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Everything posted by Elindor

  1. And it keep appearing at the top of my darn forum feed!!!
  2. From my watching many a lore approval process. i would expect that this comes under a "feel free to roleplay this". I would probably just want to steal for the sake of improving Cognitism. Though surely a mental magician can already visualise the impossible in their own lucid dream. I feel like the part that many people will want to know more about is the effect in the real world. You're pretty well just unconscious while standing up (or sitting cross legged) correct? The Cognitism lore goes into great detail about the state that your mind is in, whereas the ambiguity here may come up at a later time when a mental mage comes into the picture. Are you more susceptible, completely walled off, what's the situation? Personally I believe that deep meditation requires forgetting one's own body, so therefore your mind (in a sense) no longer occupies the space of your body. Therefore, an intruder will find empty space, because you're off doing your own thing.
  3. *cough* cognitism. It was always an underpowered branch because the "Spectator's Mind" didn't actually do a whole lot. And its more useful spell was Revelation which is a completely draining, highly likely to fail action that requires GMs. So to enter into the realm of mental possibilities, I would say it should have been a part of cognitism 6 months ago. Sure. You could claim that "anyone" can do it. But I like my boxes and putting you in them. So there :P
  4. Someone in Athera is a tattered old journal, and somewhere within it is a page that observes the following: Though science proves useless against the great expanse of unknown void and while those whose lives live dependant upon it expand into a more advanced and intimate understanding that is more emotional than intellectual, too much remains completely without explanation. It has been observed that there is something independant within the Void that goes against all understandings of the plane as being inoperative. Perhaps the influence of others is pushing upon one's own interactions with the realm, but my prediction is that there is a self sustained entity whose connection with The Void stems far beyond any living mortal descendant. It pushes against our actions. As though our unnatural use of the plane is counterproductive to its intents. The hope of this wizard is that whatever this undefined force is, it remains within its present means of existing and none shall ever come to harm for the folly that it is to play god amongst the Void.
  5. Octapuss* The things ooze out vile sticky puss when skin is cut or they are exposed to water, hence receiving the name "Octapuss" And does this mean that the Fire Warden isn't a squid monster but an Octapuss?
  6. Just popping in to say that to some extent this has existed previously. Just never really defined as an actual magical ability. Arcane Evocation brought to light a whole lot about the colours of auras, and thus the wiki has some insight: Blue: Calculatedness and logicality (Sometimes emotional coldness) Purple: Mysteriousness White: Benevolence, order and innocence. Brown: Nurturing and caring Yellow: Greed (Sometimes optimism) Red: Dominance, power and control (Sometimes tyrannical natures) Green: Harmony and balance (Sometimes vanity). Black: Chaos and malevolence. But beyond these guides there are shades, combinations, and alterations that can happen. As in, you said mood is a defining factor, that would likely impact the light value of the colour, while hue wouldn't change much from one day to the next. This is really a sort of "domestic" magic, so just keep in line with what domestic magics can offer (and will be unlocked because of it) then it all seems pretty good.
  7. Invasion of the body snatchers. So what is it that the hive mind wants from us?
  8. A lot of what you have got in terms of practical use is focussed on this pure mana. Though, I would be inclined to calling it Arcane mana, rather than pure. Mana comes out of any living thing and in doing so it is taking on some resemblance to its source (as in the differing auras). So just as arcane energy is the unaligned element of aura. Arcane mana would be mana that draws its source from the void itself. No? I'm just thinking that calling it 'pure' (for the sake of semantics) isn't hugely accurate because the mana produced by a tree should be pure. It hasn't been affected by anything and exists in the way The Creator intended. IMO (moving on) I was just quite taken by the symbolism of pure void and balance. So I thought that it would be more of a literary device if the (potentially) all powerful void shard isn't linked to a person (because surely no mortal could handle it) and instead is kept in limbo by something that the person wears (ring of power anyone?). Any kind of lore that goes along the lines of: here's this super powerful object but I made it so only I can use it; is digging a big whole for itself. Also if you then have these two objects, the introduction of it into the game becomes a bit easier to imagine. As in, there's some hidden tomb thing that wise wizards chose to hide away 2000 years ago. But now people find it and uncover it and there is nothing in it but two pillars. On one is what seems to be a rock (void shard) or a staff with the shard in it, and on the other a tiny gem (balance stone) or it could be already crafted into a piece of jewellery for the sake of keeping it on one's person. Together they are doing nothing, but the mere shifting of them brings life back into the void shard. As I already said, I don't think it is living up to its potential to be only about the pure mana aspect. As it stands, that's already very much a part of existing dark magics, that you can get tainted and slowly die. See shade magic, necromancy, or undead corruption. It seems to me that the transforming of aura should be more of a side effect. However you DO have to keep in mind that whatever you try to write into the lore as a downside (especially when it means eventual perma-death) will be inevitably ignored by players. That's just how it is. How I would see a void shard being used? I am not completely sure. There have been a few attempts at writing magic for pure void magic but none were really that great, and all treaded very much on existing magic types (especially void translocation. My bad). But THERE is the key to this really becoming interesting. What can one DO with the void existing in a tangible way? And not in the unapproachable form of a void node, but a somewhat controllable aspect of the realm in which the possibility for everything exists? There are somewhat obvious things. As in, if you took a balance thing (diamond, jewellery, piece of string) and threw it off a cliff to see what happened, the place around the void shard would become a node. Most likely an unstable node and either explode outwards with the manifestations of the imagination of any within its reach; implode into the void taking a fair amount of stuff with it, or miraculously balance out and create a stable (for now) void node in that place. However, air is a terrible form of matter to stabilise a node with and the most likely outcome if the thing is above ground is to implode. But the less obvious possibilities come down to what you want this to do. If Estares (if you're really set on keeping that as the genesis) found the 'secret' to controlling the void, then what stands out to me as that secret is he discovered how to create from the void. How to pull something out of it and break its tether to the void. Meaning he could make something come from the void and never have to return to it again. That sort of thing can either become a new kind of magic with the usual list of spells, pros, cons, and scale of experience. OR it could be a magic device that provides an opportunity for any void mage (who has both the shard and the balance thing) to pull something out of the void like the would normally, yet it will remain in our realm and never need to return. The deadly effects of pure mana is far less intriguing to me. And honestly, I read of the ability to control it to such a finite degree that you can select targets and mass taint them all and rolled my eyes. If that is the ONLY thing this is doing, then sure, a finite level of control could become possible, but if the larger possibilities of the void being touchable are met, then targeting people with a mana taint is OP, and also kindof silly. What is the point of it? Taint works better as a side effect. Like if you punched someone with a balance ring on your finger then they are suffering the mana taint. Not some AOE + only-targeting-bad-guys spell. Of note, the law of equal sacrifice might still be in play. Whereby for something to come out, something else must go in. Depends how you feel about that.
  9. Healing by way of evocation is possible anyway. It is a process and not a type of magic. -1 Already exists.
  10. I don't like the controller stuff. That just sounds like "I have this special thing but no one else can have it because I am the special one." It would actually be more sensible if the Void shard was controlled by some other type of balance thing. When they are kept in tandem the shard sits dormant, but by adjusting the balance whatever it is, the void can come out. So it is more about controlling the release of the cap, than controlling the void itself. Keeps the mysticism about the Void as being void. And means that you need to have both parts of the thing. That way someone else can get your stuff and roleplay with it if they like (though maybe the balance thingy is a necklace or ring in which case it is far harder to just steal) And there's some interesting possibilities of what happens when the Void Shard is no longer sustained in a flux by the balance thing.
  11. I agree with Moot. The concept of trapping the Void into a small something is interesting (I remember someone was walking around carrying a "node" but that just proved that they didn't understand the lore of Void Nodes if they thought it physically existed) and can wield an interesting result. The uses listed here don't seem to be approaching the potential, and yet any potential it has strikes me as being about nothing more than OP magic. What does this bring that is a unique and new experience? (All I saw was the same as your regular necromancer/shade) And in what way is it not just a special snowflake device? You have a number of grammatical errors throughout too. As well as some peculiarities in your origin story that it would make much more sense to just remove the Daemon aspect altogether and go for a wizard or something.
  12. Thinking of pursuing my dreams as a white rapper under the pseudonym Lil' Toe

    1. ThumperJack
    2. Sky


      I take it you frequently get banged on the table?

    3. Arkelos


      Ohohoho Sky.

  13. Playable creatures are meant more for the occasional event. Because of the level of normal going on, it kindof reads more as something a player can pick up as their main. If it is a creature then my suggestion is to shape it more like a creature. That means less intelligence and less humanoid. So for a thief, maybe the motivation behind stealing is a bowerbird type of thing. It collects coins, jewellery and gold to make a nest. Has lots of arms to make pickpocketing easier. But its still a beast so.... I why not a giant earthworm with arms? These are just my little murmurings. But take some of the ideas on board. Fuchsboa looks way too playable as a 'race' than being a creature.
  14. This shifts you further away from animorphs Not a fan. -1
  15. The only way such a left-of-field new race would be introduced is if we find them in a new world.
  16. It would make sense in that regard for the fire aspect to not agree with the water aspect, but the other two are kindof alright. Same for air with earth. The opposites wouldn't tolerate eachother.
  17. Remove the Tiers and instead put in an example of a novice tickler versus a more experienced tickler using a channeling device and remaining subtle of their actions. Also, make sure that you do say that this is all an extension of your hands. So the maximum number of tickle locations is two. And all in line of sight. If someone is closer to you, you'd be able to reach around and tickle them from behind, but if they are at a distance that your eyes only see two dimensionally then you can only tickle what you see.
  18. Knowledge of magic in character is SOLELY driven by out of character information for no particular reason. Do you remember when Alteration was renamed to transmogrification? That was a test to see how quickly characters would start calling a magic by some weird name because the change was motivated OOC. And it was an unfortunate success. Because there is a guide that says "this is what is actually doing the magic, what it is called, and how it works" every player instinctively knows that. Absolutely, a new religion can be started without Lore. And hopefully people know that. And absolutely that religion can re-shape your understanding of how your character does things. Hopefully people can assume that. So you can easily walk up to someone and tell them that you can evoke water because Nymphia speaks to you. They will think you are crazy because their roleplay is single layered and relies on OOC information to exist, but you'll be having a good time.
  19. Angudaemons tends to get some people's asses pretty tight. There used to be some different religious systems that gave personalities to the Elements and called them Aspects (maybe, I don't remember). Quite simply this could become a religious belief that is complementary to existing magic types, or could become its own magic types (though I would say let's first make the step of laying down the religion). Naturally it rubs up against evocation and Latauman in terms of trying to create a separate form of magic. But, depending on how the Lore Masters are feeling about keeping everything in tight little butcheek boxes, an elemental magic system could bridge the two. Or, just to keep people less butt hurt, once a religion is in place the magic could be identical to Latauman, only using these Elemental Aspects (or another name, whatever) instead of the Spirits. So the same magic has two sources. I want more fun and less Lore restrictions. Don't just stick to the system because that is what 'works'. Use the system to guide you to what is much more exciting. That's my $0.02. Nestle these guys in between Druidism and Shamanism. A religious type system where you connect to the Elements in a way that transcends the abilities of mortal man.
  20. They don't have to be Angudaemon's. They can just be the personification of Elemental Aspects.
  21. I didn't resurrect it. It was like that when I got here.
  22. Looks like you are looking for the Water Evocation guide. Telekinesis doesn't work with water.
  23. There isn't a great deal of purpose in a magic that bears resemblance to a pre-existing one. The idea of a magic that is wielding the "will" or even just the "divine power" of the Creator is massive, and shouldn't draw anywhere near the abilities of another form of magic. Literally anything would be possible. This magic could even steer towards the creation of life itself. I have always been in-favour of a magic that comes directly from The Creator, but in that being the case it has to be its own thing. Don't just re-invent war cleric. Push the boundaries a bit. Bring something fresh. We are talking about THE GOD that (allegedly) created the mountains and seas, and pulled some dirt together to make man (now the Monks magic so don't go down that avenue either). I am intrigued, if you want some development assistance.
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