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Status Updates posted by Joe_Blackman

  1. Anyone willing to make a skin for me? I'm impotent trash that needs help

  2. Come back, come baaaaack!

  3. do you feel regret when looking back at your status updates when you were once  a wee lad?

    1. TinyBiceps


      well, i usually regret mine immediately. that's when you know they're good.

    2. Violino


      ^ This haha.

    3. ryno2


      the first status update i remember looking at was hyperion101 being upset that i molested her character even though i was her slave 

  4. god i hope you're real fam

  5. Good morning, I know it's hard to wake, because the sun's in your eyes and it's hard to wake up-

  6. HEY YOU, YEAH YOU. I HEARD YOUR DEPRESSION IS STRONG. But apparently, you're much stonger. I mean, all that pain and suffering. But you're still here. That's awesome. All that pain and suffering I know it hurts, a lot. Not many people get to say that. But stick around, I know it hurts and it's hard, but so many people love you more than you know.

    1. Treshure


      Hey Joe long time no see man

      hmu on Discord: Treshure#1736

    2. Joe_Blackman
  7. How do aliens kiss?

    1. Rilath


      with their lips joe

  8. how do i change my signature i still have that cringy stuff i put there when i was like 15, let me add something 
    I R O N I C

    1. Vaynth


      Press the little down arrow by your username
      Account settings>Signature 

    2. Joe_Blackman
  9. how the fuc do i edit my signature

  10. i am not tom_whiteman, he is but an imposter damn it

    1. TeaLulu


      Can confirm this is the original

  11. i have 4 warning points and the latest  one dates back to october 2014 pls remove

  12. i keep forgetting pedos exist and a large issue so i gotta watch myself aaaa

  13. I kneel. I squeal. I cope, I mope.  Someone hand me the door nob.

  14. I play a soon-to-be Vampire, a Netherspawn with black sclera and a schizophrenic ex-undead commander who still praises Iblees, darn. Gotta think of my priorities. 

    1. alexmagus


      yep im metagaming this

    2. Drak3


      Ogga to the Booga.

    *elden ring ost starts playing*

  16. If we lose the Nexus, will LoTC die...?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Textarea


      i'll quit lotc when the grinding system is removed, and i'll probably PK all of my characters.

    3. Joe_Blackman


      thank you space

    4. JEEGK


      happy birthday!

  17. im getting beat in middle earth and you're to tell me the dude who made the rings of power is called CALABRIMBOR? I'm shoving him in Elf high school locker

    1. Amayonnaise


      Don't forget some random guy posing as a 'lord of gifts' just came along and helped him make a bunch of powerful rings and he didn't once question it. He's not even a smart nerd :<

    2. NLThomas


      3 hours ago, Amayonnaise said:


      He was never a nerd. Just arrogant really. 

  18. Is LoTC down or am I screwing over myself?

  19. Is the Nitro Boost character slot permanent or temporary if I donate once and only once?

    1. Shorsand


      goes away ~a week after you lose nitro
      which is a shame because you cannot access the persona whatsoever afterwards

  20. is the true pinnacle of 'first world problems' adults/teenagers getting mad at how other adults/teenagers pretend to be someone else

  21. mhm just as i thought, they're based

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