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Status Updates posted by NomadGaia

  1. With the Event tem Apps, Is it okay if you add the screenshots later? I don't Have my computer with my screenshots right now

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NomadGaia
    3. SparehoeCakes


      The screens are a very mportant part of the builder app, I'm pretty sure, so you may want to include them during post.

    4. BrandNewKitten


      You not only want to include them in your initial post but you want to constantly update and add to it.

  2. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”― Ralph Waldo Emerson

    1. V0idsoldier


      That's where Waldo has been. Learning how to be a philosopher.

    2. NomadGaia


      The question has been answered...

  3. ....hour 8 in the car :I've run out of mountain dew...I must now survive on only beef jerky...my legs have fallen asleep..I hope this will end soon...

  4. I will be offline for a period of either one week, or one month. Bai Guys

    1. Katherine1


      nuuuu. Bye :(

    2. NomadGaia


      I hash to go to L.A and den boston

    3. Katherine1
  5. Just did Azatae's Deathpost...I cry everytime I read it

  6. I have just donated a couple hundered loaves of bread to the Clinic *feels helpful

  7. Listened to this song while running through the feilds of wheat in Lenfarthing....best moment ever.....

  8. Do you ever get that feeling when you have An AMAZING idea, but you're to afraid to tell someone because of what they might say

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      Every single one of my ideas in a nutshell, only usually everyone really does hate them and I'm just being stupid.

    3. Tom_Whiteman


      You can tell me <3

    4. xboxersz


      I suppose I should wait until later to tell everyone about how I'm bioengineering clams to live in space...

  9. I logged on in Leu, right when the Caelria were "purifing" Malinor

    1. NomadGaia
    2. TeaLulu


      whats a caelria and i wanna see man

  10. wouldn' it be cool if there was a live action LOTC movie?

  11. Donated a few hours ago...still don't have my perks....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deadoorOldAccount


      it took me a while to get my perks ;p

    3. NomadGaia
    4. Ever


      I claimed it. As I said, I have to wait for an admin to confirm the donation.

  12. Im thinking of posting my book on the forums...

    1. Αμφίονας


      Would it not be to long for the forums?

    2. Jakesimonson
  13. You know how people use the ... and sometimes between words? Maybe Each dot should count as a second.

    1. meg


      They usually indicate a pause in speaking, I think they're called 'elipsies?' I might be wrong.

    2. Nekkore


      ^ what Meg said, it's standard English that gives the effect of a pause, or a silence.

  14. I just spent most of the day making a wooden sniper rifle....I feel acomplished :D

  15. Family RP.....you gotta love it...

    1. ryno2


      love and marriage, love and marriage...

  16. My LP Is Finnally out! :D

  17. '

    1. NomadGaia


      Fail....Well I was going to say I was Recording the First Episode for LOTC

  18. I've got All the componets for my LP of LOTC Soo excited...

  19. Ruaonnas back :3

    1. Hoss


      Wonderful, I just got banned

    2. NomadGaia


      ); Sorry....

    3. Hoss


      Tryin to get the whole situation cleared up, hopefully I'll be unbanned

  20. Im thinking of making a Let's play of LOTC....First Episode might be out as early as....tommorow

    1. Danny


      Make sure you do! I love watching the server from other people's perspectives.

    2. NomadGaia


      Okay :D thanks for the Support!

    3. Merkaken


      I've always wanted to do a Let's Play... But I have no idea how to. Ah well, I suppose I can learn after my open house.

    1. BrandNewKitten


      I think you are cool :3

    2. NomadGaia
    3. gabriel101x1


      The Media team isn't looking for people to do lets plays, as people can just do that in their own time. The media team is about working in a team to create cinematic and informative videos about the server.

  21. How long does it usually take for an Event team App to be Accepted or denied?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wretched


      Oh xP Then I'm not sure.

    3. SparehoeCakes


      Same thing really, MT apps are checked when they feel the need for certain things, can take a day or year to be checked really.

    4. Redbaron™


      When ever there is a demand for MT members Haelphone will check over apps. A lot of times there isn't a need for any specific skill that you offer so you may be passed over until such a time they need your skill set.

  22. I am Listening to Sea chanties and Now really want to be part of a Crew......

  23. I feel like all the races should have a theme song

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