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Status Replies posted by Treshure

  1. who needs someone played? I gotta rp. I'll even play ur 16 yr old minor noble son. it's that bad 

    1. Treshure


      @Charles The BaldNever played FRP much, never spoke to the network owner either. 

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  2. What MA, FA, or CA would you like to see added to the server and why?

    1. Treshure


      turbo vampire. its like a vampire, but turbo. kinda like Edward Cullen

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  3. That moment you realize theres 52 ST members

  4. Or just have an admin own all of the lotc discords. it wont stop backdoor deals etc but yknow, at least theyd be easier to monitor, though it wouldnt stop players from making private discords to plot etc 

    1. Treshure


      I feel that players make these Discords as a way to autonomously have control over their community - IE, circumventing Admins. Think it would generate the result you describe.

      I'm heavily in favor of a bottom-up approach than the top-down. Player leaders need to assume full ownership over their community and apart of the server's broader identity and do the things that need to be done, such as discarding Discord, gradually or otherwise.


  5. it's a bad day to be a minecraft pvp eboy let me tell you 

  6. I believe some serious crp guidelines need to be made, or else all the protagonists in hiding will come out of the shadows

  7. Lotc youtube dead for a year? Offer VIP or something as a reward for LOTC content

  8. HEY YOU, YEAH YOU. I HEARD YOUR DEPRESSION IS STRONG. But apparently, you're much stonger. I mean, all that pain and suffering. But you're still here. That's awesome. All that pain and suffering I know it hurts, a lot. Not many people get to say that. But stick around, I know it hurts and it's hard, but so many people love you more than you know.

    1. Treshure


      Hey Joe long time no see man

      hmu on Discord: Treshure#1736

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Wow, it's been a long time (8 years?). Awesome to see that Aruzond has his own wiki page! Some great memories here.

    1. Treshure


      Glad to see you stop by, dude. I remember you onboarding me to GM in 2014! I actually played Aruzond for several months as a continuation of your character. You should hit me up on Discord, perhaps we can exchange tales. 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  10. I think I will go to my grave wondering why some people obsess over Minecraft and Minecraft power

  11. Treshure was a Far-Folk

    1. Treshure


      ya confirmed

  12. this is a controversial idea

    1. Treshure


      @NotEvilAtAllJust get married off screen. Same way with kids. You can have a family, but do you really need to make it feel complete by making out with your SO after taking the kids out to lunch? 

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  13. Aight, Imma make Beardomancy, the magic of using your beard's inner power.

    Spell list:

    Shielding Beard: acts as natural armour, being magically hardened by your inner beard power to resist sharp objects and blunt instruments easily


    Beard punch: your beard strikes someone with a hairy fist, forged from beard hair, in a mighty surge of beard energy


    Bombeardment: balls of beard energy (balls of magical hair) fire from your beard, homing in on those who dare to oppose you, smiting them with beardly wrath.


    Grapplebeard: your beard becomes strong and prehensile, even capable of carrying an additional weapon


    More later on!

    1. Treshure


      Round 2? 🤩


  14. Love your YouTube videos!

  15. there's a real world out there waiting for us all. why don't you join it.

    1. Treshure


      don't let our hobbies get swept up in the tide of your self actualization

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. Time to be openly hostile to new players.

  17. When will we acknowledge that (some of) the main issues on lotc are top down, such as most of the admins having to be yes-men to the full admins or risk removal which just means its the same problematic circlejerk we've had for years....

  18. CT metagamed to get to Tigers post. I'm banning them later, don't worry

    1. Treshure


      this will be the end for you, muddy_boy

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. staff aren't allowed to look at my page ESPECIALLYT admins 

    @Zarsiesand @breeniget a pass ..

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