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Status Updates posted by Kitten

  1. LOTC has really dropped its standards. The stuff people get away with, they didn't use to.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kitten


      If you can't stand someone, do what I do, avoid them at all cost. You see them just walk away. But if you aren't to that point, get over your issues. For example Pillan I'm sorry for getting you banned. I mean its not that hard to humble your self.

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Um, but you did get Pillan banned. What for may I ask?

    4. Demotheus
  2. My friends forced me into tumblr, SAVE ME

    1. Demotheus


      ggnore ur trapped

  3. I want to draw another creature, what do you guys think I should make this time?

    1. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      A Lich or a Dragon?

    2. RK9ify


      A kitten.

    3. comanderbly^


      a krawfyod... deadliest creatures out there..

  4. http://gyazo.com/aea315a7d51517fd12606ac498c31adb sneak peak of something else new.
    1. BigDonny


      is it a drawing ?

    2. Kitten


      No, its a lore I'm writing.

  5. A elf, just had triplets...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ivran


      No one cares about the curses anymore, it's not a big deal.

    3. Sporadic


      I play a human doctor and he saw this 'impossible' occurrence happen 5 times in his 200 years. Uggh some people right?

    4. bickando
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kitten


      No, this would eat you.

    3. Anderssn


      A green alien shrek horses?

    4. Frigated


      It's true. Shrek had sex with donkey.

  6. I need to stop locking my friends in stuff. Today Dark got put in 2 cells of obsidan, one with a furnace that was locked above him.

    1. SodaiKamikaze
    2. ℤ∃ʁ∅
    3. monkeypoacher


      sha that is cruel use signs at least geeeez

  7. Minecraft won't let me on, giving me the unknown host error, help?

    1. Anawkin


      as lighting strikes her enemies

  8. Gone for 2 days, and my town gets raided, threatened and so, @.@ am I not allowed to elave?

    1. monkeypoacher


      close your gate

  9. Move in 1.5 hours.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Heff


      -moves to the other side of his bed-

    3. Proddy


      -moves forward to type on his keyboard-

    4. Kitten


      I have Tyras and his friends coming over to help me, should be here soon @.@

  10. going to bed, then a huge move in the morning, hopefully I dun die.

    1. monkeypoacher


      I hope so too. Good luck.

  11. Move in 4 days, stressed as hell.

  12. Found out Angrypuffer stole about a good 10-20 horses and donkeys from me -.-

    1. Fid


      Sounds like a real *******.

    2. DrakeHaze.


      I've lost more horses than I care for. People can kill your horses and steal them within stables because no perms xD

    3. ACanadianCraft (Nate)
  13. I have figured out what to make my character, a Lesbian Mad Scientist.

  14. What should it be called, the Lord of the Craft Showcase, or The Lord of the Craft Artists Weekly?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. calculusdesola
    3. Desires


      The Lord of the Craft Artists Weekly?

    4. bickando


      The Lord of the Craft Weekly Showcase

  15. Would anyone like to submit a few peices of art for a sample run of the LOTC showcase?

    1. Desires


      Sure bbygirl.

    2. Kitten


      Just send me something via pm's or on my post.

  16. Got home from ER, my ankle is sprained.

    1. monkeypoacher


      Aww, hope you feel better.

  17. And unbanned!

  18. Got the aproval to make my scaled dog from a LM finally, have been planning on making it for MONTHS!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jistuma


      It's a normal dog with black scales... You people do think there are a lot of lore restrictions...

    3. knightly11 | lotc_fox

      knightly11 | lotc_fox

      but what does it taste like

    4. Jistuma


      Tastes like chicken of course, everything tastes like chicken.

  19. I wish I could make a LOTC showcase of peoples art. Like actual art not video's and screenshots...

  20. Teerz : Say coast 5 times. Grim: *does so* Teerz: Spell it Grim: *does so* Teerz: What do you put in a toaster? Grim: Butter....

    1. DrakeHaze.
    2. Raktar


      omg i tricked nug with this joke XD

    3. Gone
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