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Everything posted by monkeypoacher

  1. @Telanirheard a key UX metric for lord of the craft is number of FTBs per day. can you tell me more about how you collect this data?

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Road to 500 daily FTBs

    2. Telanir


      We like to measure the fluctuations in moderator tears throughout the week and compare it to our average quota for suffering.

    3. Ryloth


      32 minutes ago, Telanir said:

      We like to measure the fluctuations in moderator tears throughout the week and compare it to our average quota for suffering.



  2. removing the plugin doesn't invalidate any of the work you did for the server. thanks for making the right decision dude
  3. Sorrel carved off a shaving of dry-aged, salted boar hock with the gleaming edge of his dirty knife. He shoved it in his mouth, chewing it with a particularly obscene smack of his lips. He quietly wondered when he would be called again to fight for the Canonist cause, or to engage with civilization at all, for that matter.
  4. what is the #1 problem with lotc's setting, from your perspective
  5. "Oh no, a woman is missing," exclaimed disheveled Tony Jr., as he wedged himself into a corner, hastily retrieving his blue overcoat and white gloves from his bag. He frantically donned the uniform over his sweat-soaked wifediscipliner, half of his body plainly visible to passersby as he finished the covert act. "This sounds like a job for... The Ministry of Justice!" The man declared, emerging as Constable Nicéphore, renowned crimefighter.
  6. freebuild

    1. argonian


      ave freebuild

      please be sure to +1 this comment if you support my content!

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      I miss being able to plant forests on my own by spamming saplings and flowers everywhere. Looks surprisingly good for how little effort it takes.

    3. Timer



  7. bring back resource pits

    1. Shiredom
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      resource pits required less staff involvement than setting up a bajillion nodes everywhere IDK why we stopped having the pits.

    3. monkeypoacher


      having gravel and clay nodes scattered around was a cute idea but the economy team ruined it by making each one cost 1000 mina 

  8. Yea I mean I'd make him give ppl 200 energy & bring back vanilla 1.8 iron only. I'm not a huge fan of surge pvp, I think swing timers fundamentally don't work at lotc's average tps, but I don't believe in shitting on a guy for no reason while he's trying to do something creative. Just think the absolute bottom of the barrel criticism is "umm... isn't a roleplay server?" Especially in response to a legit improvement in the pvp plugin. It's as if these ppl think nickrocky is procrastinating on the plugin that makes everyone roleplay
  9. "Someone has to do something about Haense," says Holofernes, sipping his tea through a reed straw, letting the grit tickle the back of his throat. He makes a mental note to contact the National Humanists later - for a scholarly debate, obviously.
  10. "Once again the contemptible beggar nation of Nordland is seized by a collective colic and wails for appeasement. I say let them come! We will damn their memory. A people that has spent the last hundred years conquering unarmed serfs and demanding tolls will at last be extinguished, its piastling vassals liquidated, and its multitudes of impoverished, misruled subjects returned to the Imperial fold." Having been denied entry into the Silver City, H. Harrenid loudly opines from a soapbox by the Novellen. The rant seeming apropos of nothing, genteel Providence pedestrians cast odd looks on him, as if trying to understand what he could possibly be talking about.
  11. What a ridiculous thing to emote. How do you type that and not think you've fucked up? If you thought you were in the right you'd have to care at all about the quality of the role-play and if you were in the wrong you'd want to be subtle. I'm somehow not offended by the PEX abuse, just the sheer stupidity of it.
  12. Holofernes Harrenid stood high atop a hillock, fully liveried with family sword gestured into the blue and blinding sky. The proud Hiberno-Nordic stock glanced to his poet laureate, beads of clear sweat rolling down the furrows of his pink forehead. Yelling over the wind and gasping for breath, he began to relate: "While I can abide the irresistible drum beat of progress luring the feminine sex out of the harem-chambers of old and into the public sphere, this is an insult to Marriage: the finest sacrament, and the glue that holds in place the very bricks of Canonist Civilization. It is a besmirchment of Manhood, the sword that cuts the proverbial knot of Chaos and delivers society into the light of Reason. But it isn't just any Manhood being besmirched, but that of our most august Emperor, the weary marble column on which the pediment of mankind is upheld. And quite frankly, this insult makes my blood boil! If nothing is to be done - well, surely civilization as we know it will crumble, and what remains will be forced to kneel at the altar of pagan fertility goddesses, choking on the lace gag of so-called emancipated noble women, sundered by the high-heeled boots of a thousand half-elven seductresses for all eternity. Is this the future we will pass on to our children?"
  13. "A decidedly Providencial countenance.." Says Holofernes, squinting at the faded napierotype and rubbing his freshly-shaven chin. Had the deep state truly mustered up the courage to send assassins into the sovereign territory of Haense, hoping to influence affairs? His mind raced.
  14. "The now-deceased tell no tales..." Says Holofernes Harrenid, noted conspiracy theorist and traditional Orenian man. He adjusts his protective chainmail coif (deflecting harmful Azdrazic mind-energies) to fit snugly on his head - but it catches in his beard, pulling painfully on the coarse, oily red hairs.
  15. what r people doing for fun on this server nowadays

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Marron


      Burning witches n getting *******

    3. Timer


      church rp

    4. AnonymousAlexa


      Bitching about Oren

  16. The grotesque, ancient Achille Nicéphore gives his highest commendations to the tailor. (Urara highkey an excellent skinner)
  17. Elagabalus Horen de Savin gazes into the pinkish-orange sky, feeling a wind pick up toward the east. "A favorable sign," he declared, a voice like thunder wobbling the sweat-sheened fold of his neck.
  18. "I will put this child in a cage." Says Ministry of Justice Constable Nicéphore.
  19. Hey man you did a great job in an utterly thankless position. Best of luck with your future work.
  20. hey man it was a joy to work with you in Helena. Sorry if I don't respond to you sometimes, sometimes I just feel like I'm being awkward. Glad to see your ventures have met with success :^)
  21. been a pretty good 24 hours

  22. Sorrel aimlessly wandered the pristine white corridors of the Bastion, trying the handles on each airtight vault door and ironclad defensive cordon. His mouth gaped in quiet awe at the marvel of Sutican engineering.
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