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Everything posted by monkeypoacher

  1. get in loser back to the vortex test temp map
  2. now imagine doing this w/ a continent where the 4 descendant races have already lived get in loser we're going to Anthos
  3. Aeldin was conquered by an Aztec civilization at the start of this map. Purchase the Sunset Invasion DLC ($4.99) to see your favorite Aeldin characters on Almaris.
  4. An unnamed and irrelevant Orenian functionary grumbles at the proliferation of bandit diplomacy, where nations grovel and shake one another down in "compensation" for trivial diplomatic slights. He is certain it leads to no long-term assurances of peace or national confraternity, and that another godforsaken global war looms on the horizon.
  5. these "union of the (animal) and (animal)" posts are the pinterest wedding templates of the lotc world

    1. khovend


      you have a point

    2. Urahra


      lotc fursonas

    3. Esterlen


      esteemed union of the steelhead trout, the washerwoman and the dung beetle 

  6. You could also, and hear me out on this, put a hammer on a spring with a piece of flint on it Calling an irl flintlock "animii crafted" and irl black powder "alchemical" does not mean you've come up with unique lore
  7. (damn next time I need to launder like $70 USD irl into mineblock resources I'll be sure to ape this idea. thanks pkdon)
  8. I do not read through Discord chat histories so I had not seen this by the time I posted. It seems I made a simple misjudgment.
  9. If you don't like guns, and someone suggests adding guns, a sane, proportionate response is "I would not like guns." You could list reasons for why they wouldn't fit in with the setting. You could cite lore. There are a lot of things you could do actually. I think for the most part the responses to the thread tried to be civil and constructive, to varying effect. But if, like certain members of the Story Team and its associated magic community, you have a festering persecution complex "spearheaded" by one guy, you lose your absolute **** every time they're mentioned. Your pupils dilate at the sight of [Lore] Musketry, your capillaries contract, draining the color from your skin. You begin visibly sweating as you write write "NO NO NO," and then paste the link to your group chat so your friends can upvote you saying "NO NO NO." If you are in the "fantasy medieval aesthetic" community on this server you have no reason to believe your roleplay is being squashed by anyone. You have been repeatedly backed up by the administration. There are half a dozen independent nations and settlements catering to your ostensible taste for medieval roleplay. If you choose to see other people's lore proposals as a threat to you, you own the responsibility for it. No one else is the villain here. I don't think Hanrahan is a very diplomatic man, but I don't ever see him "bashing (anyone) with toxicity." I think the guy can get emotional at times but it's hard for me not to sympathize with him; people seem to be offended by his persistence more than anything. I was even willing to believe that he had been toxic on the Musket thread until I actually went and read through his post history, which was entirely civil. Do better. We can argue on whether posting [Lore] Musketry in the wrong format was destined to create a shitstorm, but Hanrahan bears almost no culpability for the unhinged, disproportionate, frankly whiny reactions from the community.
  10. you seem to be leaving out a major L.
  11. LoTC PvPers are trapped in a prison of their own creation. There is a perpetual dissatisfaction felt by bandana roleplayers because they derive enjoyment from challenge but do not seek out any. PvP is most fun at large numbers between nearly even sides, so of course the eternal bandana avoids any potentially outnumbered combat, picks on lone roleplayers and kites across the map, denying himself any satisfaction. There are good ideas in the OP but it comes down to what Alty said; attackers game the system and then are frustrated when defenders game the system more effectively. The reason the raid rules are such an abhorrent repressive labyrinth is because players are allowed to exploit loopholes and act without any sort of good faith. If the rules do not prevent you from sprinting 10 dudes into a city without roleplaying you will do it. Meaningfully changing the raid rules would necessarily require changing attitudes. There is a reason these rules are rewritten seemingly every few months; they are a fundamentally untenable compromise between people who play this server for entirely different reasons. You're not wrong but it's very funny to hear about how lotc pvp is "too competitive" and how bandits shouldn't "rely on pvp" for narratively interesting encounters. People have been complaining about this for half a decade and countless people have been driven off our server by LoTC's insistence to graft a weird PvP metagame onto role-play. The same brain affliction that drives a man to make gangster rap pvp montages prevents him from enjoying conflict on this server, they are diametrically opposed attitudes. The one thing I really can't argue w/ you about is that the current war system is deeply stupid. All of the buildup and suspense surrounding a player war gets thrown out in 1 to 2 laggy skirms, it would be way cooler to have a drawn out dynamic warzone with real consequences, and this would ironically solve some of the logistical & moderation problems involved with wars. Fingers crossed I hope Telanir sees this.
  12. we did this ("runic" technology instead of gunpowder) and it sucked ass + was exclusive to like 7 magic rpers maybe we should do arquebuses first though
  13. highlighting black text in a forum post is like blowing dust off a hidden tome immerse yourself
  14. The hands-down coolest encounters I've written on this server were with the necromancers in the swamp in Athera. I think people with more experience with the actual lore have good points but my two cents are that I'd love to see more dark magic roleplay.
  15. so does this mean you're going to bring back 1.8 pvp
  16. ya pretty much doesn't mean we should do nothing but boring gossip rp until the end of time or that you should write about picking potatoes if it doesn't interest you. create an interesting character, take risks, don't worry about drawing attention to yourself. you can totally create ur own khoros blade storyline (within the boundaries of the lore) but you're relying on other people's goodwill to do it, so make it interesting for other people to participate in.
  17. nug is right the application gatekeeping is insane. tons of perfectly passable applicants thrown in the trash over superficial mistakes

    1. Nug


      thanks king 😩

    2. Urahra


      I agree. I've got a friend who has been trying to apply and keeps getting rejected. he's gotten really frustrated. He's not a bad writer. his worst sin is being unfamiliar with all the lore.

  18. you guys should hold warclaims on roleplayhub

  19. abolish all activity checks. remove them completely. you cannot force people to play minecraft and it is a self-destructive fool's errand to try

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Laeonathan


      wow how nice you are :' )

    3. lemontide331



    4. Narthok


      ye rlly not a fan of being obliged to afk in a city

  20. I vouch for james2k he'd make a good tythus ltd. ceo and he's good for the money +1
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