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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by argonian

  1. Can I've my VIP status on the forums please? Need to make this profile pic bigger.

    1. Sythan


      Anyone can make their picture bigger now doe.


      Make gyazo gif or whatever works for you and use that.




    2. argonian
  2. is crime even a thing on this server anymore

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HedgeHug


      The usual *steals painting* occurs every now and again when people around me and Sandk1ng are on a roll



      aside from that pretty much nothing considering proper villany is hard to be done as of late.

    3. argonian


      Kinda sad. I miss actually having something to do as a guard.

    4. Runabarn


      Your face is a crime huehuehuehue

  3. At granite I'm finding gigantic quartz veins every 2 seconds but never any iron. What's the best y level for iron?

    1. shimmeringbliss


      If I remember correctly, not even diamonds spawn that low in LOTC. I think me and Sythan said that best place for any ore is anywhere from 60-15, nothing below that. Coal is above 60 though I think.

    2. argonian
  4. what version of mc is lotc on now?

  5. why are swing timers still a thing

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. argonian


      holy **** braxis, haven't seen you in a good 4 years. I'm fine myself, you?

    3. Braxis


      Crippling College debt, **** job, and I found myself back here, BUT I AM ALIVE. So it's not all too too bad. Haha.

    4. argonian


      That sucks. Well, best of luck getting that **** paid off eventually. What're you up to on LOTC these days? I've only just come back myself.

  6. Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 is still the best version.

  7. Mojang made LOTC remove all its decent perks because of its shitty EULA, but they let factions servers with thousands of players sell kits. WTF Mojang.

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Mojang probably told us to, and LoTC didn't even negotiate the terms of the EULA. It's always a possibility that they didn't actually tell LoTC to do half of what we did because it was mostly non game related plugins, but rather the choice of the staff.

    2. Telanir


      `Free The Hobbits`, does spending time on LotC perpetually trigger you? Take a break mate. Obviously, we negotiated to the fullest extent, we took the full month to continue to try and push the limits of what we can do within the EULA.


      As for that James, that is disgusting, that we have to suffer through this and they don't. Please report them at this link.



      It's not fair to smaller servers like ourselves that they get to sell kits, and rake in cash, while we have to stick to `mostly cosmetics`.

  8. Even if they changed warclaims to 100 1v1s, the lag would still be unbearable for each fight. 1.9's just utter trash, we need to downgrade to 1.8 if we ever want decent PVP again.

  9. We should just revert to 1.8 entirely.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. drfate786


      What are you talking about? If they added a new type of block they WOULD be accessible via the nexus plugin. They added purpur blocks to the nexus profressions already.

    3. argonian


      It's better to be a legacy server than one that lags like hell and can't support combat at all.

    4. Elfen_


      Not really. Cuz every other major server continues to move forward. Becoming legacy would only kill the server faster.

  10. who the **** is apachesniper

  11. never forgot the brave men who lost their lives at the battle of unk

    1. VonEbs


      RIP Alstion,

    2. argonian


      RIP Snowy Fields. 

  12. just accept every app and let natural selection take its course :)

    1. Matheus


      It's gonna take it's course to ****ing salt-tropolis.

  13. GM bias wide and clear. When can we get rid of Combustionary?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Neri


      put down the tinfoil

    3. argonian


      Oh come on Freya, you've been around long enough to know how this works.

    4. H


      The bans were unfair, but shouting about GM bias and calling for the removal of a staff member just for this won't earn you any favor with most players, nor that of the other staff who'd have to be the ones taking action to reverse the bans. Be civil, it's polite. And more effective.

  14. Mr Radahan, tear down this wall!

  15. Who was it who decided to call iron ferrum and why? And yes I know it's the latin for iron, but why randomly rename it that?

    1. thaddeus11


      Just adds to lore, keeps things fresh.

    2. DelaneyG


      I usually call it steel tbh.

    3. Neri


      You did click yes on server texturepack


      if you click no it has default mc names.

  16. Imagine calling a GM to get people banned for cursing, and getting yourself banned for hacking. Thanks for the laughs Hornets. https://gyazo.com/343f33f04e0e7fb7bb14d87cb9550bcb

    1. mitto


      No problem buddy

    2. Potts244


      Imagine x-raying in a video and getting away with it! Would never happen it's just crazy.

  17. You might as well just decide who wins the warclaim over who has the bigger rally. There's no strategy with this much lag.

  18. whens tythus gonna fix the battle lag.

  19. oren votes OPEN BORDERS

  20. Work will set you free.

    1. Neri


      not unpaid intern work

  21. It's like someone took a **** on the forums.

  22. First day back and I have to write a 3 A4 page essay about my summer due tomorrow. I could barely do that in English, let alone Irish.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Crowbill


      Just say you watched Game of Thrones and then explain the whole plot.

    3. argonian


      That's way to complicated to say in Irish sadly. I think I'm just gonna write about all the sandwiches I've made throughout the summer.

    4. ShameJax


      Explain the premium minecraft rolplaying served you wasted your summer on!

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