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Everything posted by Its_Just_Leap

  1. So Stan Lee died and we get to see Ryan Reynolds as Pikachu? I don’t know if this is a good day or a bad one. . .

  2. Ever just sit in your college’s commons area and get the feeling to scream “Its getting really cold guys you can turn on the heat now!”

  3. People who change their usernames to be their character name have way too much of an attachment to that character and probably have made it into their little self insert character. Change my mind.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Auriel_


      I miss the good old boys.

      necromancers weren’t too terrible, they were toxic, sure-

      but who isn’t? 


    3. Kvasir


      idk, maybe they chose the username fro the same reason they chose the character name; it sounded cool to them

    4. rukio


      @Rimwyrhta how tf do you pronounce that though

  4. There’s going to be a shitfest over handling it by a case by case basis. Some of the LT have different points of view on which is bad and which is ok, but its not your problem so yeah. (Probably sounded a lot more sarcastic that in was intended) Why can’t dryads learn Druidism and be attuned? Unlike other deity magics this one makes the MOST sense for them to be able to have. I’m asking this like they can’t because you say they may only learn forms of it, but then don’t specify what you mean by that. Other than those concerns and questions this is a pretty good piece of lore. Even though it does only give RP to a niche group.
  5. If its who I think it is, then yeah I’m willing to bet cash that in a CRP situation said player would be able to twist the situation into them being invincible. Due to them forming a bond with an ashtree, that in lore in unreasonable indestructible. I’m sure they’d abuse it. Probably something that needs to be clarified in the lore is that their skin may feel bark like but add no real protection what-so-ever. Asking for clarification. I’m all good with dryads being able to commune and control their tree specifically, but other aspects of nature is just basically snapping your fingers and instantaneously giving them druidism which causes a slew of problems as Druidism is a magic that has a tier system to it and different aspects. Also, what would come from a situation where a T5 druid waltzed up to a Dryad’s tree and started to control it. Would it listen to the Dryad with priority, or the druid?
  6. I enjoy seeing that you will simply ignore my criticisms of your writing and the way you word things directly, so let me give you more. Your writing style and format is that of someone who had just gotten ahold of a wattpad account and made a fanfiction. For some things you write as though every single thing has to be pointed out for the reader, and never use context clues. You also go on and just repeat yourself over, and over again at some points where it isn’t needed, or you could put something else. Repeating yourself only makes the reader bored. I want to ask you this. Why are both of these short stories together? Its just to lengthen out the post. To make it seem like its filled with content, when in reality its just to show that you shelved Karren. His little mental breakdown monologue has nothing to do with your little god looking for someone to teach or alter. He’s mentioned to my knowledge, but thats it. Only mentioned. It doesn’t fit with the tone of Karren’s meltdown. I’m done for now about your writing. Now onto your formal letter (because apparently treating this like a normal and every day conversation just isn’t your thing). I will be quoting specific things from your little letter here directly, because its easier for reference. I feel like you only half read what I said and got really hurt at the fact that I just couldn’t bring myself to enjoy the writing. Putting that it isn’t cannon aside you’re still using buzzwords from LotC and setting it in Atlas, its world. The biggest problem is that there are details you write that COMPLETELY ignore lore as a whole, and merely putting it off as “well this is because of that..” and not being able to explain the why of it. Thats a sign of bad writing. Details that are never explained, but crucial to the story. Such as Karren’s soul going to “oblivion”. It just wouldn’t, even if it does. Why? When other gods have power over souls unless they’re altered. If you really looked at everything I, and other’s have said as non constructive criticism then your ego is actually getting in the way of you growing as an artist. If it demorlizes you and putes you in a bigger negative space, then that sucks. Get over it, criticism isn’t always nice. It doesn’t have to be nice. Take it as it is and grow from it instead of crying about it. I don’t give a damn if you’ve learned your lesson about asking for magic OOCly, I’ve stated my opinion on it in above posts. Good for you for finally figuring out how things work. Anyways, I absolutely hate the argument of “if you don’t like X, don’t watch at X”, because it’s showing how much you don’t care about someone’s opinion if they didn’t like it, or its negative. This being for those who create. If you post it on a public platform such as the forums, then ANYONE is able to leave a comment or criticism on the post. I’m sorry if you’re just now figuring this out. Oh my, if only you knew how ironic that last part was. You went from talking like a normal person, to writing a semi formal letter. That in of itself is showing that you want to show or prove to yourself that you’re better than those and want to make yourself believe you’re on a higher plane of maturity. No where in my posts did I say I was better than you. If that’s what you took from them, then you’re never going to grow as an artist. A tl;dr of this entire letter is as follows: “You didn’t give a positive opinion so you’re being a rude person. you think you’re better than me..” Currently I could feel the angst and anger in this cute little letter. I’ve stated above how disliking someone doesn’t mean you can’t criticize their work. I hate Paul W. S. Anderson because of the way he horrible butchered the Resident Evil movies, but that doesn’t mean I can’t criticize him. Look at the things you do and the way you act and because this entire letter reeks with irony. It doesn’t make a person immature if they think someone else is toxic. That would be like me saying “Calling a murderer a murderer is immature!” You clearly are trying to deflect anything I say so I can’t wait to see how you react to this. btw, an opinion doesn’t have to change every five minutes. Being stagnant in an opinion if it hasn’t changed isn’t some kind of bad thing.
  7. This was by far the worst response you could have made, and you definitely didn’t make me even think for a second that you’re not huffing on your own fumes. Posts like that are literally just an outlet for you to scream to the world how proud you are of your character. What was so necessary about this post? Why is it even here... its not a PK, its not about anything important, Its just you going “yeah ik that this isn’t canon lore, but I’m gonna pretend it is because I want attention.” This post makes VERY little references to lore, except buzz words like “Mali’ker”. In fact there’s no reason for your little god to be saying “Mali’ker”. They aren’t elven, and it isn’t as if that’s a scientific or proper name for the Dark Elven race as a whole. Its just sprinkling in elven just for the sake of having it there, just to show that you know what it means. Oh and for the love of god, no Karren’s soul WOULDN’T go to “oblivion” it would go to the Soul Stream, OR if his soul is altered in any way that Aeriel deems unworthy then he’s cast out to the Ebraetus to suffer. I like how you call Karren your most toxic character. Because its just you quickly reaching for an excuse for your behavior OOCly. I’ve had a few encounters with you, all of them being unpleasant to say the least. Literally begging for magic OOCly, and going out of your way to ignore things that were relevant out of character. Afterwards you got salty and took it to PMs in game to complain and whine about how unfair it was, when it’s just roleplay. There’s no disconnect when you say that Karen was a toxic character, because you are quite toxic yourself. I’m going to mention this because its relevent and proves my point, so hopefully you don’t get too hurt over it, but your livestream is something to look at in regards to how you act. I get that you were being made a fool of, but still it doesn’t excuse the horrid way you acted when that stream was representing lotc. When I had mentioned your characters interacting with each other, it doesn’t just mean face to face. That’s like me saying “oh if my mage casted a shield on my other druid character they don’t talk to each other so its ok.” Its still your characters interacting. One last side note, I hope you do realize that once your lore is approved (if it even is) it won’t be YOURS anymore, it’ll belong to LotC. You’ll have no say over what happens to it, and down the line it’ll be able to be rewritten. You won’t be able to play your god that you’ve created, that’ll be under LT if he even does need to interact with anything on the server. I feel like you’re the kind of person that would flip their **** over the above.
  8. Jesus Christ are you huffing on your own fumes? I swear every time you post on the forums I feel like your ego for yourself gets larger and larger. The problem with this is that you’re turning into one of those people that will go ahead and write your own character straight into the lore which only shows how you think they have some kind of grand importance (which they don’t). At this point your proposed magic IS to make your character more powerful and you keep showing it, you do realize that putting “this isn’t a magic to make my character more powerful” and them IMMEDIATELY writing in a short story about your character knowing of the existence of and being helped by a deity that YOU created. A deity that is still up in the air on whether it’ll be accepted. I’d even wager it probably won’t be accepted for a while due to the fact that the LT are more focused on required rewrites than something new when we already have a lore bloat. That’s besides the point though, I also find it rather concerning that you’re having two characters you created INTERACT. Something that the server is against (and even against the rules.) I want for you to improve in your writing and RP. The path you’re going down now is honestly one thats gonna burn you out quickly. You’re roleplaying and writing for your characters, like I said earlier, like they have a grand purpose, and like they’re a protagonist of a video game or movie. While this can be said about any character on lotc it seems that you directly go out of your way to try and keep your characters in this imaginary spotlight that you put on yourself. When I say put it on yourself, I mean you literally write a post about your character being aided by some deity that YOU created. I think that you need to continue to tell yourself that no matter how many lore posts or just “chapters” in you make that your character will always be on an equal level with some random Joe Smoe in Haense. They won’t be a protagonist with some GRAND AND EXTRAVAGANT purpose. Because this isn’t a movie featuring your character as the hero. This is a roleplay server.
  9. Alright, I’m not going to sit here and absolutely bombard you with the accusation that you’re only making this to have your own special magic. I hope to god you’ve grown from when you sat in Haelun’or and spammed me in game to teach you magic and said you were entitled to it. Which makes me believe what others say that you just want your snowflake rp. If thats the case and this gets passed then we’ll definitely be able to see it by how you treat it when the time comes. Until then I’m gonna give a wait and see attitude. As for the lore itself I think its mostly fine, some things are questionable and really leave a lot of questions unanswered that really shouldn’t just go unanswered. My main issue is that this just seems like it’ll just be thrown into the current lore with no rhyme or reason. It doesn’t fit at all with the current deities tones and themes. I really despise your reply here. As it shows that you have no real care for how this lore piece meshes with others. You just wrote it because you need it for your special magic. It’s almost just spitting in the face of the way gods and deities are handled in current lore. You need to rethink this over, because in my opinion you just throwing a new deity into the lore pitch like a car heading 100mph down a highway is a recipe for disaster. No hate for you (besides your attitude towards other players) but fix your lore if you want it in. -1
  10. Your profile picture terrifies me boy

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jondead


      Better earlier then too late! But good to see you saw the Spookness of my Profile Picture!

    3. Its_Just_Leap


      thought it was a ******* bat lmao

    4. Jondead


      Nae, it is but a creepy cat!

  11. That face when developers will tell YOU what YOU want. Literally from what I've seen so far a developer's only argument has been "I don't want to deal with its upkeep. . ." I mean hmm. . . that almost sounds like you saying you don't want to do your job doesn't it?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BritBritt


      Yo like I lowkey hate the devs aside from Tofuus as much as the next guy but like Hyena is right. 

    3. Its_Just_Leap


      @Tofuus Maybe I'm just being too much of an unrealistic *******. I'm too used to bitching about a game dev that CAN fix issues.

    4. James


      @Its_Just_Leap You're right, they did sign up for it and it's their prerogative on what they want to do with that. If you want to change that, join the team and not only fix nexus, but keep it updated. It's unrealistic to make volunteers commit to something that not only isn't efficient in their viewpoint with the time allotted, but to push something for mechanical features that could be better programmed. Most of the playerbase for lotc happens to be people between middle school and college. Many of the coders are either in a high school program in coding, or working for a A.A. or B.A. in computer science or computer information systems. Between family, friends, school, work and programming for this they have priorities whether they're MIA or not. I'm a programmer and almost came back on the single premise of just doing coding for lotc. Programming is a very meticulous task, and I personally don't believe it a very comforting to treat the small coding team with this respect.   "That face when developers will tell YOU what YOU want. Literally from what I've seen so far a developer's only argument has been "I don't want to deal with its upkeep. . ." I mean hmm. . . that almost sounds like you saying you don't want to do your job doesn't it?"   If your complaint is that they have a problem with upkeep over a single plugin is difficult due to the way it was programmed, then instead of advocating of a return from nexus maybe you should try pushing an agenda of making something similar that their more familiar with having been coded differently. You could simply be a proponent of specific features that you would have re-implemented rather than sit here and drone on about a flawed point.

  12. why football man no stand?

  13. This is art god dammit!

  14. I wasn't saying you had an Ascended character. Didn't mean to imply it. Just using them as an example because they're something that I feel have no purpose anymore, and have no real reason to stay a thing RPly. EDIT: I meant you should know blacklists because you had one. That was what I was referencing you having in my original comment.
  15. Ok drfate why do you have this assumption that my entire reply was about you. Go back and read it again since you clearly didn't see it all. Now that you've read it here's what I have to say- Using the excuse "b-but t-twilight cringe!" isn't an argument anymore considering we have the strigae (And yes they're vampires, lets not kid ourselves), and we had Ferals (and like it or not honey, most if not all of them didn't do "twilight cringe rp" and "ERP in feral form" make another excuse. Because you're clearly stretching). I know for a fact that you have little to no knowledge of those who had Feral previously and are basing your opinions off of hearsay from those who clearly disliked those who had the curse OOCly. I've SEEN them roleplay their curse, and I'm not being biased either. I get absolutely salty when people will take the time to keep from RPing their curse or magic properly, hell I almost beat the **** out of a Humunculus I made many months ago because I heard they were going against lore. I hung around a lot of the ferals. and they didn't take it lightly. Yes it IS a combat advantage HOWEVER they were forced to deal with the drawbacks and around 90% of them did. It was probably a rogue 2 or 3 that didn't. What you're doing is basically the equivalent of me saying something like "W-Well. . . lichs can cast without exhaustion! thats not fair!" and ignore that they have downsides. Once again I can make the same "bad apples in the bunch" argument about the undead community. There have been MANY cases of people unable to RP a ghoul properly. I think you and others on this post make the mistake of not realizing that magic blacklists are a thing and that they can be reported to LT and MT. I'm going to be real for this one moment, and don't take it as toxic. If you're going to sit there and b*tch about players abusing lore and not RPing it properly, BUT you won't talk to MT or LT over the issues to get them repremanded for their actions then you have no right to b*tch about the situation because you're doing nothing to help mend it. Your issues are not issues with the lore itself drfate, its rather with the people that RP'd it. Which is a really petty excuse and practically spits in the face of those that try to rewrite the lore.
  16. I mean if you make the argument that Ferals shouldn't come back because of the people that played them then I can make 10x the reasons for why Ascended should be shelved. Any magic or creature can be abused. If they're abusing it then fix the lore and use magic blacklists (I mean you should know them pretty well considering you had one.) drfate if you really have the stance of they shouldn't come back because of cringe then the entire server should be shut down. Not to mention the group that you're a part of (the necros and undead) are just as cringey and have more issues with powergaming than any feral could dream. Knowing you I feel like when you say "engaged in combat with such foolish things" you mean that things didn't go your way and you thought it was unfair. Its also sad that you like to perpetuate rumors of ERP when I know more than a handful of people that ERP'd with their undead.
  17. Go read the lore before posting on the forums and making an ass out of yourself. Druids are connected to nature, they control it and commune with it to protect it.
  18. Jon, I love you fam. You're a good dude. But do you even know what you were saying when you wrote this? If you honestly think that druidism is one of the more overpowered magics on the server then let me, a player that has a druid persona and has been using the magic for maybe. . . 2 months now? I'll tell you first hand this isn't overpowered my boy. If you have to powergame in order to beat a druid then I think that's all on you. We're able to do a lot of things with our current lore, however we're far from over powered. You mention "spawn roots from out of nowhere". As Jaeden I believe mentioned earlier. This isn't the case. If you're in a MASSIVE FOREST (Such as most of them in Atlas) these roots come from the trees around the druid. They aren't just spawned out of nowhere, and if they are then it's powergaming, and maybe you should contact an LT to fix the issue. Druidism is like all magic in the fact that after a while of casting they WILL GET EXHAUSTED. Its just that (and a lot of people that don't have magic don't really understand this) one little spell isn't gonna make them *drops to the floor wheezing
  19. Why do some of the playerbase get a kick out of seeing others suffer and be miserable to the point that they'll go ahead and dox, harrass, or even go into lengths of making alt characters just for the sole purpose of hating a single player group. You could be using your time for something much more important and yet you sit there and act like sh*t heads. Have a little bit of self awareness to your actions and realize you're trying to make people miserable over a roleplay server. At this point most of you can't even deny that you're doing it out of malice. (I mean you still will because you don't want to be banned for harrassment.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. oblivionsbane


      Because some people are jerks. Maybe they hate themselves, or maybe they actually just hate someone else, but either way, the way they deal with it makes them jerks.

    3. J


      If you want to know why, it's because they genuinely have nothing better to do. A lot of them are kids with too much time on their hands, and have horrible influences around them. They don't care much for other people, especially people whose faces they haven't seen before. They have a sense of morality, but not a sense of connection with the people they're bullying. Half the time, it's done because they want to have a laugh with their friend group, other half of the time it's done out of spite or vindictiveness.


      It's a shitty thing, but it's life. You'll encounter **** people in almost every crevice of the world. Does it make it right? Of course not. But they'll grow, and they'll learn. It's just a matter of ignoring them, or dealing with it when it pops up.

    4. ryno2


      hey dont talk about raomir that way 

  20. I swear some people on the server are like that knight from Monty Python. They'll get stabbed in the back, maimed, whatever and they'll still argue that their character is totally fine from their injuries. Daily Reminder- Its just a flesh wound!

    1. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      Tis but a scratch*

    2. 1784


      Ok I have a solution... pvp

  21. Oh **** did the GM team add more than one person that will actually benefit the team this time?

    1. ryno2


      bout to recruit 20 more GM's to staff

  22. If anyone out there is able to recolor and shade hair on a skin then I'll pay a good sum of mina for you to do so.

    1. Timothy


      ill do it for free, whatcha need?

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