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Status Updates posted by drfate786

  1. Ironically, some people called me edgy once.

    I should of said "Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?"

  2. So i go to the dwarven capital and ask a guard in i quote "Would you like to inspect my wood sir!" i then took out a large plank of spruce wood and was told to get on the ground. I was then beaten and banished from the Dwarven kingdom for asking a guard if he would like to see my wooden plank. GG Tirenas, GG I win. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Valdis


      no need to go on and on about it, its rp, **** happens. 


    3. drfate786


      Valdis, would you stroke my wood?

    4. GodEmperorFlam


      What a meme xdddd

  3. Welp, time to spank Tirenas and Bloodnight to death with a plank! Those dwarves need a good spanking!

  4. They need to fix the stupid crashing or at least have a little bit of decency/transparency as to why it keeps crashing people. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. drfate786


      Why not just use a proxy and change proxies each time we get DDoSed? Seems ALOT easier then to rely on a unreliable website.

    3. Space



      that's not how proxies work

    4. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      LoTC can afford anti-DDoS services. However...

  5. 100 people on the server yet every RP hub has like 0-5 people in them...

    We need a miracle.

  6. Why does the server keep crashing people.

  7. Whats going to happen to felsen one day.

  8. I wonder what people would think about purging the whole staff just to see how the new staff would be like.

  9. Hueheuhuehuehuehuehuhuehue http://i.imgur.com/r0Mpa9w.jpg

    1. jamesb


      I see you're in Hiraeth.

  10. The turmoil feeds me...

  11. What is with this "Civil War" talk? I thought everyone was happy under the enslavement of Oren?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. drfate786


      No, i mean how they banned cheese in every continent!

    3. Fireheart


      Errr.. Oren did want to control everything. Stopped at the elves since the King that pushed for it so heavily died. It's slowly decayed over the months.

    4. excited
  12. The server keeps randomly dcing people

  13. I just learned that my last name might be a variation of death...worst part is that my first name was Roman for nobleman.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. drfate786


      Look up the name Patrick and then compare Morin to the latin word mortis

    3. drfate786


      I have become lord, destroyer of crafts.

    4. Heff
  14. This is how iblees should be!

    1. TrevenT


      totally agree

  15. RIP Joshy Boy, may he Moot in pieces.

    1. kingnothing


      nobody liked him anyways

    2. drfate786
  16. Most of the people on the server don't even deserve to be in the event. They NEVER participated in the server's RP and are just on for the hype.

  17. The admins need to start kicking people who are afking in the event.

    1. monkeypoacher


      That'd be nice

    2. drfate786


      I bet half the people in the event are bots.

    3. Nathan_Barnett36
  18. Oh my god, i can't get back on the damn server.

  19. Oh my god, i can't get back on the damn server.

  20. Strange, i get disconnected and now i can't log back in.

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