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Status Updates posted by Nononymous

  1. The server is still down... *shoots self in head*

    1. Goliath
    2. Everman111


      Don't commit mass suicide or the government will take us down.

  2. *Is being forced to have sex with Mogroka* Oh my god...

  3. Boo yah! 3,500 views!

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda only celebrates every thousand :3

    2. ryno2


      *snuggles jtheo*


  4. Thinking about makin an Event Team Actor Application, input?

  5. Should I make an APP for App Team? Suggestions?

    1. ΩMercenΩ


      Dude go for it!

    2. V0idsoldier


      As long as you are active enough.

  6. Aw man, what a bad day I've been having. For some reason, I got a call during school that both my parents had been murdered by two men with green skin and white tusks. Well, guess that means I'm gonna' have to join Asulon!

    1. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      I got the same call lets be friends please

    2. Garret Baretta (preston19)

      Garret Baretta (preston19)

      Hey I know those people. I think at least. Do they go around and terrorize everyone?

  7. Just finished the Third book in "A Song of Ice and Fire!" SOOO GOOD! Excited to see it recreated on T.V.!

    1. nppeck


      Did you get to the part where <data removed> happens?

    2. Nononymous


      Mhm, and the part where <data removed> happend too.

  8. Ermagerd! If I get one +1 more I will have 100! :D

  9. Ug, memorizing a speech for English class is hard. . .

  10. You know I'm bad I'm bringin' Wardens back, Ya!

  11. Ermagerd! Me gusta Halo 4!

    1. Geo


      Bro you're a god IRL

    2. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      Halo 4 is....words cannot describe its awesomeness, but it is highly recommended that you do war games and sometimes spartan ops with friends.

  12. *Drinks his coffee contently and cracks his knuckles* Lore writing time ;)

    1. Pro_Whistler


      Good luck on that. I hope you are successful.

    2. Stevie


      Don't break any fingers typing furiously.

  13. Name this character; he likes Snow, he lives with a Ghost, where he lives has high walls, and he has a thing for red heads.

  14. Sometimes I add people as friends just to feel loved when I get a message in my inbox. . .

    1. EmeraldStag


      I know dat feel.....all too well.

    2. yekim8
  15. 4 Days until Doctor Who Special! I mean Christmas! Yay! :D

  16. Hey, just a question; anyone know what the current VIP perks are?

    1. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      I think they are being reworked right now.

    2. Telanir


      They were supposed to be redesigned for 3.0 release.

  17. How come our noses run but our feet smell? Seems a bit odd. . .

    1. Kaiser


      Lol y u rage bout noses nd feetz?

    2. MonkeyCoffee
  18. I watched "Pitch Perfect" on New Year's Eve from 10:00 to 12:05 and did not speak a word till the end, at which time I promptly quoted my favorite line. So you heard it here folks; the first words I spoke in 2013 was "I ate my twin in the womb."

  19. Anyone able to film stuff in Minecraft? Please PM if you can.

    1. Coaster


      I have fraps and vegas 9/10/11 if you need something edited.

    2. Nononymous


      Sweet, I'll message you on TS sometime tomorrow :)

  20. Must. . . resist. . . urge. . . to advertise!

    1. PtahWithin


      Resistence is futile.

    2. blindmind


      Do it, fool!

  21. Geo is mean. He bullies me.

    1. Geo


      WHAT DID I DO!?

    2. lemontide331


      yh I'm witness to this

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