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Everything posted by LPT

  1. Moogle and I own a League of legends blog, you should check it out! http://lolnewsnow.blogspot.ca/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LPT


      I heard the ruskies are dum and stuff. What does arussian chicken say? "Cluck cluck gib crimea"

    3. Space


      I suggest Ukraine. Easier to kick them when their down.

    4. LPT


      I combined Russia and ukraine.

    1. Porko


      Dude that brings me back. I remember playing Club Penguin Cardjitsu with my friends in elementary school lol

    2. zaezae


      Bruh, get that ish out my face.

    3. LPT


      Same Prokchop! I was like the first person to beat the Sensei in my group of friends! It was epic!

  2. http://lolnewsnow.blogspot.ca/ Check out Merry Moogle and I's League of Legends blog. :)
    1. mmat


      I bet you guys aren't Urgod

    2. LPT


      5 bucks says I am

  3. http://lolnewsnow.blogspot.ca/ Check out Merry Moogle and I's League of Legends blog. :)
  4. I made a LoL blog, if this doesn't get me GM I don't know what will. Read it here: http://lolnewsnow.blogspot.ca/2015/04/team-liquid-on-rise-clg-cracking-under.html (Only one post, and it is Esports related)

    1. Avacyn


      CLG has faced the same issues for years and I really don't think it's related to playoffs entirely: I see it as core to either the team's structure or simply Doublelift and Link, the oldest players on the current roster: They fall off, and I don't think they get any worse, they just simply don't improve over the course of a split and everyone gets better than them. Complacency seems to be their pressing flaw as a team.

    2. LPT


      That is a very fair point, they just seemed to be so much stronger this split, and I honestly expected more from them this time around.

    3. Avacyn


      Xmithie and Link are not very good players. CLG would do well with replacing them.

  5. I made a LoL blog, if this doesn't get me GM I don't know what will. Read it here: http://lolnewsnow.blogspot.ca/2015/04/team-liquid-on-rise-clg-cracking-under.html (Only one post, and it is Esports related)

  6. Can we just ban everyone and let Nathan play by himself?

  7. The new rule is not dank maymay by my standards -maymayman

    1. mitto


      tfw they take your maymays awayway

    2. LPT


      I think I broke my last remaining ear

  8. 26 dollars in my bank account. 600 RP in my LoL account.... To buy DJ Sona or to not buy DJ Sona...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shar'ku/jenspelao


      Go out with your friends dont waste money on lol

    3. Areon


      >Plays LoL


    4. Kaun


      >Friends that will yell and curse at your for dieing once

      >Are not friends

  9. If I made my MC name Pugsea would I be banned?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running
    3. Salvo
    4. Mephistophelian


      If it was Pugsea and you made an app, you might get through. On paper, you would be fine!

  10. Why is it whne I buy a time based IP boost I lose all the time... Does LoL put me in a higher elo so I can't strive and have to buy RP? MY offical 8th game lost in a row.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nug


      Take a break.

    3. bickando


      play with low level friends?!?!

    4. Leric


      Stop being Cardboard V maybe?

  11. Both SOna and Twisted fate were buffed most recent patch. I love everything

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      TF Skin inbound I guess, buffing so people will buy their skins and nerf to the ground like renekton

    3. Sneaky


      I only use twisted fate and Lux so lolololololol

    4. Nug


      most people hardly know how to use twisted fate :^(

  12. Congrats Kalameet, you've done what Meguzara couldn't, you became a member of every staff team, and got GM.

    1. ShameJax
    2. Samoblivion


      Admin's next babycakes.

    3. Moot


      Smiles the spiders smile (:::

  13. Finally I wont have to receive all of the messages that JadeKadoa and that other Jaden usually get. Thanks Minecraft!

    1. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      Oh great, now I'm gonna get YOUR messages too. ;(

  14. http://imgur.com/gallery/Me08D0X I feel like this fits LoTC well
    1. Lima


      Dwarven women don't have beards in LOTC.

      Dwarven men just have a false expectation of women. #tumblr #cisgenderscum

    2. Volutional


      I heard that there ARE no dwarf women, and that dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground

  15. **** teemo

    1. LPT


      He literally makes me so salty

  16. http://gyazo.com/d0d83c6c8a16d1f90885359247a301ae Oh no! supremecy is here to shut us down!
    1. Dohvi


      Remember. Supremacy is watching.

    2. BrandNewKitten


      Ah gagh. Per usual. #amirite? #iwishiwascool

  17. The interview is on Netflix already!?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tom_Whiteman
    3. Travista



      muh netflix subscription ran out yesterday ;-;

    4. Parading


      Damn I just paid to watch it on YT the other day

  18. http://gyazo.com/ac8f4a2b5f36e74adcac349e84294b84 Olaf is my new favorite champion
    1. Nug


      i just went 4/2 morg support and it was a 4v5 (we won) :^)

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