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Stephensj Of House Lym

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Status Updates posted by Stephensj Of House Lym

  1. Can Orcs go to Menocress? Or any other races besides Mori?

  2. My cat just died in my arms while I was petting him...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda would love the pleasure of dying in the arms of the person I loved.. There, being in the happiest place Panda has ever been...

    3. Stephensj Of House Lym

      Stephensj Of House Lym

      I just buried him... In our back yard under his favorite tree where he always slept under when we let him out. Thank you for all the kind words. I greatly appreciate them

    4. Ruonna/Cerafina


      aww hon. sorry about your cat. My cat was my baby. I still miss him. May you find peace in your loss of your beloved cat

  3. I always though the lottery tickets were just Rip Offs. Until I just won $50,000

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Peter Chivay

      Peter Chivay

      That is juicy as hell.

    3. V0idsoldier


      Should donate 10k to the server. You'd be the best pimp ever.

    4. Glaran


      until they take away what they deem tax and then half of your life savings! :D

  4. Is there anything stopping a slave in Menocress from jsut walking out...?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ek_knight


      Presumably they have NPC guards or such that would apprehend a slave? You might want to PM your "master" about the collar.

    3. Ruonna/Cerafina


      lol Kaz. have fun in Menocress


    4. Stephensj Of House Lym
  5. WHAT IS DIAMOND. Is it DIamond, Mithril or Steel, I see a ton of people RPing it as Diamond, wich makes NO sense AT ALL. Is it Mithril or Steel? I prefer RPing that its Mithril

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. argonian


      Call it whatever you want, as long as others understand you.

    3. ek_knight


      i believe the accepted lore is that it is diamonds, but diamonds in Asulon have a different property to them that makes them strong and useful.

    4. legoman144


      We are people with square bodies that can carry thousands of tons of stone in our back pockets.

      Think about this then look at diamond armor.

  6. Why does no one offer any female slaves!?!?! >:[

  7. Hmmm... I haven't seen anybody sell slaves in LOTC yet even though I've heard about it

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Stephensj Of House Lym

      Stephensj Of House Lym

      Well I am actully... HOW DID YOU KNOW?

    3. MetaSolaray


      You just can'tbeat them, torture them without a va:P

      But an actual slave costs some serious money

    4. Stephensj Of House Lym

      Stephensj Of House Lym

      Lol I'm not... And I sort of have a plan for the serious coin thing :/

  8. Watched The Walking Dead episode 2 Dinner scene... *throws up everywhere*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stephensj Of House Lym

      Stephensj Of House Lym

      Not to bad? Panda has eaten human!?!?! *gasp*

    3. MrSyth


      -spoiler alert-

      The worst part was when he was alive, crawling over the floor o.0

    4. Stephensj Of House Lym

      Stephensj Of House Lym

      The funniest part was how Lee was warning everyone and Duck was just sitting there like OMNOMOMNOMOMNOM

  9. I saw this on another guys Status Update, And he has a point, these people could be DDosing us http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/ddos-attack-by-craftlandia.22769/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      Okay then, I'm going to need a SWAT team ready to mobilize, street-level maps covering all of Brazil, a pot of coffee, twelve jammy dodgers and a fez...

    3. Stephensj Of House Lym

      Stephensj Of House Lym

      *turns into a SWAT person hands magically hands him a pot of coffe* LETS DO THIS

    4. Stephensj Of House Lym

      Stephensj Of House Lym

      Spelled coffee wrong :[

  10. *gets home from school* Finally, I can play LOTC! *sees the server is down* ...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tayelikel


      dont we have the anti ddos yet?

    3. -Max-


      Most of South America IS Brazil... touch up on that a little bit ;)

    4. Stephensj Of House Lym

      Stephensj Of House Lym

      You guys just made my day

  11. I just shot someone with my BB gun who tried to egg my house :] *feels proud of himself*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rilath


      Damn that was your house?! Remind me never to go back...

    3. MetaSolaray


      You held back...how dare you, should have shot them then gone outside to beat them

    4. SteelTemplar


      Heh, paintball sniper FTW! Targets school rivals from 100 yards away :)

  12. I was so hsppy when I saw the skill plugin gone. Then so sad when I heard it was coming back

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lykos


      I had better still be able to be Beowulf and hit things with mah fiztz with Philip.

    3. danic


      Philips defenses have been destroyed. Attack!

    4. Wavejammers
  13. I don't have to go to school cause my shoes don't fit. WIN

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MonkeyCoffee


      I have the week off anyway :3

    3. Blundermore


      Don't be so intent on skipping school. One day you'll find yourself regreting not learning more and gaining worth while qualifications in later life...

    4. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      Pff, worth while learning...

  14. Can someone clear up what Bloodlust is, at first I thought I knew what it was but now I've heard 3 diffrent people say three diffrent things about it

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. George of House Glover

      George of House Glover

      Bloodlust is not where orcs are driven to drink blood, it is the curse that Iblees gave us, it means that every second we are driven to kill, the longer we go without doing so, the stronger the urge becomes

    3. George of House Glover

      George of House Glover

      And legoxbox and Bael are both wrong, they are not orcs, do not listen to them

    4. Aryon


      I'd listen to George because 1) He is a senior Orc and you should listen to me because 1) I am Orc App Team 2) I am Ex-Orc

  15. I made a status about this before but no one anwsered so... If someone is banned for a certain amount of days do DDos days count too?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. danic


      "Banned for 1 week (Once the server comes up Ofc) -Hawk on Italian's ban report.

    3. danic


      So I'm guessing it starts when the server comes up

    4. Stephensj Of House Lym

      Stephensj Of House Lym

      If they count, She will be unbanned soon. If it doesn't, She still has to wait a long time

  16. What should I name my new Dark Elf char...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Areon
    3. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      pm Lego_Xbox we need some more Klarens...

    4. Kaiser


      name him wahtever you want, if your born in Oren your dead within 12 seconds

  17. How do I make a battle axe >:O

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stephensj Of House Lym
    3. DrakeHaze.


      OOC cannot be brought into IC though xD

    4. Sargeblub


      That's like saying you can't look up a sword recipe on the internet then use it in game, even if you're a blacksmith.

  18. *starts to throw Mentos at his cat in boredom*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Goldd


      So? No kitteh deserves to be disrespected.

    3. Stephensj Of House Lym
    4. Kaiser


      That kitty took a bullet to the eye in Nam...

      Veteran kitty gets no respect...

      Tsk tsk....

  19. I've been gone most of the day becuase when I was walking down the stairs in school I tripped and my leg got stuck on the railing then it broke :/ So I now have a broken leg :[

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Goldd


      ^ I think he has had enough already. *pats stephens back*

    3. Augor


      PFFFt A few months ago I broke both of my arms, went for surgery to get teh metal plates removed yesterday. Anyway hope you get to feeling better, I know how that type of thing feels

    4. Stephensj Of House Lym
  20. I'm totally ready for people to call me a newbie for using Minersneedcoolshoes :I

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stephensj Of House Lym
    3. Shadeleaf


      no, mc3d all the way, steal

      skins, make skins, upload

      skins, all in 1 awesome


    4. Gallan
  21. Can a Gm or something tell us what is going on?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Galendar


      I agree.. please tell us what's up if you know. Or if it's just a server prob. i think we understand.

    3. Shomanakillah


      Yea... I think some of us would like to get onto the server soon... I miss rping...

    4. Stephensj Of House Lym

      Stephensj Of House Lym

      I was in the middle of being tortured by Lego D:

  22. Quote from Portal 2 modified by me '' Alright, I've been thinking. When DDosers give you downtime dont feel bad about it. Make DDosers take the downtime back! GET MAD! We don't want your downtime! What are we supposed to do with it!? Demand to see the DDosers manager! Make DDosers RUE the day they gave LOTC downtime! Do you know who we are? Were the people that are gonna BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN! With Torchs! I'm gonna have my forum members BURN...

  23. 1,000 profile views :D *looks at Geos 5,000 profile views* Awwwww :[

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