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About Samoblivion

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  • Birthday 08/04/1996

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    North Yorkshire, UK

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  1. Are there any commonly known lotc plants used in basic medicine? AKA, medicinal herbs an elf from a family of hunters would know about to assist with healing?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Alphalord


      I have a whole list of plants that were approved back in Asulon, I can oocly send you a few if you want

    3. Kardel


      Tippen's root helps clot blood and is found in deciduous areas under a certain purple species of co-existing plant. it does not smell like death, that's Saffvil.

      Serpent's Stalk is an emerald hued stalk that looks almost like a snake. It grows in deciduous forests by streams and helps relieve burns.

      Mandragora is a tricky herb that can either prove to be a potent poison or a medicinal wonder. It grows in ponds, in the swamp. It has spores that paralyze the in...

    4. Katherine1


      My druid has two volumes filled with herbs. There are copies in the Druid library, and there are copies that were donated to Lareh'lin's library prior to the original city getting demolished.

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