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Pikel Boldshoulder

Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Pikel Boldshoulder

  1. Would a FM bump me up to diamond vip please?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      I'm obviously overestimating the powers of a FM

    3. The Womping Wizard
    4. Birdwhisperer


      FMs aren't allowed to change forum VIP. Post here:

  2. Plot twist, GM team aren't placing new plots and just said it to make you waste your diamonds and iron

    1. AGiantPie


      GET IT??!?!?!

      "PLOT TWIST"


    2. Travista


      *kills pie while he's laughing, taking his swump, haha!*

    3. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      Indeed I made a pun

  3. Real life edgy archer
    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      That isn't edgy.

    2. James


      I have a video of someone splitting bbs in half with a katana as they come to him :P

  4. I remember the fae being a little thing in Aegis
  5. Brah what's your skype I wanta talk to you about building stuff

  6. http://www.pcgamer.com/minecraft-to-let-players-change-their-in-game-name/ Not going to know who any of you are by the end of this
    1. Ender_Panda13


      obviously LOTC shold create a kind of app for name changes. or at least make sure they know who you are if you do change your name. I think if you change your username without alerting lotc staff you should be banned. its kinda like alting afterall.

    2. BrandNewKitten


      If you are banned changing your username won't solve the issue! Lucky that Mojang thought of that.

    3. Ender_Panda13


      I meant, say like, someone changes their name. How will we be able to tell who they were? A Strelt would clear his cards, change his name, and become a spy to his enemies. We wont know because of the name change.

  7. It should be common knowledge that common sense isn't very common

  8. What's the use for TNT if I can't blow stuff up :(

  9. *pats the server fondly* Get better soon dear

  10. I'm all for freedom of RP and understand why VA's were removed, but this is the calibre off villains I only see on LotC nowdays http://i.imgur.com/T4mqrDW.png

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mephistophelian


      Steal the moon....hrrrrmmmmmmmm

      Good idea.

    3. Moot


      Maybe someone is pulling strings behind the curtains! Maybe you just never knew!

    4. ℤ∃ʁ∅



  11. And there goes another two horses T_T

  12. Buy some horses, wait hours for server to stop being retarded, go to sit on one, server dies

    1. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      man I hate you LotC sometimes

    2. osumanduas


      Nobody uses horses for that reason though?

  13. Curious to what we've actually gained from removing VA's. As now I only ever see petty bandits

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ThumperJack


      Space has it dead on. OOC boundaries shouldn't restrict RP. If people really want to lessen the amount of bandits, make a guild.

    3. ThumperJack


      But still need boundaries like he said, just not VAs

    4. Lima


      Then wny not just make a "Crime" VA, where your only required to have it for "Crime." And are held it upon you to commit said crime in a satisfying manner that is enjoyable for all parties.

      To have a different VA for murder compared to thievery is stupid. To have a VA that just allows you to do the 'criminal' actions, or actions that are inately hostile and can negatively impact someones roleplay would in my opinion improve the server.

  14. Someday we'll finally kill this Hydra

    1. MatrixNeo585


      I hate the Hydra! When is the next one?

  15. Lord Knox's one weakness, shovels http://i.imgur.com/vLm3PXh.png

    1. Samoblivion


      Still your tongue, heretic.

    2. susitsu
    3. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      I'm putting it down on my resume I killed Knox

  16. Server needs a reset it's being derpy and crashing everyone.

  17. Yay, LotC destroyed all my trophies and items hanging on the wall T_T

    1. Nug


      rip siren water catalyst

  18. Why was the Kaxil orc clan banished?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Demotheus
    3. Demotheus
    4. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      Worshiping of Iblees, orc cannibalism, sacrificing to Ixli (evil spirit), killing his fellow orcs... Ixlis were completely whitewashes.

  19. Anyone figured out shaders on 1.7.9?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pfmvaz1996


      1.7.10 works on LotC, look up liudasbar, he has a thread about shaders in the MCforums

    3. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      I feel like I've been living in a cave all this time, thank you

    4. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      http://i.imgur.com/bzNB6bG.jpg I've been playing without this for too long, I refuse to go back.
  20. One of my favorite places ever built on LotC, ArmaLuna. I dug up an old video

    1. Samoblivion


      Damn, I remember that. The Flay attack and the chaos it caused was great.

    2. HuskyPuppy


      Oh god I completely forgot about this place! I used to love it dearly.

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