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Status Updates posted by hosper

  1. Is there a WoW server that most LoTC players go to?

    1. chaotikal


      Lion's pride inn, Goldshire. Moonguard US.

    2. Cyndikate


      Check out Nostalrius if you like Vanilla WoW

  2. Soo... is this Salvus in Ausolon round two? People attack from 10 sides to 3 people defending?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      I'm comming for you Hosper.

    3. Helvetius


      The orcs didn't destroy Salvus in Anthos xD. Half/75% of Oren hopping on orc alts is what destroyed Salvus (+Salvian leader for some reason picking to go with Oren when most knew Oren wanted Salvus, as a human city, gone).

    4. gam


      Orc alts still means orcs, lol. Orcs destroyed Salvus.

  3. 1 Hour till the Hockey game that matters most ;)

    1. oblivionsbane


      This is like saying 1 hour until the lacrosse game that matters the most. Except lacrosse is cooler.

  4. Idea: Make "edgy" a swear word IG and have guard forces fine or lock people up for saying it.

  5. Progressive house shall save your soul:

  6. A health reminder from the Necromancer Cleric coalition: http://static.someecards.com/someecards/usercards/1338412881964_9994275.png

    1. AndrewTech


      "... dratted Necromancers. They muddle the message every time!"

    2. DruinsBane


      I was drink writting, don't judge me... *Hic!*

  7. Exaaaaammmmmsss!!! :D .... wait a minute

    1. tnoy23


      -Shakes his head, going to help plan his funeral after his exams kill him-

    2. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      I had 2 today

      English and RM eh

  8. "I was talking to my doctor down at the hospital He said, "Son, it says here you're twenty-seven, But that's impossible... Cocaine!... you look like you could be forty-five"- Jackson Browne

    1. Heff
    2. hosper


      Rob Ford is actually 19

  9. "I listen with attention to the judgement of all men; but so far as I can remember, I have followed none but my own. -Michel Montaigne ( I wanna do a quote too)

  10. I shall return.. Try not to blow anything up while I am gone. Thanks

  11. I shall return.. Try not to blow anything up while I am gone. Thanks

  12. Achievement get: Stop Orc combat by dazzling them with light.

    1. Aislin


      I didn't even notice you did light lol

    2. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      I was so Dazzled


    3. Heero
  13. Should I make a Orc or a High Elf?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Swgrclan


      Make an Iblees Worshiper! They're practically their own race.

    3. Heff
    4. zanesim123
  14. Sever is back y'all can stay now...

  15. It has been 562 days since I was accepted to be a Cleric... it has been a hell of a good ride! Religion ftw!

    1. EmeraldStag


      i fin teh wurd Religion tu b a fence sive

  16. Random holes of death on the highway....lovely simply lovely

  17. Game of Thrones marathon? I think so.

    1. TheWhiteWolf


      Ahoo! Season 3 is coming out soon! Going to be awesome.

  18. Last two deaths in Minez are from falling.......(Had full iron both times)

  19. What was the special event last night?

    1. FORƎST


      Don't think it happened. Sit tight though, might've just been postponed.

  20. What was the event last night?

  21. *Gets a bowl of popcorn* Wonder what happens now?

  22. The orcs can't have a cicil war that is Orens job

    1. DrakeHaze


      True enough ;3

    2. Slic3man


      You must not know Orc Culture. :3

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