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Status Updates posted by rukio

  1. Get in loser, we’re couping on ArcheAge

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer
    3. RaccoonPete


      Yes I want into Minxy too

    4. RaccoonPete


      Please like an subscribe for more ZANY posts

  2. Get in loser we’re conquering Anglia 

    1. RaccoonPete


      Been there done that

  3. What shall thy kinsmen think, thou cause of all their ruth? Thy deadly foes do laugh to scorn thy ill-employed youth.

    1. drfate786


      Okay Boomer

    2. rukio


      Watch it, Amice has his secrets and Edyth is a wise girl.


  4.  Godric n Edyth be like 

  5. @GodEmperorFlam Holy **** my notifications 

  6. how do u cop a forum ban? Tired of Telanir’s forum ****. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Salvo


      I’m not gay and I don’t have a foot fetish


      not a furry either...

    3. rukio


      u have hairy legs, banned. 

    4. Salvo





      send feet pics


  7.  I crave bleach

    1. rukio


      if u start giving warnings for people not emotion perfectly how you want you should honestly **** off telanir

  8. Losing patience
    You're so complacent running around in circles
    And I think I'm going numb
    You're isolating, my head is aching
    "How was your day?"
    Was it just something you say?
    'Cause I think you only care if it goes your way
    This is the end, farewell, farewell, fair weather friend
    Good to hear from you again
    I hear you preaching all these words you can't erase
    I've been wasted
    Spent a lifetime letting you get the best of me
    There's no meaning in your friendship
    This is the end, farewell, farewell, fair weather friend
    Good to hear from you again

  9. There’s a grief that can’t be spoken 

  10. drowning in my feelings

    surrounded by my demons

    drowning in the secrets

    too many I can't keep in

    bleeding out from the hole in my chest

    needing rest

    the outcome was anyone's guess, what a mess

    your heart will beat again
    I need an ending to begin
    kill me with every could have been
    by picking the fights that I can't win
    I didn't mean to cause so much harm
    my shattered frame will never be the same
    love of my life to a beast with no name
    it's difficult to say his name even out of context
    the letters stick together like pain is just a contest
    have a good look in the mirror and pull the trigger, it's self defence
    Edited by rukio
    1. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      who hurt you we need to call a doctor put the gun down

  11. rukio

    Hi Zoslore

  12. @Telanir Quit staff. Resign. Now.

  13. ? Waiting for Telanir’s resignation or for someone to leak all of the times he’s claimed he’ll deal with pedophiles and gone back on his word. Time to step down, telly-tubby boi. 

    1. ZythusRequiem


      I don’t think Telanir is the enemy. Rather, it may be possible that Telanir’s fear of wrong conviction was what held him back. I don’t think Telanir is a bad person. I definitely think [redacted] admin is though.

  14. I love the exposing of bullshit some of these people do after their staff positions aren’t at risk, even tho they knew about some of this while admin/staff and didn’t care. LAWL. 

  15. Heard the Morsgrad bridge is a pedo, admins finally removing one. . .

  16. Hey remember that time Spaceofaids exposed someone and space got banned for harassment because they did their pedo **** “ages ago” ? 

    1. rukio


      @LoLzboi thnx didnt realize it was ur joke ? 

    2. NightcastorKitty


      Nah. He got banned for harassment and kept doing it after quite alot of warnings on an issue where it was proven the 'victim' lied about thier actual age just to try to get said person permabanned. 

    3. rukio


      @NightcastorKitty Joined a few months ago? Nice. You’re clearly an expert on this situation ? 


  17. @FlamboyantTyrant If u dont accept the dragaar ur LAME

    1. Deer__
    2. Neri


      He makes a good case for why they shouldn’t be playable. We’ll see.

    3. rukio


      @Deer__ Listen here you baboon :megugun:

  18. There’s ads? 

  19. Why can I find denied villain apps but not accepted ones? Wanted to go back and look at an old character of mine ?

  20. Haha. Imagine being forum banned. LOSER! xD! 

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