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Status Updates posted by Nononymous

    1. Birdwhisperer


      "We're painting the roses red, and many a tear we shed, because we know they'll cease to grow, in fact they'll soon be dead..."

    2. Urahra


      It's a terrible shame Peter isn't called the "Red King."

  1. Shoutout to ymbninjakiller for trying to aid the psycopathic Nibbles despite his actions! Good RP!

    1. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Oh shucks, it was nothing *blushes*

    2. Nononymous
  2. Too. . . *twitch* many. . . *twitch* VA's!

    1. Helvetius


      10,000 VAs. Want more? xD

    2. Nug


      Get on it! :o

  3. Anyone who is interested in the Arscimali, I will be writing up the last part of the lore required for their implementation!

  4. Good news guys! Whoever deleted post, doesnt matter now! I GOT NEW HORSE! AND ITS BETTER! Theo wins, Theo always wins

    1. gam


      lik if u cry errytim

    2. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Theo has a friend again. yay

  5. Do you ever accidentally make a status update when you're trying to search something on the forums? 2 years on this server and that just happened to me for the first time

    1. Elindor


      I have indeed done that.

    2. Elindor


      Particularly embarrassing when you are looking for someone so your status is just their name.

  6. Everyone that is part of Circle Nine! Look at the new post ASAP! Very important!

    1. blindmind


      sentest thou a message!


    1. Yamnothere


      I've had mine for Aegis now D: just, havn't done anything with it, Maybe I'l upload it soon <3

  8. BWA HAHA! Suckered my Dad into getting me Mass Effect 3!

    1. Cresaran


      Ok... How could you trick him into that?

  9. Everyone who doesn't sign my petition to get Pety's music coded into MC will die by my hands. End of disucssion...

    1. everblue2er101


      Challenge accepted.

  10. Almost done building my laboratory! :D

    1. Gorum©


      I suggest you read the message I sent you O_O

  11. Hey guys, I'm gonna be gone for the next 5 days or so, I need to think about some things before I can play LoTC unaffected by IRL events.

    1. Bircalin



  12. That awkward moment when you cheat your business partner out of 1,500 minas... MUA HA HA!

    1. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      Lalz. Woulda forced you into giving it to him but the Aspects were mad at me :(

  13. *Is working on his Application Team app

  14. SOMEONE TELL RUSEN/VOIDSOLDIER TO MESSAGE ME! Naow! Oh, and if anyone is a big TFS fan, I have been to hell and witnessed the two oiled up German guys...

    1. Swgrclan


      I don't even..

  15. Just finished Faceless 4.0 and I like it! Please rate and give me some feedback! http://www.minershoes.com/skin/view/i4f8cae34271d2517963270939817238177817191

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      It really depends. He looks less like a murderer and more like a monster. I still ike it though. Please dont kill me.

  16. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/55255-number-three/page__pid__431261#entry431261 Hey guys, please look at this so far and tell me what you think. A bit self concious about it ever since Panda...
    1. Αμφίονας


      It's good stuff. Get over it ;)

      Seriously I have role-played with similar things. Endless hours of fun.

  17. Gah! I felt so awesome but then I fell and got mauled to death by Magma Cubes! God dangit!

    1. Ursolon


      That's life for you.

  18. Just watched Prometheus; had a nerdgasm at the very end. SOO GOOOOOD! :D

    1. hypercrit


      I haven't seen Alien yet. Is it actually a prequel? I saw the movie and I was like, this has to be a prequel or there needs to be more sequels! XD

  19. Is it possible to donate to this servr from a discover card? Like, directly from it?

    1. Sinstrite


      If you don't use the in-game way to donate, I would PM an admin about finding out how exactly to pay straight from a debit/credit card - I would suggest linking the card to a Paypal account and then using Paypal to pay if possible.

  20. Off to go babysit a kid that looks (and acts) exactly like Mr. Chow, wish me luck!

  21. Had football practice, babysat some kids, and am only now about to log onto LoTC. *Hears his mom shouting "dinnertime" F*** THIS!

    1. yekim8


      sucks to be you jonny boi

  22. I said a hip, a hop, a hibby, a hibby to the hip hip hop and you don't stop the rocket do the bang bang boogie, say up jump the boogie rock the rhythm of the boogie the beat.

  23. Going to North Carolina for a week, see ya all later! For those who know James IG, go check on him in Fort Rin... it's a surprise :P

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