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About Narthok

  • Birthday 07/24/1997

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  1. Really do think that there should be a bit more ban transparency on LOTC. People should be fairly informed the exact reasons for their bans instead of getting R bombed for weeks at a time and given the nebulous 'it was a team decision' response. 

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    2. Narthok


      i'd also say this culture of stupidly draconic bans, particularly for older players is ridiculous. Being cumulatively punished for trolling you did at 14 is silly. People catch multi year bans now for something that should be a relatively minor issue that just results in a few month ban.


      The main consequence of this insane 'indefinite' bans that feel like permas because staff refuse to talk to you is that you encourage aggressive alting. Again I don't know of or interact with any alts to my knowledge. But it is insanely easy to alt on modern lotc. Everyone knows about VPNs, new devices, cookie wiping etc. 


      I feel like the 'modern' lotc approach to bans is extremely outdated and does more harm than good. Don't really think anyone should be permabanned unless they are doing sex freak shit or are involved in aggressive doxxing. And again, doxxing is not reposting someone's picture that they themselves have shared.

    3. Fireheart


      @FlemishSupremacy@rukioI think there might be a misunderstanding of what I wrote. I am not defending basic rule infringement situations for withholding information. Was just pointing out that there are needed exceptions to what Narthok mentioned that I think we all agree on. Not looking to defend a blanket stance because obviously transparency and working with players to improve their behavior through providing detailed information will go miles towards improved development of an individual. Versus something like rukio mentioned which is equivalent to writting "i am sorry for [reason]" a hundred times on the chalk board in school.

    4. Narthok


      Not getting banned or something like a pvp blacklist would go much further to controlling someone's behaviour than memealt6969 doing a whirlwind through a city with a troll face skin.

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