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Status Updates posted by Rissing

  1. Found it, yet ? O_O

    I wonder or you are actually able to see edited and removed parts of my posts..

  2. foxinator has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?

    Hello :D

  3. Freya, I don't know if you have blocked me on Skype or not. But I'm merely logging in on the LoTC website to ask you to unblock me for a mere moment so I can post one thing to you.

    ( I would do it as I don't know or you know the things yet. )

  4. Germany was nice, Nuremberg is a beautiful city, especialy the " Elten stad " or something like that, is magnificent. PS: Weise Beer is waaay to big in size.. :3

    1. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Or too small, but then again your probably some panzy american.

    2. Rissing


      Oi, I'm belgian !

      We are THE BEER COUNTRY!!

    3. Goldrim


      Belgian, BAHAHA, stop being Holland's cheap chinese copy!

  5. Give me your coolest smiley :O

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. 0000


      Although I DID try to kill Indelwehn. Guess Justice was served.

    3. Rissing



      I went all the way bad now :3

      You were my take off :3

      KarmaDelta & Shift are leading for the moment :3

    4. Adkai
  6. God I so wish to write something bloody ! :D

    1. Swgrclan


      calm down there

    2. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      stab someone and write with his or her blood

  7. God, been reading that bestseller book of America now, it's good ... like seriously. The writting is like normal, nothing exceptional. But it's subject and meh... just read it :3 It's worth it, atleast I find so. As I am totally into the genre of that book..

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rissing


      Meh, I like it :3 Didn't buy it tough I mean.. google the pdf ^-^

      Anyhow.. I like it And it's no SBDM Manual D:

    3. Rissing


      It's BDSM by the way.

      Not SBDM.

    4. Rissing


      That is not ment in any vulgar way, for any one who reads this. I rather not have my forum account banned.

  8. Goodbye.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      This place is like an asylum. Don't get pulled back in.

    3. Rassidic


      Bye. It's a shame you're leaving. :L

    4. DrakeHaze.
  9. Got myself such epic high heels today.. freaking combats on the front side but with epic 20 cm heels at the end... just kwel.

    1. Bircalin
    2. Lym


      I request a gif of you kicking some ass with that.

  10. Hai all

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      They're maing an MMO from the series? Will play for sure..

    2. Wretched


      Heeeeey, Aster.

    3. Rissing


      Hai benboboy <3

  11. Hai benboy boy boy boy

  12. Hai Skippy :3

  13. Half dragon girl with angelic wings holding a foreign and holy sword - My new painting

    1. domainoft


      Can I see the new painting?

    2. Rissing


      Of course you can. Tough haven't painted it yet. ;)

      Right now I am working on Suigintou ( Rosen Maiden )

      With an dual edged and two sided Scythe

      In a "Ballet" pose.. ;)

      I'll take a picture soon. :D


  14. Has reached lvl 80 on guildwars in exactly 163,54 hours. ( Less than seven days. )

    1. Bawd


      Has not got around to buying GW2 yet because he's saving for a gaming PC. Sadface. ono

    2. mmat


      'Has not got around to buying GW2 yet because he's saving for a gaming PC. Sadface. ono'

    3. Rissing
  15. Heard an amazing quote today: " A sad soul can kill quicker than a giant. "

    1. argonian


      the big friendly giant :)

    2. Heff


      haha no it cant lmao a giant will just step on you lol

    3. TavernLich


      -steps on puny Halfling- Pf course Heff would know, lol.

  16. Hehe, thanks for the background. :)

  17. Hmm I'm hungry today.. >:D

  18. hmm.. seems silent..

    1. Ever


      Quite late ^^

    2. Rissing


      I know.

      But yesterday someone came to me to ask me to check it out once again.

      So I am.

  19. Holy moly..

    You can seriously check that ?

    If so.. if you can see what I wrote at the previous post..

    There might be an unexpected suprise there.


    PS: My firefox crashed twice at your background.


  20. How do you put a GIF as your profile picture ?

    1. Space


      Host it in a website, try to put it as your avatar. If you can't, downsize it on a website and try again.

    2. Rissing


      I suck it doesn't work..

    3. Rissing


      lotc doesn't want me to have a GIF lol..

  21. How often can a mirror break ?

    1. lawnmowerman


      depends how often i look at it xDDD

    2. Heff
  22. I am a furry, yes. ^__^

    I will make a tail next weekend, hurray ! :3


    Ohmgosh, Pip ? O_O

    I thought you had left, atleast one of my spies said you didn't play anymore.

    - is going to slap someone -


  23. I am back.. ( I cried.. thank you. )

  24. I am feeling so horrible.. it's been nearly a year ago.. since I've caused an onslaught, murdered dozens.. it's such a saddening feeling not to be able to curse and make the hearths of mere mortals shiver with the mere sight of my bloodied axes.. not being able to make use of you, my little beautiful bloodvessels, shells of my thirst... ^___^

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