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About Joe_Blackman

  • Rank
    whitewashed ebonic man
  • Birthday 08/07/1998

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  1. (Sorry about the omega long status update...) Why is this generation of teenagers (a hefty majority) so obsessed with looking like/becomming the( wannabe) alpha male of group -bleh-, it's weird how they find degrading their so called "friends" appropiate as a way to prove themselves "worthy"? I wonder if they see the sadness in that other teen's eye, rather than just accepting the victim's fake laughter as their true emotion being expressed, upon the ammount of em...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Religious_Pie


      Maybe there is a few that do, but sadly, they're the inferior ones, not like most of us.

    3. Cappy


      I know exactly what you mean, Joe. I've wondered it myself, and given up trying to understand it. People are the most wicked and cruel things on the planet, don't forget it.

    4. Samoblivion


      I completely agree. This hs happened to me in the past, though not anymore. Perhaps beause I've rolled over and accepted my niche at the bottom of the pecking order. *Polishes crowbar*

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