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17468 Rep Farm CEO

About ScreamingDingo

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    the antagonist of player fun
  • Birthday 11/16/1945

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  1. this Dwarven spectacle is the sole reason why enforced PKs need to be a thing for political entities

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    2. Algoda


      @Tharggus that is literally what is wrong with people like josh.  Instead of actually providing rp, he will jump through any hoop to keep his precious character from 2013 alive. 


      After your first pk things get easier lol. And I don't really know what you are on about @gandalfo, your side has pked so many of our dwarves yet none of you has ever pked.

    3. Temp


      People failing to PK in situations that absolutely demand a PK results in a degradation of RP and people departing the server as a result of this. Why put the time and effort into providing an experience if players aren't interested in the creation of the story? When folks sign up for the server it's to hang with friends or an interest in the lore. Not to cater to fan-fic and watch people too desperate to lose their chars ***** and whine in OOC, disrupt the cohesion of the environment by regularly evading PK, or to go up against min-maxed anythings that think an app makes their characters more valuable than other due to an application. People troll and **** around constantly in RP here and now because most people just can't be fucked to take anything 'seriously' in favor of writing something genuinely entertaining.

    4. Medvekoma


      @gandalfo the main issue here is that Josh approached the whole Ulrah call for reconcilation knowing that A. his char can't be PKd B. he could dance out of a warclaim through CB rules.


      This led to him ******* up the reconcilation and making a ridiculous demand to us that made absolutely no sense in RP and triggered our characters greatly.


      He had his one chance to finish up the Dwarven rivalry but the lack of immersion due to his ability to dodge consequences led to him not taking it and instead ridiculing the situation.

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