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Status Updates posted by Salamandra

  1. Personal attacks are the worst! :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Salamandra


      I don't think rules should be bent for me just because I'm "Sala". I literally want my character I've been developing for a year and a half back so I can get back to RP :/

    3. Kaiser


      Hmm... well, I feel like once a PK happens, it happens, but I wouldn't mind you coming back, It just seems like you just hopped over the cons and took the pros. What if Sala was brought back but had no memory, or couldn't use magic or something that' really hinders him?

      I hope you get back to RPing, never RPed with you :/

    4. Salamandra


      I was told what I was told, then forced to PK my character. I don't see how that's fair at all. I've explained just about everything on the post, and why I should be hindered for a situation that's not my fault.

    1. MrSyth


      Dat thang has 20 likes. Perhaps add a poll?

  2. Nug > Everyone = Most Notable Player

    1. Tom_Whiteman


      :3 he cleans up people's pockets when they aren't looking

  3. Nobody cares for gobos.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      Gobos are great for effect lighting on the stage! ( Gobbos are the green living things silly Saladmancer )

    3. Scarlet Kaiser

      Scarlet Kaiser

      We do! We just put the body in the freezer for later consuption ^_^;

    4. BrandNewKitten


      I care for dem little ones. I protected them in Asulon.

  4. I hope the antagonist destroys a city or two to push the RP back together! :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mankaar


      I just hope they come out soon this waiting is killing me :/

    3. Samoblivion


      Awfully nice of the Teutons and Roses to build such lovely castles for us ^.^

    4. Ford


      Malinor, Kastoria, any other town that's abandoned as well as land. All of 'em.

  5. Don't leave Dilara!

  6. Panda...you're scaring me ;-;

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      That always seems to happen with people who talk to her.

  7. Sorry Dilara, things will get better! :3

  8. Looks like more dramas a brewin.

  9. The mob's got da powah. Sorreh.

  10. Dat feel when you want to get something done, but can't.

  11. It's getting pathetic how people attack you for everything.

  12. Like 5 hour rollback. F******************************************

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Haz


      oh no i have lost various items on a game where items dont even matter all that much


    3. Kaiser
    4. Praetor
  13. I am a salad. Aoooogah.

    1. Bawd



    2. ShadowoKing


      Can I eat you?

  14. For all Telanir's hard work, he gets a free salad coupon to Salad's Salad Shack.

  15. Have some salad.

    1. danic


      dalas salad

    2. CowsGoMoo


      Ceasar Salad?

      Aaaand... My stomach is awfully empty without you, Salad.

      Please come back. The sofa and TV miss you.

    3. Salamandra


      I still here Dom D:

  16. Atronachs will go extinct without dsdevil. Let the lore die, or somehow revive them?

    1. Volutional


      Revival sounds great. Atronachs are really interesting.

    2. Evilbanana5757
    3. Heero


      One step ahead of you Salad. Already trying to discuss this with DsDevil. ^^

  17. DarkSouls > Skyrim.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Salamandra


      The difficulty factor of DarkSouls really does it for me. That incredible sense of accomplishment when you beat the game, then realize you have to do it again, and it's even harder.

    3. Cyndikate


      DarkSouls was brutal.

    4. Heero


      Amen brother.

  18. Well, taking a break from Skyrim. Back to DarkSouls, da bestest game evar.

    1. Joe_Blackman


      Eugh, Dark Souls is Skyrim but 1000000000 times as hard.

    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      It's dangerous to go alone! Take this! *hug*



      Dark Souls has got nothing on skyrim, sorry but that is just that.

  19. Fancy Fedoras, Unite!

    1. V0idsoldier


      *Sheds the smallest of tears* D-Don't... M-Mind me.

    2. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      *looks at the old hat in his hands * " one day....."

  20. We shall take Minestatus by storm. MUAHAHAHA!

  21. Motherbird, we have reached 49,000 profile views. Next target to acquire: 50,000

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