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Status Updates posted by SparehoeCakes

  1. If you have any ideas for an event, for your group, or something, let me know! I'll me glad to help, forum PM, or click my profile for my other Contact infos.

    1. Slic3man


      I heard you like puppies.

    2. SparehoeCakes


      SLICE SHHHHHHH, Dat puppy was cute though.

    3. WuHanXianShi14


      On saturday the delvers and Vaerhaven's guard thingy are paying an ominous skull mountain a visit :)

  2. I just accidently hit the status updates and recent topic sections, and, I can't get them back. Help?

  3. I'm back! Gosh, those 142 notifications were fun to go through. I bought some clothes and whatnot that changes in the sun, but I don't see the sun. Huehehehe

    1. gingernut97


      142 notifications?! I..I...What ?

    2. everblue2er101


      Sparrow follows pretty much everything. And is friends with everyone.

    3. JtPv


      Well then, little Miss Popular...

  4. Just played against a at least 1 Gold, plat, and challenger teir in league. We lost, but I carried...ish. http://gyazo.com/cc3435e7e253c67383b67036421e6204

    1. V0idsoldier


      102 farm lol. Sounds legit sparrow :P

    2. SparehoeCakes


      We lost sooo quickly. They stomped us. BUT I DID WELLER DEN DEM. I had to gank constantly, hard to CS ;-;

    3. V0idsoldier


      31 minutes aint quick sparrow :P You did better than your team though lol

  5. Sooo, my survey is still up and running. Will for probably the next few days. If you have free time, do it. Or not. YOUR CHOICE I'M NOT THE DEMON GOD. http://bit.ly/1fBb9ks

    1. SparehoeCakes


      PS- Goodnight LOTC

    2. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      I approve of this message, save the last bit. You have no choice. That was reverse psychology created by the reverse demon god.

    3. domainoft


      Your just the Demon God's son? right? ;)

  6. APPARENTLY there is an enchantment cap. Stupid Minecraft.

    1. Gwonam_Blaze


      "We're sorry, but we cannot allow you to create the most insanely powerful weapon imaginable, despite that being pretty much the only thing the average person does with Creative mode!"

    2. SparehoeCakes


      I just wanna see how many zombies I can kill ;(

    3. Overland


      If I remember, Essentials has an enchantment command.

  7. Soulstones are broken, but the server is up. My MC keeps crashing. WHATEVER. I won't be on for a while :3

    1. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      im having the same thing

      mayb go to 1.7.4?

    2. Demotheus


      1.7.2, and 1.7.4 constantly crash...

    3. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      i ahvent crashed on 1.7.4 yet

  8. I want to be active on LOTC, but I just don't have a reason to, and it depresses me.

    1. The Media Wizard

      The Media Wizard

      Uhm... because I'm here! *throws confetti*

    2. Booklight12


      Be a Whitewolf! Or Revive Nyx!

    3. Sir_Lime


      *Music plays* Baby come back! oooooooh' So opportunistic I'm sorry

  9. Creative Cafe tonight! 3/3/12 At 6p Central ! Come join us! Maybe even perform a little something something!

  10. Updated my signature! Take a look see! (Click about me on my profile!)

  11. Im changing emails, so my group is Validating. JUST CHANGING EMAILS. I'm still on the VAT people! :)

    1. V0idsoldier


      I thought you waz becoming a GM =/

    2. SparehoeCakes


      A lot of people did. I kinda am hoping it now.. :D But I'm pretty sure it's just my email.

  12. Creative Cafe LESS THEN 15 MINUTES!

  13. Creative Cafe is TONIGHT! It starts at 6 Central time! Come join us, we already have a few people on the lineup!

    1. 0000


      What is that?

    2. SparehoeCakes


      Creative Cafe is a weekly thing where a bunch of us get together in a Teamspeak channel in the LOTC Teamspeak server, and we perform songs and sing and goof around for a while. And by a bunch of us, I mean like 70ish Lord of the Crafters

  14. All done with Creative Cafe. It ended to soon.

    1. Jarkarll


      When will voting be up?

    2. SparehoeCakes


      Umm, Arik made a link for it, but I am hoping the actual voting poll will be up for the end of the night, or VERY early tomorrow morning.

  15. VAT GROUP BACK! Get prepared applicants! I'm comin'! :P

    1. BadCall


      Hope you'll take care of mine when it will be done :D

    2. SparehoeCakes


      Send me a PM. :)

  16. Got some colored contacts. I was only on the mad man hunt for like 3 weeks. They feel odd still, need to get used to having something in my eyes. I want to get some more now. MWAHAHAHA

    1. EmeraldStag


      BE-CAREFUL They can lead to eye infections and eye damage if you don't take care of them and clean them.

    2. SparehoeCakes


      Trust me, i know. I am taking extra good care of them.

  17. Well LOTC, I will be leaving you for 1 week, to go on vacation. I will miss you!

  18. I...Am...BACK! I'm not happy about it though. :/

  19. Remember before they updated VIPs, and you saw a bedrock/diamond VIP and you were like I WORSHIP, now look how many there are! I used to be cool *tear* All is okay though, because diamond, bedrock, ender, and Aether, are awesome, it is a good bit of money, and dedication to the server. But donating any amount, is awesome.

    1. Miquill


      The only time I ever donated was accidently for my brother who got himself banned. My mother won't let me do it again, and she'll check my credit card. >.>

    2. SparehoeCakes


      Do like I do, and link a like 2/3 PayPal accounts through each-other, and then it is basically untraceable! If you do it right....

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