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Everything posted by DelaneyG

  1. why is there a 4000 dollar donation one time purchase called "GodPackage" and what does it do 



      Purchases Tythus Ltd.

    2. Birdnerdy


      it's just a prank

  2. why is there a 4000 dollar donation one time purchase called "GodPackage" and what does it do 

  3. ok big boys going off to audition for the university at buffalo acting BFA tomorrow wish me LUCK in that shitty snowstorm hitting nyc

    1. Malocchio


      oh my god!! yo, good luck!! just remember to breath and don't look those judging you in the eyes!!

    2. Nolan_


      try not to **** it up

  4. In the mountain's of Oren, a man trains his student. The student raises his blade, and drives it deep into the unsuspecting teacher. "Ash to Ash," The student whispered. "Aurum for monsters," The teacher replied, dragging a dagger of aurum across the student's face and eye, scarring him horribly.
  5. So when are we going to remove the nexus pvp that lags the server so much?

  6. I agree with Guck tbh. PK'ing should be enforced so people are actually afraid of getting into shitstorm scenarios that they can't win. Ofc I wouldn't want people to PK from shoddy pvp bandit rp, only legitimate roleplay deaths.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jonificus


      Or we could just deal with edgy fearless characters and shrug it off. 

    3. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      don't you have a black lives matter rant to be listening to, Berniecuck?

    4. Moochael


      I think PK's should be enforced in some situations, and more common, but not a rule or anything. 

  7. There are a few problems with this lore. 1) It takes a group of players, the Markedmen, and completely disintegrates their purpose. Mind you, these players (myself included) actually have crazy amounts of training in game (you can't become one without it) and study bestiaries to combat monsters. 2) The Holy Magic users and the Dark Magic users all seem to be fairly well connected out of character, most belonging to niches on both sides of the spectrum. The problem that arises from this is the fact that its essentially a "monopoly" on the great roleplay that can come from the conflicts these two groups have. A solution: The best way for aurum to be degraded is instead of aurum instantly dispelling the necro's and spectres, have it equate to what an iron sword would be to a human. It slices and dices yes, but it doesn't evaporate the entity.
  8. Wanted: Vodnik Nest Threat level: Medium Threat Description of creature/person/object: Vodniks, drowned peoples reanimated. Long, sharp claws and teeth to match. These beasts are scary enough to fight one at a time, let alone a nest. Location: There have been numerous attacks within the Port city of Riga. Eyewitnesses state they have seen drowners swimming up towards Saltstone. Perhaps their nest lurks nearby. Rewards: Payment of Two-Hundred and Fifty minas. ((Contact DelaneyG if you're planning to go hunting.))
  9. That's rather silly, in my opinion. Alot of the evil players (mostly necromancers) often play clerics/paladins as well. It's a conflict in interest, they can't be in two places at once.
  10. Instead of rendering Aurum useless, perhaps just allow it to have the effects of an Iron sword on a monster (look to the Witcher games as an example) Steel hurts normal everyday folk, Aurum works like steel on monsters/wraiths/whatever bad mamojama is coming my way
  11. Notices are posted on the noticeboards of the Marked establishments within Felsen and the Caliphate: "The School of the Stag is accepting initiates."
  12. mfw invited to sing @ Carnegie Hall :o

  13. Is there a reason I have to log out and in a few times before the server actually registers with me?

    1. Slic3man


      Walmart connection.

  14. tbh the lag at this battle was nothing compared to the battle at malinor

  15. Keep it Ryothing!

  16. This is what elves should be:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jonificus
    3. oblivionsbane


      ... Are you questioning my Wood Elven culture you imbecile? Anata wa watashi no uddoerufu no bunka anata wa oroka ni shitsumon shite imasu ka? あなたは私のウッドエルフの文化あなたは愚かに質問していますか?

    4. Xafius


      I agree. I would like to see them as more of the Tolkien style then anime.

  17. this is why you don't employ community members to code :) Hire a professional

    1. Katherine1


      No, this is why you have coders explicitly sign over ownership of the code they write for the server.

    2. ryno2
  18. this is why you don't employ community members to code :) Hire a professional

  19. game of thrones telltale game updated!

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