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Status Updates posted by Heff


  2. Who won, LOTC? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kardel


      The media is biased towards hillary

      Trump made several valid points like the sheer experimentality of renewable energy in a recovering economy. We cant afford experiments right now 


      Trump made hillary admit that she could care less about privacy. Hillary said that she would "Vacuum up intel." 


      However, due to the fact that most people watching the debate are economically illiterate and, in the case of lotc, middle class 15 year olds, Hillary won because "Trunp is racist." Grow up and be realistic. He is the lesser of two evils. 

    3. Thatpyrodude
    4. wolfdwg


      Both had their moments of truth and idiocy, however I lean more towards Trump.

  3. its not a triumvirate if theres a fourth member, idiots

    1. Jonificus


      maybe not in your lore

    2. Zarsies


      well it wasn't supposed to be known now was it. shift's doing

  4. Support me! The majority must have representation in the LT! No more minorities!

  5. suck+my+bungo+****

  6. slob on my (holy piov)

    1. _Jandy_


      This counts as consent.

  7. papers please

  8. Whichever GM is about, I require one of the Orenian Fiefs to be set up! :D

  9. everybody say sausage keep it goin'!

    1. _Jandy_


      E G G S   B A C O N   G R I T Z

    2. Aerochrometilt
    3. sneLf


      ***** why don't ya just give her your SAUSAGE!

  10. Hey Cracker how ya doin?

  11. shire blood runs deep ******

    1. Knox213


      shut up heff

    2. Heff


      u trippin

  12. someone order me a pizza

    1. Ark


      anyway you want it thats the way you need it anyway you want it thats the way you need it

    2. Kaelan


      If someone wants to do the same for me! ^-^

  13. slim thick, w/ yo cute ass

  14. oh. my. goodness.

  15. On 6/15/16, at 12:00 AM, Nathan (Combustionary) wrote:
    > messymedieval is a cancer not an ideology.......................


    1. Arctic_Guard


      It's actually a build guide. It's only considered garbage, because of the fact that it might as well just be world edit copy paste of builds. It's also mostly just aesthetics, functionality is mostly disregarded in most of the 'messy medieval' builds I've seen. It's literally a style that is so frequently used it might as well have no value or appreciation given to it as everything tends to start looking the same. Variety is important. There isn't a lot of variety when you follow the same guide over an over. Including this, the messy medieval style is frowned upon by some, because it's supposed to serve as an instruction on how to build aesthetically. It's a way to teach people who have no idea how to build, how to build great looking builds. Although I say this, it's easy to do the same style over and over, but it takes a creative builder to develop an entirely new build style as opposed to the newbie builds who follow the same guide over and over again, because they don't know how to build anything else but what the guide or style offers.

    2. Cjmate


      I think labeling build styles is silly tbh. Always did. Messymedieval is literally just realistic medieval buildings made in minecraft, and that's pretty broad. Not work the hate.

  16. Migos!

    1. Endovelicus



  17. free terriblegecko80

  18. ban the below people for spoiling ._.


    1. _Sug


      Han Solo Dies :ohplz:

    2. _Jandy_
    3. Askuzai


      Obama is no longer pres

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