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Status Updates posted by Narthok

  1. Fun warzone, despite snark gg all

    1. Birdnerdy


      The vietkong strike again 

    2. Narthok
  2. Why is jihading with stone tools allowed in Warzones again? Wasn't there a rule against that?

    1. wolfdwg


      If it ain't stated on the post ppl will do it lmao

    2. drfate786


      Eh, I guess we should edit that then. I'm sure the war team will be in complete agreement with blacklisting that shitty behaviour. 

  3. FMs please clean and lock threads in the Norlandic Faith subforum


    1. Birdnerdy


      The Red God does not forget Narthok

  4. 1 mina per block is genuine robbery, fix LC please. 

  5. Stop making slide threads to generate salt

  6. The forums are ******* trolling me

  7. Anyone on here a good midlaner? Plat+ need one for a league tournament

  8. Make humanity unified again

    1. Vege


      support empor vegetal today

  9. only 24 hour, you ******* cucks ban me 

  10. When you're literally so skilled in the arts that your friends mistake you for a dwarf when you don't use your mic

  11. Who the **** tries to impersonate someone to learn about minecraft roleplay war plans, fuckin dying

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mitto


      we already playing minecraft nibba no one leave without a L

    3. Balthasar


      OOCly or ICly? I could understand ICly, that would be hard but probs could happen. OOCly doing it seems stupid to me.

    4. Nathan_Barnett36


      No german, he came into ts pretending to be Narthok to get our battle plans and traps.

  12. @Malgonious

    Don't ever talk to me or my sons ever again


  13. Excellent ruse by my good friend Pyro

  14. This warclaim better not have some cancerous fall traps

    1. Sneaky2


      Mt. Augustus 2.0 :)

  15. Shoutout to the Lads in the 44th

  16. Please fix the economy

    1. oblivionsbane


      That's why they are giving everyone a shop and allowing auto miners, duh.

  17. can we get a restart before the battle?

  18. Do donators still have reserved slots?

    1. morrisaye


      As far as I know, yes. When they redid all the donation stuff for EULA, that was still one of the things I saw listed. 

  19. Protip, never engage in rp combat with spooks

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Narthok


      Spook = anything magicky imo

    3. Parkins


      how dare you group me with jax this is blatant magicism


    4. ShameJax


      yeah im nothing like parkins, im a voidal mist man parkins is a bone man

  20. staff need to implement some coup rules

    1. Silverstatik


      I don't care which side a decision favors, just make it clear how this works and who can do it.

    2. Mj.


      Perhaps I, as a cliche orener, shall make a thread about it where I get very mad and make terrible points!

  21. dc287bb54b53aa52cad1b97316e495f1.pngWhen the banter is way to fuckin real 

    1. z3m0s


      Man they are really picking up on the insults. Hope your okay man.

    2. Narthok
    3. _Jandy_
  22. Moot in 9 minutes

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