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About BrandNewKitten

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    Creator of Arcanism
  • Birthday December 31

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  1. Homophobic Roleplay on LoTC is way too normalized and it ******* sucks.


    Can’t wait for the next installment where we discuss how fun rape and genocide can be to RP! smh. I’m out.

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    2. Statherian


      So long as the RP remains seperated from OOC when it comes to racism, sexism and homophobia then it should not be an issue. If nobody is pushing an OOC agenda and keeping things RP then it can give genuinely interesting situations and actual character development.

      Not everything on LOTC needs to be a safespace and people are allowed to RP darker and more violent themes, the freedom to do so helps to keep LOTC interesting.

      **** people who do it because of OOC reasons though, that I agree on

    3. Jentos


      I enjoy darker aspects of roleplay. Along with that comes lack of toleration, hate, and religious zealotry. We shouldn’t be enforcing our 21st century lenses unto a fantastical universe of late middle-ages technology. There is a point where it becomes hard to seperate ooc hatred from irp hatred, but this also applies to individuals trying to push OOC agendas that apply in an irl setting, not an RP one. 

    4. monkeypoacher


      the way late medieval people thought about homosexuality and the way modern homophobes think about homosexuality is not the same. the language and the attitudes are not the same. you cannot achieve historical accuracy by making your character talk like a based trad twitter account 


      this is “the witcher 3” style of fantasy writing where all of the peasants say “feck” or “fawk” every other sentence because they’re supposed to be crass and rude and it wouldn’t be accurate to have them talk in dense fantasy prose. but it doesn’t actually make the setting more believable and it’s just cringe tbh!! do better  



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