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Status Updates posted by MetaSolaray

  1. First Day RPing in the Halfling Village. Seriously, why haven't I been here before :O So friendly and awesome!

  2. From the right there is fire, from the left there is wind, in the middle a field is ignited, and nothing is left to live. Burn away fields of green, let the embers fly, life is burned to nothingness and from nothingness is it born. The cycle may resume it's dutiful course, and as the circle of the phoenix, it shall resume once more.

  3. George Zimmerman; NOT GUILTY Verdict :)

  4. Got my new 1k desktop in, going from barely getting 60fps on the very low settings on league to being forced to cap my FPS on the highest settings to stop it stuttering...It feels good.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. nordicg_d


      @Arangoth The fact you believe a laptop to be good just proves to me you are a fool. bye

    3. ShameJax


      Hell if I remember, I ordered the parts a while ago. I was figuring out if it was worth the time to learn how to do it and then put it together, and I found that out...

      Building a computer saves money!

    4. Elvrohir Aureon

      Elvrohir Aureon

      When you got a standard laptop for about 400 bucks.

  5. Got my new picture to work :D

  6. Has anyone else been having despawning animals. I've had two chickens, two sets of chickens vanish on me :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ivran


      If there's too many animals in a certain area, maybe? Idk. ><

    3. Dyrr


      yep. had a bunch of sheep yesterday and today there were much more less. no one killed em, either

    4. DrakeHaze.


      Animals have to have grass, water and hay in their pens or they starve and die.

  7. Has anyone invented waffles...I believe this is a huge thing we need to get into the server...

  8. Has anyone invented waffles...I believe this is a huge thing we need to get into the server...

    1. Kickstarted and Running
    2. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Pancakes were also invented by the Teutonic Order I am led to believe

  9. Hate to be honest, but they shouldn't have deleted the thread, leave it up, and let people see it :/ Ban reports are like a post in the crime section of the paper, only get's views when people try to hide something. Now everyone will know and demand for it :/

    1. Wavejammers


      I 101% agree with you

    2. lemontide331


      screenshots are spreading faster than wild fire

  10. Hated to have to remake that thread; but alas, need to find someone to play Neci again.

    1. Nekkore


      Yyyeeeeeaaaaahhhhh.... I'm a european man like Dargene....

  11. Hearing conversation about mormons :P IS Mormon :( Feels so out of place x3 and loving it

  12. Heart rate normal now; family decided against hospital ^_^ I'll be alright

  13. Hmmm to play League of Legends or Lord of the Craft...

  14. Hmmmm, still trying to figure out what was the real reason Meta's captured :P Banditry xD Come on :3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MetaSolaray


      Meta: "I have blue hair....why on earth would I keep it if I"m stealing things, it's my personal calling card..."

    3. rukio


      haha....I almost attacked that guy. :3 You and Alistair's orders kept it from happening. curse you. :< Actually....thanks. I think. :P

    4. rukio


      haha....I almost attacked that guy. :3 You and Alistair's orders kept it from happening. curse you. :< Actually....thanks. I think. :P

  15. Holy crap I've been looking for comments this ENTIRE TIME :O THere they are....Man you gave me a dummy card to look for this entire morning x3

  16. How so o_O I went along with it, everyone else went perfectly along with it...the fight still happened xD and well...Meta stopped you form A: getting eaten by a witch, B: Getting decapitated...>_>;...worst time to be dragging a body around...

  17. Hunting around for infomation on Winterfall and timeline by year from winterfall to the verge, if anyone wants to help :3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MetaSolaray


      Yes, XD A, E....same thing to me :(

    3. everblue2er101


      I suggest you read the wiki article. The Verge was open for a long time when Winterfell was still occupied. Winterfell was taken by the Undead in 1340 and Aegis fell in 1351.

    4. MetaSolaray


      Ahhhh I found the wiki that

      had this, alright thanks a ton.


  18. I can't get on LOTC :/ Something's weird with my connection I can log in, but I can't chat, talk, or do anything...

    1. Enyahs V.
    2. ΚΨΙΞ


      probably your ping. Is anyone else in your household downloading something?

    3. MetaSolaray


      Nope, Checked ping nothing is being lost :/ it's just minecraft as well...

  19. I DID IT !!! I'm in diamond league :D!!! WOOT x3!

  20. I have /ONE/ more ranked win till I get Plat statues in League of legends :D WOOT!

  21. I have made my reply in my lore post, and would once again thank you for being the first do not want person to actually leave a reply. I hope my reply can change your mind about the dedication behind this lore post

  22. I have to ask, is it fair to kill your friend/ally/whatever if they are being captured to avoid them being so? Knowing they'll just revive oocly.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NewVenture


      I never viewed it as a good idea. I think people should RP as if death was a no-return thing like real life. So if your character likes someone, they most likely wouldn't do that.

    3. TavernLich


      My char wouldn't care he is a top kek, super edgy, super kool, duel wielding katana master who has no emotions and kills all he wants as a master of stealth also having two seperatly colored eyes.

    4. Birdwhisperer


      Death should be RP'd as a if it would be a perma death. Though there are situations where someone would be under so much fear and stress they'd willing to kill their friend/child, but it shouldn't be because you know they'll just revive.

  23. I just Combatlogged.....an Endermen...is that ban report worthy?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JtPv


      Wait, is Rhia serious?

    3. MetaSolaray


      ...yeap :/ "Banned from Server" "Combatlogged "Endermen" ...

    4. Rhia


      I told you! Combat logging is a nono! :3

  24. I really hope that not all of the pigs on the temp map are dead :c none respawn,

    1. cruzazul


      There was a pig Holocaust?!?!

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