thoughts?

  11. Anyone interested in doing a Dryad skin for me please? I would greatly appreciate it.

    1. Ever
    2. Panda! At The Disco

      Panda! At The Disco

      WOO YEAH DRYADS! *virtual high five*

  12. Dryad app in...now we wait.

    1. Ever


      You only wait two minutes ^^

      PS: Have skype?

    2. TheWhiteWolf


      Yea, dr.sleepy

  13. Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

    1. Temp


      When you leave Iron in water, it begins to rust?

    2. meg


      Dat Ashe.

  14. GG Raptor...GG....

    1. TheWhiteWolf


      Civilization 5, Diplomacy RP by the way.

    2. Raptorious


      Diplomacy RP pwnage

  15. Quick Question: Would there still be Insurrectionists and "pirates" roaming about the universe in Halo after the Human Covenant War.?

    1. Lykos


      Yes. It's common sense. Take Skyrim. Even once you've neutralized the huge threat to the universe, there are still a**holes around who don't agree with what you've done, and still some people that like to steal other people's crap. So yeah, still some innies around.

    2. TheWhiteWolf
  16. Anyone know of any sites where i can post up stories and read other peoples works while getting feedback on my own works? I already know of Wattpad bit was wondering if there were any more, i myself can't seem to find any.

    1. CloakandDagger


      Yea sure, www.lordofthecraft.net They've got a great community that loves to read other stories from the community.

    2. blindmind


      Check out scribophile.com

      I haven't used it, myself, but it seems pretty highly regarded.

  17. This lack of progress is....disturbing.

    1. EmeraldStag


      This is to be expected of large scales. Not to mention that some people cannot be on all the time.

    2. TheWhiteWolf


      Oh no, i am talking about something else :P

  18. Just started watching Sword Art Online, anyone else watch it? And also..FRP of it ? :D Huh? Huh?

    1. TheWhiteWolf


      Also i am up to ep 13, so no spoilers.

    2. EmeraldStag


      I loved that Anime, but no....no FRP please...it is too awesome for an FRP.

  19. *insert awesome status here*

    1. EmeraldStag


      *insert clever comment here*

    2. Mr_Boomer337


      *insert witty comment here*

  20. Fall of the Universes! Nooooo!!! *Whitewolf pats Jim on the back* Hes dead Jim, hes gone..

    1. EmeraldStag


      No it isn't....people are busy with Final Exams....and it has only been one day without posts.

    2. TheWhiteWolf


      ^Was joking lol, i know Finals are on because i am doing them to.

  21. Sir we are surrounded on all sides!!!...Excellent..now we can shoot in all directions..

    1. Nekkore


      Hmmm now where have I heard that before?

    2. Samoblivion


      I'm guessing that's an Imperial Guard quote? Sounds like a commissar.

  22. Playing Space Hulk with my sister, she is playing Genestealers and i am using Imperial Guard with custom rules. Who do you think is going to win?

    1. Ivran


      No clue what that is, but I'm gonna say that the person who will win, is whoever didn't lose. #trufax

    2. DruinsBane


      Yay! Old games-worshop merchandise.

  23. Can you be both an Event Team Actor and Builder? And if so would you just post the two apps in the same thread?

    1. Nug


      Yep, just post both applications in the same topic.

    2. TheWhiteWolf
  24. How often to E-team members get accepted?

    1. Lago


      When they need them.

    2. Αμφίονας


      It's not the e-team they deserve but the one they need

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