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  • Birthday 05/16/2000

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    Hoppy Herbwallow
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  1. ya **** u for punishing people for breaking rules they agreed to follow

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    2. monkeypoacher


      sure, yoppl and maly violated the lore. my argument is that the lore is so tenuous that nobody would have even noticed had flamboyant not made a huge deal out of it. not to mention that the pistol duel was part of a genuinely interesting storyline that did not include magical starcraft units. 

      I have all the reason to believe that you wouldn't want the rules to be sacrosanct if your friend got banned for ERP. LoTC has always let rules take the backseat to allow interesting things to happen. when it doesn't, there's usually an ulterior motive that is not just "well the rules say this."

    3. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      hey guys, aengudaemon lore here, ready to make sure that our fantasy server has fantasy stuff like fantasy is kept and wait we need to keep swords this is a medieval server but hey wait a second dont forget the fantasy portion lazere cannons dude hahahaha

    4. Nug


      @char-char~ i dont really understand the starcraft stuff but even if it is used as a tool for an interesting plot or w/e (even tho theres some many things that actually abide lore that could be used), theres always the possibility of it spreading into normal rp and becoming a way to pg and all that, ruining other rp experiences, kinda like how the magic guns spiralled out of control. even if the rp is isolated, there likely wouldve been backlash in a similar fashion.

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