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Everything posted by Bogrin

  1. I was banned from the Orc discord, because Jandy believed me to be a “Raguk plant,” for RPing a character not wanting a civil war. The absolute state of Orc RP.

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    2. _Jandy_


      Well it’s really not, you can stroll into the city and rp (or try to) as you wish. That’s the game itself. If you want the privilege of being notified like the other citizens of the nation then I wouldn’t recommend working at the disinterest of that nation. Being in a nation’s discord is a privilege, there’s no real discussion to be had about that. Also raguks were booted because they declared war, not for some ooc grudge like people would try to claim. I went out of my way to pm the people who were booted to say such. If booting people you are at war with, to dissuade meta and the sort of things, is an issue then I’m comfortable with being the problem. Anyways, stick to your RP boys and I’ll stick to mine, nice chat.

    3. rukio


      @WilliamTanner Lol who even r u?

  2. Lat wagh wit da klompaz lat got, nub da klompaz wun wub ta haf - Don'orl Rorks'fald

  3. Are we on a new map yet

    1. Gangrel1230


      Yea new map came out about an hour ago

    2. Vege


      yes we're not in thales anymore

  4. I saw you get that most upvoted comment on Sips' Firewatch video, congrats buddy

    1. AGiantPie


      I'm an enlightened individual.

  5. I have only ever really liked 3 players on this server, Rusty7x, Burkester, and Skippy. Burkester is a real fuckboy, but hes alright

  6. the all-memer is judging me

  7. Why is Tyrevik at war as a village? Did they start it? I was interested in peaceful village life but this doesn't seem it

    1. MajesticOwyn


      We were part of Vandoria when it merged to make Vanderguan, and denied peace initially because of it. The treaty has been signed.

  8. ((Yes but how would you know the code to respond? How would you know the rules?))
  9. ((Is this information public? Can we respond to it?))
  10. Well written and logical, with both IC and OOC benefits to RP. Huge support from me.
  11. harold can I message you about something you should look into if this treaty goes through

  12. ((Why is an archbishop a trained fighter?))
  13. u profile pic thief il rek u

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MajesticOwyn


      It's a new guild, department of collectors. They are coming.

    3. Wytchrose


      But ha! You don't know where any of my current characters live, whuahaha!

    4. MajesticOwyn


      So afraid you double posted. The Dept. of Collectors knows all.

  14. Help me out with your thoughts on this war break



  15. Thank heavens for the potential break in war-related threads

  16. Allow me to cite an example " 1221, the Thundercrash Bombs, used by the Jin invaders during the attack of Qizhou, which were exploding grenades filled with black powder rather than incendiary bombs filled with molten material, and lastly in 1232 when the Jin repelled the Mongolians in the battle of Kai-keng. " (yes it says grenades but they were talking of fire arrows, they are merely using a different term to describe it) They were cast iron or bamboo tubes packed with black powder. the defenders had a "thunder-crash bomb" which "consisted of gunpowder put into an iron container ... then when the fuse was lit (and the projectile shot off) there was a great explosion the noise whereof was like thunder They were used in the exact same manner as the explosive arrows on LoTC. In addition to this they were thrown. You seem to have done a quick google yourself and labeled them all early forms of rockets. That is not accurate. I will admit that these were not impact explosives, but they seem to have had the same effect regardless. Despite this, I am sure you will not be convinced. I tire of this circular debate, when it seems neither will convince the other and neither of our assertions will change anything about the lore itself. All I advise you to do is take a skeptical look at the lore which the Orenians themselves frequently use, such as the Church of the Canon, before casting a possibly biased eye on the Dwarves. I will not get into any more arguments on this thread.
  17. I am sorry but you are simply incorrect about bombs; history can easily disprove you, especially ancient Chinese history. I agree that the arrows are less aerodynamic, but I do not think they are for sniping. You seem to be making assertions without having done the research. Even a quick google will find that it is feasible. Perhaps even just browse the "fire arrow" wikipedia page. It covers all sorts of "fire arrows" including explosive ones.
  18. I don't know if you don't have much knowledge on gunsmithing, or you simply have vastly different opinions on what is "not complicated". Long before the handcannon (very early handgun) was developed, cannon and rocket technology had to be perfected. The very idea that explosives can be used to propel for weaponry is fairly advanced. Simple bombs however have been around for a very, very long time, they are inarguably ancient. It is not at all far fetched for an archer to strap a simple bomb to an arrow, and when the receptacle is broken on impact, boom. There are other routes of course. It is well documented in the early days of chinese warfare that there would be bags of blackpowder attached to the end of arrows and lit, it was an early form of artillery. And this is ancient technology. You can read my above assertions. There is a serious misunderstanding of what it actually takes to make a viable cannon, its not just a metal barrel with gunpowder and a ball in it. Thousands of years of explosive and weaponry technology went into even the earliest and most rudimentary cannons. Simple bombs on wooden sticks flying through the air is nowhere near as complex.
  19. Guns use explosives as a propellant and require advanced machining ability to produce. Cannons are similar, albeit more simplistic. This is VASTLY different from strapping a bag of explosive material to the end of an arrow shaft.
  20. There is an overwhelming opposition to this idea, let alone the direct statement banning them in the rules. I think you should give up on it, it will not add to RP.
  21. When it says weak to gold, to what extent do you mean? Is it simply holding or touching gold that will hurt the Homunculus? Or does it require being cut? Can gold be ingested?
  22. Warclaims always breed OOC salt

  23. I think everyone can agree that there is no honor in killing Halflings, but I could see Orks doing it for wealth/supplies.
  24. On this subject, what is the blessing that was placed on the humans? I do not understand it
  25. Bogrin


    A smelly peasant is confused as to why the person he saw looks like a human, not a dwarf, and he wonders where her beard is.
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