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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by Raomir

  1. well that's unfortunate...

  2. lead dev when?

  3. >makes fun of rp wedding

    >supported rp combat

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Raomir


      yeah at least i didnt date an egirl

    3. Harri


      at least girls actually show interest in me lmfao

    4. overlord2305


      Raomir is just jealous since he couldn't even get a egirl 

  4. wonder which GM gave him that ip :thinkplant:

  5. me and you can go toe to toe no maybe 

  6. big thanks to urguan for supplying us with diamond armor, we'll be awaiting our next shipment this Saturday 

  7. how you doing man

    1. Soggy365


      I'm good, you? Wifi got knocked out by Ex-Hurricane Ophelia nearly two weeks ago, and the company have yet to fix it. I'm also in Germany at the end of next week for five days, so it's looking like I won't be on for a good while yet ?

    2. Raomir


      fucccc that sucks bro, have fun in germany though heard its nice

  8. thoughts on catalonian independence?

    1. ShIXTank


      Just like frostbeards ahahah

    2. seannie


      time to test modern weaponry and tactics in spain again 

    3. nordicg_d
  9. the most severe ban length should be a month, for the most heinous crime, there needs to be some serious community discourse about ban length. if you've ever been banned you know that it doesn't take a month for the gravity of your actions to take hold, in fact most of the times a simple warning is more than enough to put you off from ever doing some similar. And please don't give me a comparison to real life justice, this is a minecraft server, no one is gonna sit around in a cell contemplating their miniscule and insignificant actions on a MC server.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Raomir


      all our **** got deleted though from what i recall

    3. Raomir


      Do you think that pusgiers/cyberers deserve to be perma'd? What do you think deserves to be a perma ban

    4. Raomir


      I think that if someone cybers, it shouldn't be a perma ban. Sure, it's potentially placing us at risk for a law suit, but I highly doubt there is anyone out there that will go so far as to sue over some pixel sexy time. Not to mention that it would probably cost more to even put that law suit up than they could ever hope to receive from Tythus LTD. If cybering was a perma ban, I know a lot of people who did it when they were younger, would not be around today. And I don't think that's fair, even thought I think cybering is absolutely braindead and people who partake in it need to visit a therapist. 


      Pugsying whilst fucked, should maybe be around a year or so for however many times you did it. Sure it's fucked, sure you may have repeated it. But the damage done is usually nothing more than a slight inconvenience.


      Duping is something im usually pretty against, but after spending some time with a couple profilic dupers, ive found that they usually dont do it to **** the server, they just do it because if they dont, the other side will do it and they'll get absolutly roflstomped. not to mention most duping is usually assisted by GMs, but biased GMs is a whole other topic which i am sure we both have experienced to a very intense degree


      and i totally agree with the RP mistakes


      also some people dupe because of stupid nexus craft time and just pain in the ass leveling

  10. urguan logic: if you cant beat em, ban em #FreeKevin

  11. is gender bending still allowed?

  12. PSA: it wasnt even close

    cya next week ;)

  13. my patience runs thin...

    1. Brawms


      fiskiller said its okay to call you a jew , jew

    2. devvy


      ik u miss me. i’ll be getting a new laptop soon. . . dont have to make statuses about me. 

    3. overlord2305


      Just like the blood of your enemies? 

  14. don't call it a comeback

    i've been here for years

  15. your end is near old pal

    1. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      I'm pretty sure nothing will happen in the next week, that's for sure.

  16. well well well : ^)

  17. finger to the trigger u bouta get blown

    1. itdontmatta


      dude you're not cool wtf is this bullshit


  18. 6 years of LoTC and GENDERBENDING is STILL allowed :o

  19. man i love you guys

    1. Mj.


      hey mj Whatsup 

  20. you're here to stay

  21. if someone can make sigils well, pm me or add me on skype raomir123

  22. wheres my legendary tinker? :  )

    1. CaptainBrock


      D: missing the good old days man, ogdan the legend

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