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Status Updates posted by VonEbs

  1. The antag sucks. We all know that. They have sucked since the beginning. Can we just get rid of them already?

    1. Agith


      Mmhmm, their reform failed.

    2. Nug


      Good job providing feedback on how we can improve. :I

  2. Malinor will be having a secret event tomorrow at 2-4 est for all elves. Be there or be square.

    1. Aislin


      Not secret anymore!

    2. Shadowjax


      Please do not orchestrate cyber orgies on the forums thank you

  3. My country has a problem...

    1. Lark


      And that problem is Troll.

    2. bungo


      2morow is holocaust awareness day please do not sing that song...

  4. The orcs should pretend they have oil in their deserts to sell them for a bunch of money.

    1. 5678


      The Krug Sultanate

    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Mogroka already got it all.

  5. Soon is here.

    1. Telanir


      Hahaha that made my day. xD

    2. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      Waits for combat plugin and then telanir has reached god status

  6. I have to say, the maneuvering on this one is an admirable piece of work. Props where they are due Sheumgal.

    1. V0idsoldier


      Yup. Doesn't matter if you like them, the way this is being acted out is worthy of props

    2. THESSunny
  7. How is everyone this fine evening?

    1. Korvic


      Evening? Oh, it's already evening. There went my day... cleaning and learning 3DS Max. :I

    2. Space
  8. Chunk corruption, chunk corruption everywhere

    1. Aedan The Bard
    2. Heff


      b33 predicted this would happen

  9. PSA: If you are unwhitelisted: Be not afraid, they are repairing chunk corruption.

    1. The Media Wizard

      The Media Wizard

      Chunk Corruption at 50%. Chunk Transfer Recommended. Is Replacement Chunk ready for Chunk Transfer?

    2. Heff


      you can transfer my chunks ;)

  10. Glad to see I could set the record straight on the elven military record.

    1. WuHanXianShi14


      great what did you do what part of the wiki do i have to fix now

    2. Gunner


      away with you vile beggar

    1. CaptainSheepy
    2. Space


      Man, I've played this character for three years and his biggest accomplishment is.... Becoming a Dedicant, I guess?

    1. Nolan_


      7 years in the making and you didn't realise the plural of sky is skies 

    2. VonEbs


      Do you even lore?

  11. LotC 5.0 Walking Simulator

    1. Elfen_


      I get sooo much nostaglia from walking.

    2. CaptainHaense


      It's nice to actually see people walking around, but it will take some time to get used to again.

  12. Surgery today, see y'all afterwards.

    1. VonEbs


      Surgery was successful... ish.

  13. Hears crickets on the forums.

  14. Server is dead.... RIP

    1. Pliz


      WHO SAYS SO?!?!

  15. Server...... *cries*

    1. VonEbs


      "Why, oh why have you abandoned me?"

      *has an idea*

  16. Joyeux Noel!

    1. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Oui! Joyeux Noel! Ca va?

      Btw What time u wanna meet to get meh a job?

      Im 9 hours behind as said.

  17. Ebs is dead, and I have a theology project.... so time to ro as a girl...

  18. /delevel Excavation

    1. Antharin


      Excavation sucks. Do you get the levels back by any chance?

  19. Friday will= Best day in my life?

    1. Religious_Pie


      *best day in ALL our lives.

  20. Stop saying a certain place is under attack, it is meta I believe.

    1. susitsu


      Galahar is under attack! *Trollface.jpg*

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